Philosophical question thread

Philosophical question thread

>What is your meaning of life?
>Is it a fulfilled life to work all day?
>Why do you live then?

please kill your self anonfag this is not the place


The only meaning to life is to make more life. So you're not gonna live up to it, OP.


the meaning of my live is taking revenge on assholes. Else I am complete nihilist




>Meaning of my life
Do whatever i want
>fulfilling to work all day?
Hell no, thats why i dont do it
>Why live
Cause i dont have to work all day to get what i want


too much is done in the name of freedom but not in the name of morality,
you are the reason why we cant have nice things


must be nice, trust fund baby? lottery winner? what are you? i jack off everyday thinking about being independently wealthy

Im dirt poor, but im charismatic and married rich.

Started personal business and accounts with her money, but in my name.

If we ever get divorced, ill have to pay alimony, but no matter what, ill be ahead of the game

But i am not stupid, i dont fuck around. Shes average, but i get hard thinking of green.

Fuck morality, i wanna be caligula

well done man, i haven't got the snide, coldly calculated selfishness to pull of a stunt like that. even though i'm broke as fuck too, i value comfort over having to put on a facade like that every day... which is why i'll probably always be broke as fuck

which is why i dream, dream, dream, and dream some more about one day hitting that jackpot, or having some long lost family member dump some millions on me

Friend, i respect your morals, and i mean that sincerely.

But fuck being homeless in chicago. Especially while white.

And hell, i dont think i could love anyone truly anyhow. Too jaded.

She gets a charismatic (good looking? She says so but i think im average) pieces of man on her arm to take to see fucking operas and go to naperville to see her cousin she bitches about


The meaning of life is finding out what YOU believe the meaning is.
If you love your work more than anything else, then yes. If not, well, it'd be a waste of time.
I live trying to search for what will make sense doing to me. I'm trying to find out what will make me happy, with philosophy as a starting point. You should do the same.

This is bait

there is no universal truth for all life, let alone all existence.

work is like extortion, you have to do it in society otherwise you cannot even live. NO food, no toilet, no roof over your head. Taxes as well, you do not pay you will be put in jail. Resist? you will be dealt extreme prejudice. You trade in some freedom(or all freedom) for security. that is the unspoken law of society.

I live because I choose to. Illogical? sure but I enjoy my life. Find a balance between work and pleasure, the destruction and fear.

"Is it a fulfilled life to work all day?".

Why don't you get a job and find out for yourself, how is this a philosophical question?
It is for some people, isn't for others.

"Is playing vidya fulfilling"
Ever heard of personal preferences in life?

bruh it's like the circle of life, "I am what I think what I do" Renee Dejeuner said that

We work hard for 90% of our lives so we can have kids one day who work for 90% of their lives

No meaning
depending on you career
there is no reason not to live, death is just as meaningless. So why bother yourself thinking about it?