Anybody else glad that white people are going extinct?

Anybody else glad that white people are going extinct?

Blacks = 13.2% of population

Mexicans and latinos = 17%

So that leaves white people at

70.8% of the population

2/10 One for me responding and 2 for laughing at how stupid this is

You forgot about the billions of asians, faggot.

Thank God the nigger will soon be out of the white house and Trumps gonna deport all the illegals. Once Trump makes it mandatory to pass a drug test for welfare the black populous will be even less since they'll all starve to death once there is no more free ride. Make America great again!

You know that a black+a white != a black right? By your logic blacks are in much bigger danger than whites because they are a much smaller percentage of the population.

>when your dick is so big it can't get hard

If I couldn't get hard or couldn't put every inch of myself inside of whoever I'm with I'd neck myself.


better hope there isn't a spelling test between you and your future plans, bucko

might want to check that sentence structure while you are fishing around for the correct word


Kek, I'd rather not pass out with an erection

Making fun of grammar isn't going to stop papa Trump from getting rid of the lazy bastards


Our genes will mix with yours and make your cocks smaller muhhahahaha




Pigmy's dicks always look like that

This dumb nigger cunt went to jail



>hates white people but wants to look like one

typical nig nog

What good is a huge dick if you look like a 13 year old. That guy probably weighs 140lbs wet.


black men will fuck our women into delirious, retarded pleasure

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha, shiiiiiiit, got me with that one

> White people going extinct
Dumb ass nigger on a god damn power trip because we put one of your monkey ass' in a suit and called him a president. I would tell you to go hang yourself, but that would be an insult to trees.


I'll just leave this here

Latino is not a race though.



Better hope not, white people are the ones that will get us into space colonization, without us mankind and earth will descend into one global favela, a blue crypt suspended in the void

Hahaha actually made me lol. Thanks user

does that ever get stiff?

is there even enough blood in the body left afterwards?

>without us mankind and earth will descend into one global favela, a blue crypt suspended in the void
I loved reading Existence by David Brin where one of the possibilities for what happens to species on the verge of space travel is that they collapse on themselves and never manage to lift themselves back up again.

Other possibilities were returning to a life in balance with nature where there's no need to expand outwards and retreating into a virtual reality where every need is met.

All three of these types of civilization on average get annihilated by global catastrophes outside of their sphere of influence (for example a huge ass meteor hitting the planet).

Basically the book was elaborating and toying around with the Fermi paradox.

yes because then and only then will you realise that rap and twerk won't build the complex infrastructure future society needs


Careful what you wish for nigger, when all us white folk are gone you gonna have to work for what you get, instead of getting everything for nothing from whitey

they'll just start bothering the asians with their problems

White people were a mistake. Whites were meant to be slaves

His biceps the same size as his forearm, and his dick is bigger than his biceps.


shut up nigger

lol they OD in the car with their kid?

>claimed by a nigger

hahaha like hes ever gonna get to fuck something other than livestock with that thing.

correct...the monkeys spend so much time learning skills that don't do anyone any good.