How do we stop future school shootings like Columbine?

How do we stop future school shootings like Columbine?

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Ban guns

we don't we make them happen

> no guns
> no school shootings
> less gun related crime
But muh freedums and muh rights and need to own a murder tool, I live in a gun free nation, never seen one, never needed one.

Doing more porn less guns

Ban School Shootings

Ban Marilyn Manson

just remove schools

Ban video games

stop blackmailing?

Ban murder

nuke all the schools obviously

Ban German music

Simple, we ban public schools.

Recognise the 11'000 deaths by firearm you have each year and ban guns.


Just leave it up to natural selection

Ban schools

>public school systems
its a fucking mess. Teacher unions, overcrowding, and CommonCore. Honestly, homeschooling 13hrs a week yields better results than public education. Add some foreign languages into the mix and don't promote any specific language (English or Spanish or Whatever), and fuck it all. Worst off, the teachers will begin to help only the slowest/dumbest ones in the class.

Public schools are nothing more than daycare required by the state.

Ban school


Stop bullying.

abolish the state.

>millions dead from countries that forced their citizens to give up their right to defend themselves
>hundreds dead from school shootings
>ban guns

We'll since I'm too busy working 40+ hours a week I'll just go ahead and let public school take care of it.
I'm curious about what your particular criticisms are of common core. I live in Texas, so it's a non issue (our schools are garbage without it, but mostly because Texas education board wants Moses in our history books).

If I had children, I dont want them to be taught by some government approved teacher who is going to brainwash my kid with some liberal pc bullshit.

By letting the natural hierarchy be free to assert itself. The weak should fear the strong, and the strong WILL express themselves, even if it means slaughtering their peers.

exactly abolish the state.

Ban schools.

Are you saying Dylan and Eric were strong?
Lmao, weak ass pussies had to resort to shooting innocent people just to show how badass they are.

OK but that didn't really answer my question. Everything I've seen of common core has been mostly related to math, and I think some of the different ways they teach it are actually pretty neat. Not sure why you think common core means liberalism, unless you're a nut job who believes in creationism.

Maybe we could try to figure out the factors that are driving young men to decide that their lives are such meaningless dead-ends that the greatest achievement they can hope for is to die in a blaze of false glory?

Stop the media frenzy that happens after every shooting. Putting these assholes down in history and having a candlelight vigil every year just gives them the infamy they craved.

All that could be done through homeschooling/private schools that provide more professional education.

but it's sooooo much easier to blame guns! Please?!

free escort for every new student, free escort for the best student each month and 3 cops for each school defense


richcunt alert

I don't think you're understanding my question. I wanted to know, what in particular do you dislike about common core teaching methods? Like I said, it doesn't get used in my state, so all I ever see are memes.

It depends on how you define strength. They got what they wanted, regardless of the consequences. At certain angles (from an individualistic self assertive standpoint), that's strong, while at others (from an ethical emotional standpoint), it's as weak as it gets. Not everyone is violent because of insecurity if you think that's why they did what they did. That's a liberal belief. They were psychopathic.



Then what is your proposal?
>education for rich people only
>middle and low class can work as cleaners

but if i'm not free to murder people, how am i truly free?

Just be nice to the quiet white kid. You'll be fine.

You are free to do so. You could do it right now.

Exactly, look how well that has worked to stop drugs, booze and piracy.

>keep guns, remove schools
hurray! more dumbass retards with military weapons!

Oh boy simplicity in its purest form. Yes that will work so well. Oh geez everything will be peaceful. It'll be like prohibition. People will make their own or find a way of getting them.

Just be ready to face the consequences when you kill someone whenever you want.

>best argument ever
so why not also make murder legal? people still murder even if it's illegal. just make school shootings legal. just look how well banning school shootings has worked to stop them.

I'm going to be straightforward here. We need guns in the general population. It is literally the reason we were never met with an assault on the western half of the USA during ww2. Now I'm not totally for or saying non at all for gun control but I am saying if everyone has a gun, and all the teachers have guns. Well now you have a 30v1 fire fight and your sure to lose. Long story short we need guns and a polite society is always armed.

just don´t ... because it´s fucking hilarious

instead of banning guns, just make the schools into prisons for the "freest" people in the world! oh wait, they've already done that.

You don't, let it happen. Natural Selection will take place including the shooters

We need to look to the other countries who've set examples on how to deal with school shootings and how to prevent them. Banning guns isn't gonna solve it.





Do the same thing we did to solve the rare occurrence of school fires. Instead of being retards and "banning guns" we took measures to make all schools flame retardant. So why is it so crazy to think we take steps to protect schools from shooters. Cops on school grounds, ability to remotely lock down areas of the school, etc.

Removing the essential liberties of a free nation is not the solution. Only children desire a false sense of security over freedom.

Link Related. People will use the best tool availble.

i agree the western education system sucks, especially life at school. it doesn't do anyone good.

Ban the kids from school. If there is nobody at school to shoot then we will stop having school shootings

What makes you think seizing guns stops anyone from actually owning one?

Every felon in the ghettos of any nation has a gun regardless of their gun laws. When you have nothing to lose, getting caught with a gun is the least of your worries.

There are no school shootings in the USA. Schools are "Gun Free Zones", so it's impossible.

Campus carry

you have parents that pay attention to what the fuck their kids are doing.

Definitely ban video games.

Why has no one else said this?

>A bunch of amateur gun users with no professional training will be able to properly assess and deal with a school shooting situation.

This has been proven to work. A school shooter came on campus (I can't remember which college) and a student shot that fucker dead.

The best part is that the school had banned guns and he was carrying illegally. No prosecution for him though of course because he saved everyone's ass.

Because most school shootings are in high schools where kids are not legally old enough to own firearms let alone carry them.

So why not make it legal to have guns but pass a rigorous gun safety and training course in order to get a concealed carry license for minors?

What makes you assume these people have no training?

I'm college age and I've been shooting for years and trained with professionals. Most other people that carry guns have been taught by very experienced people and they have respect for their weapon.

Of course there's idiots in every circle. Natural selection will kill them off


And if more people start carrying, then how do you tell who's the shooter and who's got their gun out to try and save the day?

>not getting safety training in order to carry a gun

Not training with the weapon, training with the situations

I'm pro gun but I wouldn't trust my young idiot self to carry a gun in high school. Maybe when I was a senior. Probably just need more school security instead of students carrying pistols. You know there will be fuck heads showing off their pistol at lunch and all that shit.

Most high schoolers don't understand consequences for their actions.

>republicans are actively trying to remove the requirement for permits to conceal carry

Well how young do we go? I generally don't believe giving kids guns unsupervised is a good idea. I am 100% for adult gun rights, but honestly looking back at 15 16 17 years old do you really think kids were mature enough to be carrying firearms? I don't think kids going through hormonal changes are always the most forward thinking and level headed. I am all for Teachers concealed carrying or armed officers who take training courses.

Every student must be naked ay school. The school will supply everything so no backpacks either. I also just solved the drug problem too.

Why do people always use this retarded wild west esque concept. Its simple the guy shooting at unarmed innocent people is bad, the one shooting at that guy isn't bad. Seriously, there is a reason you don't hear about these wild shootouts outside of hollywood.

Most guns that kill arent registered

But school shooters all obtained their guns legally.
Imagine if they went into the ghetto and tried buying guns off actual criminals? They'd be robbed and raped in minutes
Ghetto gangstas shoot other ghetto gangstas
Kids with legally owned guns kill other kids
Its all quite logical if you think about it

prison pocket. checkmate putin

ban niggers.

I'm rather certain the columbine shooters were asian actually

but do you have niggers in your country?

Lol what?!?! You think the columbine shooters were legally allowed to own guns?
Its literally ILLOGICAL you have draw this wild connection and think it means something.

Mandatory buttplug. Teachers will check to see it is in place. Checkmate britbong.

Close all schools in the usa, workplaces too.
Then "workplace violence" and "school shootings" become impossible...
Problem, little usa?

Oh yes

fucking retards

what country is it?

kek. problem solved

Give everyone a gun so they can defend themselves in case a shooting occurs

Well, this is a tricky one. Most stupid people will say "Ban guns," but those people are retarded, so moving on.

Second would be to improve the social atmosphere and parental involvement in the homestead, but that would involve parents actually... y'know... PARENTING, which clearly isn't going to happen any time soon, so, moving on.

Best I can think of is a better system of evaluation and observation in schools. Smaller class sizes, better teacher-student interaction, improving the overall quality of the school-going experience, but that would basically require a revamp and overhaul of the entire school system, and lord knows THAT'S never gonna happen. If it was good enough for dumbass farmers in the 1700's, it's good enough for the kids of today who probably know more about the electronic tools and devices that teachers are using in their classes than the actual teachers do.

America is archaic, backwards, deluded and retarded when it comes to things like this, and there's really nothing that CAN change it, because sadly, we don't WANT to change. Change requires work, effort, involvement and actually TRYING to do something, and everyone knows we'd sooner commit suicide than do any of THAT horrible stuff.


This is such a dumb argument. Knives are literally "murder tools", just recently trucks have become murder tools. Guns are the only defense against tyranny and the only truly efficient tool for self defense. Free society does not allow for a consolidation of power.

I am from south philly and have lost 3 friends in my lifetime and my Cousin in laws brother was killed 3 days before thanks giving. 3 of those deaths were with knives. Guns are an absolute necessity if you believe people have a right to protect their lives.

This place needs vintage