
>Been with girlfriend a year
>Have secondary fb account I dont use
>Was being nosey and searched the girls I tell her not to worry about and my ex's
>She asks out of the blue for my password for it
>Pretend I dont know (makes situation worse)
>**Totally forgets about searches**
> She finds them
What do I do guys, shes fucking fuming and in tears down the phone

You searched up your exes big whoop.

Shes controlling you in ways you cant think of untill youre out. Its seriously no big deal and she is over reacting like all women do.

Its pretty pathetic that you have to circumvent you gf's authority by sneaking around. Now she going to use this against you in every argument. And use it as a reason as to why she cheated on you.

Be the man. Take control.

you need to be over 17 to be on Sup Forums you know?

>She asks out of the blue for my password for it
why the fuck would she ask/why the fuck would you give her your password? my gf of 6 years never had any of my passwords, and didnt ask for them.

Tell her you were just thinking about the future and then you wondered about people from the past... why is it such a big deal? Don't be a faggot

Its the way she is, shes so negative with everything, she gets pissed at me for going to a family party.

fuckin ditch that controlling bitc

Thats called being a controlling cunt. She will walk all over you. Spwaking from experience and ive learned

Its so difficult, i cant just leave her. Once you fall in love thats it, theres no getting out of it, Id ALWAYS worry about what she would do and worry about her and other men

Bro, if she uses this as a counter argument to anything EVEN ONCE, dump her ass, she will keep doing it. As for the whole situation, she brought it upon herself. If she just stayed like the moron she was and didn't snoop around she would still be happy. PS: why the fuck did you give her anything related to any of your accounts? It's your shit dude, she has no right to investigate like she's your damn mom when you were 12


Remind her that she is your girlfriend, not your wife. Even then, your right to associate with whomever you want never expires.

Then why the fuck are you here posting asking for advice if you wobt take it. Learn on your own. Realize what a cunt is. Then com back telling some other underage schmuck the same thing were telling you.

Brain dead

Ill warn her not too, cause ill fucking flip shit if she does. she moans about bringing up the past then contradicts herself

And if she ever cheats, I have 80+ nudes ready to go on here

OP, I was in a very similar situation as you.

Trust when I say that there are better ones out there.

she's already cheated on you over this

Shes the best I can get though, shes negative as fuck and that but shes loyal as fuck and thats hard to find and I dont really wanna throw that away

>2017 t minus 7
>facespace drama


Leave, she's psycho.

Had a similar ex who would get uncomfortable that I had other females added on my Facebook.

My school is more girls than guys, and she got pissed off whenever I had to internet with them. Even colleagues and professors.


Nope. So you will subject yourself to a controlling person? You're only human and it's normal to be curious about different choices you had. There's nothing wrong with it and if she thinks there is then she's a hypocrite. Women are prominently known for this same type of behavior. Listen bud you get one fucking life to make great and that's it. If you want to walk on egg shells and be fearful then go ahead. It's your life. But my advice is to man up, tell her Yeah I was curious "but it only made me realize how good things are with you" and she better realize that it's a fight over nothing. Or she can kick fucking rocks. What are you gay or something?

Sounds like you've got trust and insecurity issues. Pic related, it's you.

Not only has she cheated, she's also installed a keylogger and is checking up on you / already knows your passwords.

My reaction;

>give me your password!

>>what? No.

>what are you hiding? Are you cheating!?

>>You cannot trust me, obviously. We are done, leave now.

You should act as though you have a mind and willpower at least... though I doubt you do, most don't so do not be too ashamed.

You can change with time and struggle

Ho ho, your life is over. Welcome to forever

> you dick. Grow up.

You lot are actually helping, the fucks up with you all?


You seem like you need a little advice.

Either establish your control of the situation, or get ready to be a submissive and possibly literal fuck.

When *most* females get bored or feel too in control they are more likely to cheat.

Help yourself, and say "if you cannot trust me I cannot be with you."


When I said that shes like "End it then, see what Ill do"
She threatens shit

Stop being a fucking cuck.
You can look up anything you fucking want.
If she makes some bullshit drama about it and guild tripping you, tell her to fuck off.

Anyway bros, youve actually helped a Sup Forumsro out. Thank you all I guess, Have a nice christmas guys, Enjoy it x

Fuck that. She is already fucking guys behind your back. Psyco bitches always twist their problems to justify bullshit.

Laugh and leave, how horrible.

I do not know you but I think you probably deserve better than that.

Get evidence of her threats first, forgot to mention.

Record her threats multiple times for future legal reference.

Explain to her the way your explained to us. The fact you care this much is kinda sweet to be honest. If that doesn't do it then she's just immature.

Tell her if she keeps bitching you'll leave. If she keeps bitching = leave

user you're fucked. Might as well take "the L" as the normies say