And so our game of Christmas Go/b/ begins!

And so our game of Christmas Go/b/ begins!

Events will be every 5 turns!


Claiming Reed
>sig inc

Claiming Blackwood

>sig inc

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Claiming Bolton
>Donald Bolton.

>Bobby B of House Reed
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

3 claimed, 32 more and I will temp claim.

>Special Event: Winter Wonderland: This game there will be a constant winter that gets worse every thread. Thread 1 starts with -1T then thread 2 with -2T and so on.

2 kek

Claiming Manderly

> Lord William of House Manderly

>Donald Bolton of the Dreadfort
>Our Blades are Sharp
>They have to go back.


Claiming house Stark

>Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

>4 players in the north, 1 in the riverlands

game is ruined before it even began

Game begins, I will temp claim Velaryon

>Special Event: Winter Wonderland: This game there will be a constant winter that gets worse every thread. Thread 1 starts with -1T then thread 2 with -2T and so on.

Blackwood > Ashemark

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Here comes the triumphant return of Lelouch Vi Baratheon!
Claim Bara

Border Moat Calin

>Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Conquer the neutral Crownlands.

>Lady Sapphire Targaryen, Lady of Dragonstone.
>Fire and Blood (3/3)

Manderly > Corbray

> Lord William of House Manderly

Changing to Royce.
Royce>Arryn to the Eyrie
>Donald Royce of New York
>We Remember

Changing to Baratheon cause we have too many players in the North

Baratheon > siege Griffin's Roost

>Bobby of House Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End
>Bonus: Ours is the Fury

The Driftmark Fleet Move to surround Griffans Roost.
>Lord Viserys Velaryon, Lord of the Tide, Lord of Driftmark. Captain of the Sea Snake.

someone has claimed Baratheon

claiming Hightower
defebd and waste
>sig inc

He hasn't rolled yet though, I say if Lelouch doesn't roll this round the new guy gets it.

did this fucking weaboo really take baratheon as i was swapping AND he's going to not let me siege?

>Bobby B of House Reed
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

I'd say give the guy 2 minutes and if not you can just take it

Yeah that's pretty much what happened.

>Lord Brantly Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Keeper of the Purse in the Reach

Surround Summerhall, spill to Connington
>Lelouch Vi Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End
>Ours is the Fury (1/1)

Reed > siege Moat Calin
>Bobby B of House Reed
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

Vote to remove event with your post

Reed > siege Moat Calin

>Bobby B of House Reed
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

I think we should aim all of our forces at one kingdom, who should we focus my Lords

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

I vote keep event.
Siege Summerhall
>Lelouch Vi Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End
>Ours is the Fury

Surround King's Landing.

>Lady Sapphire Targaryen, Lady of Dragonstone.
>Fire and Blood (3/3)

You are no ally of mine. Never send me a raven again.

>Bobby B of House Reed
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

Siege Griffins Roost
>Lord Viserys Velaryon, Lord of the Tide, Lord of Driftmark. Captain of the Sea Snake.

Manderly > Surround Dreadfort

Remove Event

I would gladly welcome an alliance between the three of us

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor

Vote to remove event

Siege Ashemark

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Border Moat Calin
Vote to remove event

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Claim Tyrell

Tyrell > towards Old Town

>Lord Garlan Tyrell

Hightower>HG spill Tyrell
vote abstain. its up to OP.
>Lord Brantly Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Keeper of the Purse in the Reach

Between you and I would value a Reed alliance greater than a Stark one

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor

I'm glad you accept this alliance, House Reed however thinks differently

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Lord Reed I see no reason why the Riverlands and Neck can't live in a state of relative peace, would you agree to a NAP?

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Siege Eyrie
Aye to remove event
>Donald Royce of New York
>We Remember

Perhaps, but House Reed will fight for itself, at least for now.
I would.

Why is there need for war in these lands between old friends. Lets make peace in the Reach.
>Lord Brantly Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Keeper of the Purse in the Reach

Then we agree to a NAP?

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor

not allie

(didn't even realise there was someone claimed HT)

We shall restore our borders and I shall recognise your lordship over The Arbor (pending its reintegration into the Realm). My forces shall march on Blackhaven.

Have we a deal?

>Lord Garlan Tyrell


>Bobby B of House Reed
>NAP: Blacktree
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

Im afraid in the interest of diplomacy i can only agree to a NAP for now

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor

Fantastic, glad we could reach an agreement

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods,
>NAP: Reed,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Claim Dayne
Surround Yronwood
>Lord Lyoto Dayne, The Sword of the Morning, Defender of Starfall

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor
>NAP: Starks

It is agreed. Our borders shall return to their original positions and we will head south.
>Lord Brantly Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Keeper of the Purse in the Reach
>Allies: Tyrell

Gladly however, I'd prefer an Alliance, together we can control the North and the Vale as you hold the three sisters we can control the fingers together

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP:House Manderly

>MUP: 2
Event removed due to popular vote. Looks like Christmas edition got a little less special, better roll some trips soon nigga.

Siege Griffins Roost
>Lord Viserys Velaryon, Lord of the Tide, Lord of Driftmark. Captain of the Sea Snake.

OP, we agreed to restore our pre-war borders ()

Tyrell > Blackhaven

>Lord Garlan Tyrell
>Allies: Hightower

Reed > siege Moat Calin

>Bobby B of House Reed
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

Siege Eyrie
>Donald Royce of New York
>We Remember

Sadly an alliance with you would inevitably draw hostility from house reed, perhaps when I favor war

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor
>NAP: Starks

Finish off House Ashemark land, spills go to surround CR

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods,
>NAP: Reed,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Take more Connington lands, spills to surround Blackhaven
>Lelouch Vi Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End
>Ours is the Fury

give tyrell back their land, march on the arbor
>Lord Brantly Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Keeper of the Purse in the Reach
>Allies: Tyrell

Manderly > Siege Dreadfort
Spill to Bolton territory

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor
>NAP: Starks


Understandable, I'm going on towards the fingers, if you wish to join I'd appreciate it greatly Lord Manderly

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Claiming House Martell

>Prince Sean Lord of Dorne

>spilling off of a failed siege

House Dayne seeks to unify Dorne under one house.
>Lord Lyoto Dayne, The Sword of the Morning, Defender of Starfall

Replied to the wrong raven Lord Stark

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods,
>NAP: Reed,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Border the fingers, cross through NAP's lands but don't attack Manderlies

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Conquer neutral Cronwlands.

>Lady Sapphire Targaryen, Lady of Dragonstone.
>Fire and Blood (3/3)

Understandable, I'm going on towards the fingers Lord Manderly, I'd appreciate it if you join in the future

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Cant move through NAP

Kk, Border Moat Calin instead i guess

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell


>Lord Marshall Sunspear of House Martell
>Bonus: Unbowed,Unbent,Unbroken (Evens only)

Take Yronwood lands

Siege Eyrie
>Donald Royce of New York
>We Remember

Seige Moat Calin

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Surround Hearts Home
>Lord Viserys Velaryon, Lord of the Tide, Lord of Driftmark. Captain of the Sea Snake.

siege the arbor
>Lord Brantly Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Keeper of the Purse in the Reach
>Allies: Tyrell

Reed > siege Moat Calin

>Bobby B of House Reed
>Bonus: Bog Devils
>Penalty: The Neck

Siege Blackhaven.

>Lord Garlan Tyrell
>Allies: Hightower

Siege Blackhaven
>Lelouch Vi Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End
>Ours is the Fury

Manderly > Siege Dreadfort

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor
>NAP: Starks

Conquer House Velaryon. Excess to reclaim what remains of the neutral Crownlands.

>Lady Sapphire Targaryen, Lady of Dragonstone.
>Fire and Blood (3/3)


Siege CR

>Lord Roderick Blackwood of Raventree Hall, Keeper of the River Weirwoods, Overlord of Ashemark,
>NAP: Reed,
>Bonus: The Power of the Old Gods (1/1),

Use Tyrell ability.

Tyrell > Baratheon, push them away from Blackhaven, spill the rest into touching Summerhall and Storm's End

>Lord Garlan Tyrell
>Allies: Hightower

you can decide

> Lord William Manderly of White Harbor
>NAP: Starks

Lord Blackwood, I wish to ask for an Alliance Between us, I'd greatly appreciate it My Lord

>Lord Kenneth Stark, Lord of Winterfell

Keep Heading towards Yronwood
>Lord Lyoto Dayne, The Sword of the Morning, Defender of Starfall

My Lady Targaryen. Our Houses have long been friends and allies. Perhaps an alliance between us would be most beneficial. In return for my support of your monarchy, all I desire is your aid in subduing the Stormlands and House Baratheon.

>Lord Garlan Tyrell
>Allies: Hightower

>MUP: 3

An excellent proposition, Lord Garlan. One I am happy to accept. House Targaryen has raised House Tyrell to higher status once, and we shall do so again.

>Lady Sapphire Targaryen, Lady of Dragonstone.
>Fire and Blood (1/1)