Why do so many nerds and losers like Asian girls so much?

Why do so many nerds and losers like Asian girls so much?

Objectively speaking, do Asian chicks have the worst facial features out of all women?

>Why do so many nerds and losers like Asian girls so much?
Sideways vagoos.

Looks like a magicarp.
The fuck?

yellow fever was popular long before weebs and nerds.

Asian women used to have no idea what American culture was like- guys would marry asians because they're tired of fat white mudsharks and trashy whores fucking them, getting pregnant, not aborting and then getting child support from the dude.


do you have any idea how amazing that is to guys? To be able to date someone, fuck them, love them, and marry them and not have to worry at any point in that time that this bitch is going to baby trap him and then leave him so she can get a monthly stipend (child support) that she can spend on weed and Uggs and lululemon yoga pants that can't fit her rapidly expanding fat ass?

Did you just discover that Asian girls looks like magikarp when you try and shove a cock down their throats?

This is a site for adults kid.

I find asian wimmin simultaneously the most and least attractive of all human beings at once

as it should be

You wanna talk it out user?

Sounds like she hurt you bad

Asians know all about this. They trap a guy and con him into sending money back home. Ners and losers love them because they can be taken advantage of by asian ladies and feel they are winning. Requires no skill. They also like them for all sorts of other fucked up reasons. Asians are gross. Terrible bone structure as humans.

How can you find them the most and least attractive? Where on that spectrum does OP's pic lie?

What's bad about their bone structure?

Because they're shovel-faced, slant-eyed, jaundiced, alien looking troglodites, and because they're shovel-faced, slant-eyed, jaundiced, alien looking troglodites.

Just gets my motor running. Or stalling. Never can tell 'til you can tell.

Why don't you like their faces? I don't have yellow fever but I tend to find them cute.

They don't all look like ops pic do they?

Honestly dude I'm a bad person to ask. I'll pretty much fuck anything with a pulse.

But no, they don't. One of the most attractive women I've ever known was half viet/white. She had the most amazing legs I've ever seen. Super cute face, glasses, nerdy, academic vibe. Worked where I did while she was finishing her master's thesis. I was not enough man for her.

Anywho that being said there are outliers for every race. Some are butt-ugly the gamut around, some are gorgeous.

As I said, never can tell.

>They don't all look like ops pic do they?

Almost all women, even the super hot ones, would look retarded if you took a pic of them from that angle while they were trying to shove a cock down their throat.

Is she dead?

according to your misinformed ass

>do Asian chicks have the worst facial features out of all women?
No, that would be black women, they literally look like men.

This is the worst bait I’ve seen in years. Asian women are famous for having the best faces. In polls of White guys and Black guys, they always choose the Asian girl faces as the prettiest.

>Why do so many nerds and losers like Asian girls so much?

Probably for the same reasons why so many studs and winners like Asian girls. Because Asian girls are top tier.

>best faces

Flat nose, black soulless eyes, flat face, underdeveloped chin/jaw, oversized lips, yellow skin. Are you blind? Do you actually find OPs pic attractive?

Oversized lips? More dumb bait. That’s Negroes, obviously. Flat noses? What girls are these? None of these Asian girls have flat noses.

> Posting plastic Koreans

I've read that yellow fever actually works the other way around, that the asian women throw themselves at western men and the men, of course, don't object, especially if they don't have much success at home.

As for me, whilst I do study Chinese for career reasons and could see me live in Taiwan (preferably) or China for a few years I generally don't find asian women very attractive. If you can't see through the poses, the makeup and the overexposure on their pictures, then sure, they are super pretty. That's not to say that there are no pretty asians, just that they're not the norm.

Asians can easily pretty themselves up by makeup (especially around the eyes), camera angles and too much light on pictures. Just google Asians with and without makeup.

Asian's have the perfect thighs:calves ratio. Excellent calves.