Do you like her body?

Do you like her body?

2/10 would not bang

^^ faggot^^

what's your rating?

Master bait man strikes again :^)


Look at that ass. Damn

More OP? She has a great ass but cant rate without seeing all of her

ever seen her before?

yes. her.

I've seen one or two other pictures.
Not very familiar

what's your favorite picture of three so far?


and what time is it where you are?

1pm. You?

an hour behind. i'm gonna be on and off at various points in the day. when i've got good window of free time i think i might have a thread with a dump of her (and maybe other babes too) later today. if you'd like to get my attention later today try making a thread with that picture.

I'm doing a family thing for Christmas eve for most of the day.

I'll be free later tonight around 10 my time.

I'll definitely be looking for a thread when I have the time though

stay on the lookout, if you like beautiful naked women you'll enjoy it.

I can promise you if I see the thread i'll join in.

I'll definitely make a thread looking for you once i'm done with family stuff. (Again probably around 10)


do you know what times you'll be free tomorrow?

Unfortunately not. Doing a bunch of family related stuff all week since relatives are in town.

I can only reliably say i'm free nights

i'll keep that in mind. is there anyway i could identify you for the future? Like the state you live in or your initials or something?

Lets just go with PA

It stands for perfect ass because I wont be able to stop thinking about hers all day/week

here's a parting gift before I go to make you don't stop thinking about it.

God damn.
I have something more time before family gets here today if you want to dump for a bit longer..

i need to go get something to eat right now, for now let what you've seen so far be an effective tease to plant the burning desire for more in your mind.

Oh come on... one more?
I really hope to see a thread tonight op...