Is this NyQuil safe to use for large doses? I want to trip on DXM

Is this NyQuil safe to use for large doses? I want to trip on DXM.
>pic related

yeah man, just down the whole thing. should be fine.

Just do shrooms, deliriates are never fun.

lol, poor fag can't even afford weed

hope you die with your shitty drug

You'll more than likely OD, but i mean, its definitely gonna be safe, go ahead, chug the whole shit


You will OD if you chug the whole bottle obviously

Find a product that only has dxm as an active ingredient. You don't want the other shit that is in nyquil.

that shit will dissolve your muscles and you will piss them out

Is there a way to extract the doxylamine succinate from the syrup?
How much exactly will make me OD?


Go on erowid and do some research

this is the only correct answer

some of the other ingredients in cough syrup can cause very serious problems if you take a large amount of them.

My question is: will the amount of syrup that will get me high be the same, fewer or higher than the amount that will OD me due to the doxylamine? What is that amount if the bottle contains 8oz?

Mix it with water, let it sit. Let the water seep out without shaking the crystals at the bottom.

And what then?


Optimally you'd do it in a gallon water jug, so with a razor you can drop the water level until you only have a little left the bottom that you can sift out.
Just take the crystals you get and get high. Side note though, they've dropped the DXM levels in newer caugh syrup and such. You'll probably need more than one bottle.

As for how much will OD you, no idea. I haven't heard great things about DXM highs so I never tried, I just know how.

This only works with delsym. Or generic dxm polistirex . Hbr syrup does not work in this extraction tech.


>Is it save

Yeah , as long as you're over like 150 you should be cleared to drink about half the bottle

Thing is nyquil has a massive sleep aid in it. You will defiantly pass the fuck out before you have any fun with it

This is what you want op.