What the fuck is wrong with me?

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I was in the shower about 20 minutes ago and I did half of my workout in the shower cause I was out all day (70 squats and 70 calf raises)

I waited until I got out so I could finish the rest and decided to spank one out, but when I came I had the most painful headache of my life. My head was throbbing to the point where I almost threw up and I literally said the words "I'm going to die" out loud, and my nose started bleeding (I think it was bleeding prior to this and I didn't notice, because I dont think headaches can cause nose bleeds)

around 20 mins later my head is still throbbing, just not as bad. In the past I've had a headache for around 2 months on the left side of my head, joint pain, and jaw clicking if that is of any help. So what the fuck happened there? The shower was hot and there was a lot of steam too

>tldr: I came and gave myself a headache so bad I thought I would die
>the fuck happened to me

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Help Sup Forums am i going to die

what the fuck is hapening

Its just cancer

Still go to thé hospital m8

its 2am and i'm afraid i'll die behind the wheel

With 100% certainty.

certain of what

The same thing happened to me and i died
Gl m8

OP here I ate like 4 slices of pizza, 2 chicken strips, 3 waffles today if that has anything to contribute to my cancer nut

get well soon

let us know if you die

i'll try

I've had shit like that happen to me mate besides the bloody nose (what the fuck mate). It just sounds like you seriously overworked yourself and got your purse dangerously high. I'm not too sure how you overworked yourself though. There are likely external causes like shitty cholesterol or a bad liver or anemia or hell even just good ol' cancer knocking at the door, but yeah just a near lethally high BPM is all it sounds like.
>Used to be a first aid responder, but don't quote me. I'm no medical professional or anything, I just cleaned up messes and kept kiddos calm.

Sounds like an aneurysm. Hospital and CT scan time.


Tension headache, i used to get them, its painful as fuck but youll be okay, just dont beat it for a while

all the blood rushed to ur head.... both of them

if you were clenching your ass to pump blood to your cock when the headache came on its not uncommon

could the nose bleed have been from the steam?

how the fuck am i supposed to explain to my doctor that i was beating it and gave myself a headache

sounds like a mini stroke
get your blood pressure checked

are you taking workout sups
that will jack your bp up

hot showers increase bp

jerking off increase bp

just tell him you were having sex

people have had strokes and aneuysm and died while having sex

By telling him you were beating it and got a headache?

ive never had any blood pressure problems before, i think it was working out in the shower fucked me over. as for a stroke i dont think so because i was conscious the whole time

you can have a stroke and be conscious you idiot. go to the doc asap

I wouldn't worry, idr what they're called but severe headache upon orgasm or shortly before is mostly caused by the spike in blood pressure. The nose bleed happening at the same time seems like a coincidence if anything.

You really think he gives a shit? He most likely saw people with things stuck up their asses.

really you should be in the ER

you just tell them you were having sex and you
got a sudden extreme onset headache and you nose started bleeding and it felt dizzy and wanted to vomit

it's not a stroke, just spike in bp. Strenuous activity can cause that whether or not you have bp problems.

oh shit. lmfao. i dont want to go right now. also am i okay to sleep? i know you cant sleep if you've had a concussion,is it the same?

Haven't you ever watched House? Don't fucking lie to the doctor! They're professionals

My amateur diagnosis is a stress migraine from over-exertion.

thank god. do you think this could have killed me? i was hoping

If it's cold out, and your sinuses dry up and then get in a hot bath the steam moistens up your nose and it'll start to bleed because it was cracked. Just get checked and make sure everything is fine. I suffer from really bad nosebleeds so.


Just go to a fucking hospital boy.

Not enough data to be 100 percent sure, we need you to do it again OP.
Better livestream it too...for research

>There are likely external causes like shitty cholesterol or a bad liver or anemia or hell even just good ol' cancer knocking at the door, but
Those aren't really external causes.

>I've had a headache for around 2 months on the left side of my head, joint pain, and jaw clicking

that sounds like auto immune get it checked out.

my migraines start out with a growing blindness in one eye so it wasn't a migraine.i can always tell like 30 minutes before i get a migraine

its 2:47am i dont want to

Sexy girls here 6url.ru/jzkJ

livestream tomrrow i'll start a thread

>how the fuck am i supposed to explain to my doctor that i was beating it and gave myself a headache
"I had a hot shower, did some exercise, then masturbated. Following this..."


trips checked, and those symptoms haven't been showing up lately so am i fine?

Aunerusem or stroke go to the doctor dude

You had your first migraine headache.

ive had migraines before this wasn't one.

Do the complete opposite of everything:

Instead of hot shower, make it really cold.

Instead of standing up or exercising, sit on the ground under shower head.

Instead of beating off, close eyes, breathe slowly and massage head.

Hot showers can lead to feeling light headed, so does working out, topping it off with jacking off is just asking for it. It probably had something to do with blood flow. Your body is nice and loose, then you pumped it all to your legs, then back up to your head depending on how hard you were jacking or holding your breath.

Like you just did, he'll assume it was vigorous and kinky without a graphic description.

Dr. doesn't care at 3am, it's just a bonus for them if they don't have to pull something out of your asshole.

It sounds like BP and nothing good comes from ignoring it. Unless you stroke out like a proper fucking spaz while playing Santa for orphans and someone posts the video here.

I already did

if you're in a country with proper 1st world healthcare call a fucking ambulance

but this was most likely a one time thing, right?

Just fucking tell him you were masturbating. Doctors of all people know it's a thing everybody does.

You know there's emergency hotlines with experienced and trained health care professionals that can give you more info.

Probably, but bitch you're posting about it so youre obviously worried. SPend the cash and see a damn doctor. Theyve had to deal with much worse then jack off stories

but that is only the mind of 1 person. Sup Forums is the minds of many people, thus supplying me with a more accurate answer

Welcome to the 1% of males who experience sex headaches.

I had this, its an artery in your brain tearing slightly due to a blood pressure increase when you ejaculate. The only way to stop the headaches is to stop fapping for about two weeks. The headaches can relapse every few years.

Myself because I suffered from this from age 14-19
Google it

And I feel you brother, its fucking painful, and btw you have a negligible chance of the artery completely tearing and causing a brain rupture but its like 0.005% chance

>Have fun

i just wanted to make sure i wasn't in danger of dying

what the fuck please tell me your lying

Google it, 'Coital Headaches'

Trust me I went through a world of pain with this

You're always in danger. Stay woke fam

no fuck that i do not have that i wont believe it

And btw you are the first person I've known other than myself to experience this


You might be having SAH - subarachnoid haemorrhage , patients experiencing this describe the headache they get as WORST HEADACHE IN THEIR ENTIRE, WITH SUDDEN ONSET, go to ER NOW


>you came
>intense headache instantly

Mate you have it, i couldnt believe it myself at first, we are the unlucky ones

Hot showers increase body temperature significantly which increases your blood pressure greatly. On top of that you exercised while in the shower(something that is very dumb) so your blood pressure was likely at dangerous levels. Then you got out of the shower and started jacking off which sent all of the blood in your body racing to your cock while your heart probably started beating even faster, increasing your blood pressure more. When you came and your blood pressure hit critical mass you likely popped a blood vessel in your sinus which caused a nosebleed and a bad headache.

The classic symptom of subarachnoid hemorrhage is thunderclap headache (a headache described as "like being kicked in the head",[5] or the "worst ever", developing over seconds to minutes). This headache often pulsates towards the occiput (the back of the head).[6] About one-third of people have no symptoms apart from the characteristic headache, and about one in ten people who seek medical care with this symptom are later diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage.[1] Vomiting may be present, and 1 in 14 have seizures.[1] Confusion, decreased level of consciousness or coma may be present, as may neck stiffness and other signs of meningism.[1] Neck stiffness usually presents six hours after initial onset of SAH

Same thing happened to my friend who goes to the gym and wanks a lot turns out he had sinusitis

but surely i would have experienced it while in my teens??

Is the headache still there?
Did you hear a loud noise as soon as it happened?
Do you have any deficits or stroke-like symptoms?

if i die i want you to know that i love you

Masturbation increses blood pressure and can lead to explosion of aneurysm located in brain arteries, go to er now you might have SAH


headache is faint, no loud noise, i dont thinki have stroke like symptoms

Sounds like you're about to die bro.
If i were you i'd call an ambulance.
Im not sure if you can afford it but im pretty sure dead people cant afford shit too.

It can happen at any time in your life

Use google, but yeah two weeks nofap will 100% sort you out

>until it comes back in 18 months with no warning whilst you are boning some chick, true story

Come here sexy 6url.ru/jzkJ


Op you have spiders in your brain I'm so sorry

Okay to put it medically. Under a shower your entire body moisturizes, your organs soften and when that happens it causes a slight shift in your organs positions and they become more fluid meaning they become more jumpy and move a bit more. If you already had something going on in your skull, a shower plus some masturbation could contribute to a sign of some symptoms. As you are jacking off, adrenaline and chemicals as well as some signals are rushing through your brain and communicating up and down from your brain to your dick. Let's assume the worst case scenario and call it a tumor. The tumor may be large enough to block said signals or atleast harden their path therefore causing you the pain.
Hope this helps, i'd suggest you check with a doctor asap.

i used a pic i already had saved, i didnt know what the fuck happened so i thought something was wrong with my brain so i used it

i'm sure they've seen and heard worst...

Oh I thought he got a scan within 20 minutes and got a copy of it and had time to write this

Oh Ok, probably full of shit though since this is Sup Forums. Otherwise, you 'gon die. Sorry Son

If you're serious you really should seek medical attention.

I'm tired, sorry.

Is that one in 50000 odds of dying per cyclops strangulation? Supposing 10 times a week, it would be about once every 5000 weeks that i would die. About 50 weeks in a year so about once every hundred years, assuming I didn't drunkenly botch my math. Gay. This isn't a feasible form of suicide.


spiderman aint shit

OP, my auntie had an aneurysm so I already know what will probably happen. You are going to die. The pressure in your head will kill you.

if you die you can go fuck yourself

OP here

thank you Sup Forums for everything
i wasn't expecting you guys to actually help me

what it came down to was it was probably a stroke due to high blood pressure, but its not for sure

if i die i'll make a thread tomorrow and let yall know, goodnight Sup Forums

(Coital Headache Guy)

A summary

Unless there is blood coming out of OP's ears his artery is just torn a little not broken, its perfectly safe with nofap

1% of males suffer from the condition triggered at any time in life, it relapses every so often but usually a year or two.

There isnt really anything a doctor can do because its rare and you are literally fapping yourself into a migraine.

The chance of death is so small you dont need to worry about it.

All these retards saying go to ER don't understand what OP has actually done and that the headache is gone now as normal.

I'm a britfag and I didnt even go to ER when ita free.

Yo, I've have that after consuming larger than normal quantities of caffeine after having not consumed caffeine for a while, and then masturbating furiously.

There was one point after a serious (caffeine free) drug bender that, when I sobered up, I had the headaches every time I beat it for a few weeks after consuming coffee. It was excruciating but went away within 10 minutes.

It's super weird because you're ejaculating and it feels awesome but you also have an excruciating pain in your head but it still feels good because ejaculating but it hurts terribly but it feels so good but god damn it it hurts but uuuuuuhhhhhhhgggggg kablamo ahhhhhhhhh owwwww ahhhhh ow ahh ahhhhhh ow ahhhhhhh

About two weeks ago i had something similar happen. After doing some pushups i got a killer headache that felt like someone put an ice pick into my brain, it stopped within 5 secs and hasnt come back. At the time i thought i was having a brain bleed and was going to die lmao.

Never though about the caffine bit but that was my experience exactly

Wasn't a stroke. Talk to a doctor about it, but you basically just mixed a bunch of things that fucked with your blood pressure and caused a blood vessel to burst. Do not fucking exercise in the shower you nincompoop. It is actually a very bad idea for many reasons. Seriously, don't do it.