I asked this question on Sup Forums but it got pruned caused it seemed that stupid americans weren't able to count that...

I asked this question on Sup Forums but it got pruned caused it seemed that stupid americans weren't able to count that high and got really confused. Don't let me down Sup Forums, it's time to test your wits.
The winner is the one that completely destroys the other.

us army

pretty sure it got pruned because downies aren't allowed on the boards.

i dont think so, that a lot of fuckin kids, like a lot!

the kids wouldnt be able to do anything
like just stick around and be annoying assholes but still
us army

The Earth’s mass is 5.9736 x 10^24
quintillion = 10^18
average weight of a 7 yo ~50lb
mass of 5 quintillion ~ 2.5*10^20
no one wins that fight

if kids = agressive then kids = win
if kids = not agressive then army = win

they'd probably run out of ammo before they could kill all the kids

you must be alone at parties

5,000,000,000,000,000,000 is quite a few kids
Pretty sure thats more kids than the US army could kill in many years

What's the problem here? Kids get slaughtered

lets say 1 bullet for each kids
5,000,000,000,000,000,000 bullets.

dude have u ever even worked for enron before like wtf

1 min of google 3 tabs and basic understanding of math. Yeah I must be socially retarded. Enjoy your 4 locos and false sense of normalcy.

Earth has a total land area of around 196 million square miles. This works out to 1.03488 trillion square feet of land. If each kid stands and we give each one a square foot, to themselves we still don't have room. If we start stacking them we would have to stack 4,831,478 layers of kids to fit all of them on land. At 7 each kid is about 4 feet tall, meaning that layers of kids would reach out about 3660 miles into space.

No one would win because the massive amounts of kids would instantly kill everything. The kids highest would suffocate in space, the kids in the middle would be crushed, and the kids at the bottom would be liquefied to to massive amounts of weight and pressure. Even if you spilled them into the sea it would likely displace enough sea water to cover the earth in water. Nobody is getting out of this alive.

TL;DR No winner because earth is not a clown car.

that is the most autistic shit ive seen today
sorry ur so upset but itsfunny so id ont mind

Do you have a fuckin idea of how much people is that? Those kids are x521739130 all the people that have ever lived on earth.

"how much people is that"
how about go back to your country you monkey

Kek keep pretending you've won
I hope you fee better user, i'm sure Sup Forums will defend you

Remember, last one alive wins. and judgin by the numbers its way more probable the kids win for whatever the fuck happens with that much kids

>that is the most autistic shit ive seen today sorry ur so upset but itsfunny so id ont mind

proof you dont read your own posts

now hes reversing the psychology lmfao rekt

what are you trying to say?
ofc the kids would try to kill however they can

proof u care
thx it feels good

>the massive amounts of kids would instantly kill everything

So the kids would win.

10/10 would love to see

How so? The kids are x434782608 all the people that have ever lived on earth, they would run out of ammo.

what are you stupid or something? it's well known these fights take place on an infinite plane

Hugely Underrated - Made me KEK

Learn to count you fucking imbecile

learn grammar you immigrant

>US army hides in an underground bomb shelter
>Drop a couple nukes to kill morale and food supply
>Kids starve over the coming months

You have to remember, the army kills babies, not kids. The kids win.

How log can a kid go without food?
Us army wins by a landslide

From how many people are in the US army according to google, that's how many seven year olds each soldier needs to kill. My money's on the kids.

this makes no sense at so many levels i don't know where to begin.

what is the distance between forces? the supply limitations? are the soldiers armed? to they have weapons at their disposal? what is the upbringing of the children? do they have weapons? are they agressive? do they have food to eat?

so many factors at play. you are playing with impossible numbers.


If the US army is 2000000 strong and each one can shoot 60 rounds a minute with one bullet per kid you're looking at about 172800000000 kills per day. To kill off 5 qunitillion kids would take about 79245 years to accomplish. The army would win because it is comprised of men and women, meaning that the soldiers could fuck at an accelerated pace in order to keep replenishing the lines. The kids are all boys so they can't sustain their numbers.

According to Nat Geo "Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, the entire world's population could fit within the 500 square miles (1,300 square kilometers) of Los Angeles." Seeing that the kids are x666666666 times the entire actual population they would need around 333333333000 square miles, like you said 196 million square miles is the surface of the earth, meaning that the kids would actually stack to have around 1700 layers, not millions.

Who wins

300 spartans
The entire Persian

You belong on Sup Forums

There are no bomb shelters in an infinite plane.

Image fagmiliar

They don't need to kill anyone, just keep the food. That many children can't feed themselves.

The kids can cover the entire earth's surface around 1500 times, how do you think you can contain them without running out of any kind of ammo you'd use?

where does it say the kids are all boys?

they're only 7, but since the battle is so long, there'd be plenty left to start reproducing themselves 5-7 years after teh battle started

The kids are plentiful enough that they can eat each other for however long it takes to kill the army.

You couldn't move from those many kids. In fact i dont think you could breathe

It takes a month for a child to starve to death

Army will be walking over their corpses in 3 months without even firing a shot.

Actually 1500 layers of kids, dead or alive, would be covering the entire us landmass

They won't eat each other. They won't even eat their vegetables!

>earth is not a clown car.

That is more kids than the US army's entire supply of ammunition. Even once they have expended every single bullet they own, there will still be enough kids to swarm them and wear them down.

Army because the ungodly amount of kids aren't there to kill

You don't realize how fucking big a quintillion of anything is.
The number of people in the United States, Army , Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps. including reserves is 1.7 million people.
1000000000000000000/1722451 = 580568039 people.
That means there would be almost 6 million kids for every single solider. KIDS WIN

shit I meant billion

false, each layer expands the surface area of earth as it is round therefore it would leave us with even less layers.

If my quick napkin math is right, the gravitational force felt by the troops due to the kids would be 494177 times stronger than Earths.

1 quintillion 7 year olds would most likely consume all the oxygen in the atmosphere at a higher rate than it is produced assuming they did fit

trips confirm

confirming the trips

7 quintillion kids can't reach an AC-130 mowing down battalions of the little fuckers.

They would both lose because that many kids would fucking destroy the earth.

Valid point! We just need to take the average height of a 7 year old, multiply it by 2, and add it to the diameter of the earth to calculate a new surface area of each layer. And then integrated that formula for 5 quintillion kids

most of them will starve

That amount of kids would be so massive it would overcrowd the earth alone by sheer number, and basically absorb any molecules of oxygen left effectively suicide suffocating everyone including themselves
Not only that, their own size would produce a gravitational field which would collapse them into each other, technically killing all of them
But taking everything else with them

Are we forgetting that the US military can just drop their arsenal of nuclear payloads and wipe out half of them in less than an hour?

There are about 1,500,000 active members of the US army. That means at 5 quintillion 7 year olds, each army member would have to kill 3,333,333,333,333 each. At 500 children killed a second, it would take the US army 210 YEARS to kill all the 7 year olds. Even if they didnt fight back, the 7 year olds would win when the US army died of old age.

Attrition victory.

DUDES you are not considering the NUKES for Christ sake

If on the earth, the kids win by wiping out all life on the planet.

If on an infinite plane, the American military wins.

>Use superior firepower to hold back the horde while building fortifications
>Nuke surrounding areas to create radiation zones that kill the kids that wander thru it
>creates narrow kill-cordons that are easily defendable
>hold out until starvation claims the last child

Does it change anything if the US Navy, AF, Marines, etc. are on the Army's side?

How are the children feeding themselves?

but you can bet your ass that AC-130 will run out of ammo or gas real quickly, and without even wipin %0.0001 off all the kids

What? There are a lot of kids, but no THAT many. Yes, enough to crush everything under the 30 tons of kids, but not enought to destroy the earth

Im pretty sure nukes overrule anything that could possibly oppose the us army, you said that the goal was to obliterate the other, well, to take out all the kids we would need all of them which would result in the obliteration of everything else on earth, INCLUDING the army but it would still be the army that used the nukes and therefore the army that killed the kids.

And again, what could all those kids have for you to fear? Autistic screchs? Sure they are alot but they are still kids

this is a fucking stupid empty question that requires no "wits" at all. Fuck off.

The USA doesn't have enought nukes for 400 million times the total amount of humans that have ever lived on earth

Even if every country in the world combined their nukes, they still wouldn't have enough nukes to kill 6 quintillion kids. Like some user posted above, the kids would create thousands of layers on all earth's surface

Are you forgetting that those kids are x434782608 times all the people the have ever lived on history? There aren't enough bullets or nukes in the world

The kids are 400 million times bigger than the total amount of people that have ever lived on earth.

5 quintillion kids would form a mass that would tidally influence the earth's surface

If they all appeared over the land mass of the USA it would be an extinction level impact event

dude usa got missiles and nukes and kids cant do shit

we have shit tons of nukes. We can kill 5 quintillion kids floating randomly in space.

>5 quintillion
nigger do you realize what that fucking number is, none of them would even have space to breathe

Open, I'm so drunk and stoned and I can't stop laughing I'm gonna puke. Fuck you.

actually we dont have a lot of nukes, not even enough to wipe 0.0001 of the kids

What you are overlooking is the chain of effects that this would cause, do you really think the only result of all the us nukes AND sub-sequentialy every other nuke on the planet affected by the explosion would be a giant ball of magma floating in space? Hell no, im sure it would result in alot more shit that its out of human control, i just cant figure out what would actually happen.....

Either that or we can go to plan B where we buy each of them a copy of minecraft, put them all on a single fuckin mega server powered by the sun itself and wait untill each one of them screech at each other to death, sounds solid to me.

>put them all on a single fuckin mega server powered by the sun itself
fukin kek

You don't realize just how fucking powerful the nuclear arsenal is do you? The US has ~4500 nukes. That's enough to turn the surface of the planet to a barren wasteland incapable of supporting life.

there will be no one to pilot the fucking AC-130 because no one on earth will have space to move/breathe.


but not enough to destroy 1500 layers of kids covering completly the earth's surface. There over 30 tons of kids stacked on top of each other on every square meter on earth.

Sounds like pedophile heaven to me

that nigga won't even be alive too see that

They would die of thirst or starvation within a week.

that's actually not true.
we have enough to wipe out most of the earth's population, but not to destroy the planet.
the planet is big af my dude.

And take everyone with them

That was fascinating


Wouldnt an explosion that big mess with shit like the orbit or something?

we don't have any way to detonate all our nukes at the same time and also it might do something, but remember giant fucking asteroids have hit the earth before and some species still survived.