I cant grow a beard. Im already 25 and there is not possible way...

I cant grow a beard. Im already 25 and there is not possible way. Only a goatee or random points of haird around my cheeks, which means nothing in these days.
85% of the girls Ive been meeting only want "the bearded men look"

Any of you in the same situation? What will happen if I get bald if I cant get a simple beard?

you cant get a full beard because you lack the genetics of it. Unless you find a way to transfer a that specific gene into your body, you will never grow a beard.

same here, will be 26 soon. I don't have chest or arm hair either, I could still pass as 16

There are ways of beard transplant, like common hair in the head. But Im not really sure if you can shave that without fucking everything

shitty beards are partly genetic, partly hormonal. If it means that much to you, work on boosting your testosterone. You also may have patches on your face that grow at different rates. Just let it grow. Don't fuck with it at all.

Source: I am one beardy mother fucker.

Thats it, when Im around girls my age I look like a kid compared to other men which look like vikings.

Only low quality women like the beard look. Its a fad and they want to have a "cool" boyfriend because they desire nothing more than popularity.

Since you can't grow a beard, rock the clean, successful look. Short hair, completely clean face, well-dressed and fit.

Low testosterone from masturbating all the time. When will you faggots recognize your own downfall?


Lies, I have a full beard and am a champion masturbater

Read this If a girl you want only want this look because every fucking other guy has it, then she doesnt deserve much time.

Also most of these bearded men use that stupid pigtail. Have your own style.

Implying you can't be well dressed and fit with a beard? Beards trending over clean shaven and vice versa is a cycle as old as recorded history.

Boy who have trouble growing a beard will always make an argument for a clean shaven look. Men who can easily grow a beard will argue that beards are manly. It's the 6 foot and under = manlet argument all over.

Find a look that works for you, and rock it. I wear a full beard in an office setting. I keep it well maintained, and it gets compliments. The alternative for me is looking like I'm a first year intern, despite being with the company for 8 years. I have a babyface and I know it.

Op, don't give in to the bearded faggot look. Just be your own faggot, everyday, no matter what.

Confirmed. My beard has been described as "kingly" and I jerk off on any day that I don't have a hookup.

Having a babyface its not bad, there are lots of guys my age they look old as fuck. Girls tend to love that.
At least I still have hair over my head.

Unless you have a girly jaw, you don't need a beard.

False. Genetics control the COVEREGE of your beard, that is, how much hair you can grow on your face (full beard, goatee, neckbeard, etc). Testosterone ONLY affects the rate of growth. It does not affect coverege whatsoever and will not improve your beard.


Dubs masterbrathers

Get over not having a beard. Most times beards harbor fecal matter and bacteria, even if these hobo looking mother fuckers wash regularly.
Just be confident.
>tldr sack up

Alright. Celebratory twins porn!

25 here and I've never had a single long hair on my face. FEAR ME FOR I HAVE NO NEED FOR RAZORS

Your entire body harbors bacteria you numpty, it's what makes us function.


Lel I could grow a beard at 17.
Kys you Joe dirt motherfuckers with yo patchy ass "beards"



Dude. What is shampoo? And fecal matter? What kind of hobbies do you have that is putting shit in contact with your cace? I mean, I guess I could see picking up a little when I go down on someone, but that's pretty rare because "it tickles" or "It's scratchy". Actually, looking back on it, I don't have to fuck around with foreplay anywhere near as often as I had to when I was clean shaven. It's a little neck kissing, a little digit wiggling, and I'm in.

guy without a bear here

basically i can say for 100% certain that its a worldwide fact

if you dont have a beard no one will ever love you, people will constantly laugh at you behind your back, and no one will ever take you seriously

theres basically no way to even pretend to be successful or happy without a beard as nothing you ever do will ever mean even 1/infinity of something someone with a beard does

Beards are GAY get over it.

Shit, I just lost it.

Here is mine right now
Usually it's very long but I trimmed it down for christmas.
Had it for 6 years so far, haven't shaved since!


Just steal a bear from the local zoo. I'll help you.

Ive gone a month and a half without shaving.
Still looked like a pubescent boy.
Shit's depressing.
I'm planning on asking my doctor to test my testosterone levels.

Girls dont have to fight this much, NEVER. Try this exercise, think of a girl you know, convert her into a man. Most of the times he will look average. Nothing special.

BUT as a girl, she can pretend she is another person, lying with her height, boobs, hair, extensions, everything.

The worst argument ever. By that logic you might as well say shave your hair and eyebrows too because they can also have bacteria on.

>guy without a bear

there's a bear out there for everyone. hope you find yours

I have had a beard since I was 20, in 24 right now. Full beard actually and not patchy, get compliments on it from practically everyone.

I grew it before it was a fad. Like all fads, it will go away soon, and I plan to keep my beard for the rest of my life. I'm sick of normals with beards and top knots, it's ridiculous.

Either way, what's considered "hot" by most mainstream women's standards today, will probably not be tomorrow since they're shallow and dumb enough to be swayed by public opinion. You don't want them, get someone who likes your looks, but primarily for who you are. It's cliché, sure, but it holds true regardless of fads and trends.

>I'm planning on asking my doctor to test my testosterone levels.

Why? testosterone causes male pattern baldness in some men, other than that it has nothing to do with hair. If your genetics say you have facial hair, you have facial hair, all depends on where your descendants came from.

>because they can also have bacteria on.

Do, bacteria is inescapable, gets better, your hair, eyelashes, and earwax all harbor small mites

Like Native Americans are often hairless

Your not a man. that why.

OK, dad. Next, tell him about how hard work pays off.

Testosterone will not improve your coverage. Test only affects the rate in which the hair grows. Genetics is everything when it comes to what type of beard you can grow. There are plenty of bodybuilders who no doubt have a shit ton of testosterone in their systems, but who can't grow full beards.

I really cant get why all this beard trend in the western world. Have you ever think it has something in common with arabs? With their way of life?
"Hah, we couldnt implant the hijab into western women, but at least the beard look its already everywhere"

brb shaving every hair off of my body to become a mannequin man

>Can't grow a proper beard
>Have enough ass hair in quantity and length to form a beard

Kill me

33 yo here. No beard too

> Have you ever think it has something in common with arabs? With their way of life?

No, not really user, beards and men predate Sapiens, let alone monotheistic gods.

Don't forget your butt hole and taint

>tan easily
>sunny environment
>grow beard
>look like a sand nigger
wat do?

Haha, I think ass hair is more of a constant than facial hair.

16 yr old fag here
one week of not shaving and I have a full-beard
life's redartet

Sad. When you get old you can never be a pro Santa

Keep it trimmed and sharp, look like an Arabian prince instead of a god worshipping pleb

a month and a half is nothing. It will take 6 months or so before you have anything that can be described as "full". That's actually why beard bros bond so easily in any setting. We know the dedication it takes to get past that shitty phase. Plus all of the extra crap you do to maintain a well groomed look. Fucking beard oils and balms, combing. Trimming, Shaving the "not beard" areas without fucking up your beard. The constant awareness of crumbs when you eat...

It's as much work or more as maintaining a decent hairstyle. Their are rewards though. You will never think as clearly as you do when stroking your own beard. It's just the perfect tactile distraction for the rest of your mind while you isolate and resolve a problem.

I think you may be a girl

Well, I think my T levels are low, anyway, since I have a hard time building muscle mass/losing weight, and I am depressed/low energy a lot.
If it happens to help with facial hair too, all the better.

Have a beard and have had pussy in part due to the bearded look. Bitches dig the clunge sponge.

Can't wait for the trend where guys start to grow and display their ass hair. I'm gonna get so many girls with my ass bush. I just hope the trend rolls around soon so that I can capitalise on it before I'm an old man.

Nice. Thanks

It doesn't man, I grow an epic moustache, goatee and neck hair but my cheeks are patchy, such is life, nothing will change that.

t. baby faced faggot

>Shaving the "not beard" areas without fucking up your beard

This, really really helps to have someone else do it.

It won't help with facial hair coverage. That is 100% genetics. Just know that before you make any decisions about taking testosterone or not. Don't go in hoping it will somehow give you a good beard.

Because the only thing that can get you women is a beard, right? Don't be such a faggot

I always end up shaving my moustache, and leaving the goatee area, it looks like something at least.

Why do you sad pouting faggots always end your posts with some generalized shit, if you're any kind of confident, no matter how you look at some point, someone will find you attractive.

I use a contour guard. it helps.

>16 year old

Please mods

my facial hair was extremely thin and wispy until 30 then it darkened out and got more robust. i'll never have the ridiculously stylized mountain man look but that's ok, it's just a regular beard now

my whole 20s i felt really bummed about it though

would you go out with this facial hair?

Are you sure you're not projecting? Most girls I know dont like beards at all and are vocal about it. If you cant grow one, keep it shaved at stubble level. If you really want one you need Testosterone. Eat foods that stimulate T production. Lift weights. If all else fails, Rogain applied where you want hair to grow might work. Also lose weight, I had a neckbeard until I lost weight, its almost like the fat keeps the hair from coming through.

It's what is on the inside that counts. And we all will live happily ever after.

>If you really want one you need Testosterone

You are all gigantic faggots.

With work, that could be a decent chin strap. If he lets the mustache ends grow, he could do a decent Fu Manchu. You're always going to have a shitty patchy period when you start to grow out a beard. Unless you have the luxury of being able to dwell inside for 4-6 months at a shot, you will eventually have to go out looking patchy.

>wanting to look Arabian

....oh ok

I'm part Asian. I don't have much in the way of body, and my facial hair grows slowly. I have a full goatee with mustache and soul patch (three separate pieces because I shave it way), and it looks perfectly fine. The summer after I graduated from high school, I didn't work at all, and I just didn't shave until right before my college classes started. When I shaved, I left the facial hair that I have now, and I've kept it this way ever since.

>mfw full beard and 3 gfs


Are you truly this fucking retarded, underage, or just baiting? The point was, because I apparently need to spell it out for you, that the lack of a proper beard isn't the only thing that's keeping OP or any beardless faggot from getting a woman.

>I cant grow a beard. Im already 25 and there is not possible way
Don't sweat it - beards will be back out of fashion in 18 months tops


So many people have been fed misinformation about testosterone. It's really astounding how many think that it develops your beard. Your beard is 100% genetics. It CAN improve over time (some people can't grow a good beard until they are in their 40s) but this is still completely genetic. Unfortunately some people attribute this to chemicals/stimulants/diet or whatever because it happened at the same time. If you want to believe the bullshit then go read some articles about how almonds will give you a big dick or something. You'll probably buy into that too.

35 and can't grow a beard. I regularly pull girls in their early twenties because of how baby faced I am. If you accept it and find a look that works with being clean shaven, it's not all bad.

be grateful you cant look as disgusting as all these other pathetic greasy worthless neckbeard losers running around with pubes hanging off their faces who actually think it makes them look cool

You will spend money on escorts or leave dating altogether it's a waste of time and money anyway.

25 aint shit. If you don't got a beard by 35 then I dont know what to do

I really hope so
Even such faggots have beard

>I can't grow one either

Fix'd and desalinated.

He said that already happens, there is a difference between a rich atheist man of arab descent and a bearded muslim though, just have a look at arab history pre Islam.

It has 0 effect on beard pattern but if you have male pattern baldness in your genetics then excess testosterone will reveal it for you.

Im 32 and babyface too, it looks nice, but you really cant have a serious relationship with younger girls in their 20s. Im not in the mood of having to go back to going out to parties like in my twenties or trying to survive in the snapchat/twitter/social era.

He was citing looking like an Arabian prince though which implies Islamic Sultans you noong

Very true. There are ups and downs to beards. I can grow a decent one so I like to keep it but most young girls won't look at me twice because it makes me look older. If you have a baby face and can't grow a beard then just wait for your 30s and that will start paying off for you.

sorry faggot i can grow one just fine im just not some greasy filthy basement dwelling piece of garbage like you and all these other tools who think the 2010's are such a fascinating time to be alive

It's always a fascinating time to be alive, man. Sorry about your depression.

No I was citing looking like an Arabian prince, the Arabian phenotype has been around a fuck of a lot longer than Islam and there's nothing wrong with looking Arabian.