Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong...

Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly bet that there is no God.

Math has conclusively proven that God exists, so why do you foolishly choose disbelief?

>math has conclusively proven that God exists
3/10 got me to reply

>the consequences

>being scared of consequences

>Math has conclusively proven that God exists

No it hasn't.

/thread, meaning overused b8 thread is over



This overused thread should result in auto perma b&

Believe in the flying teapot monster or boil in coffee for all eternity.

Which god? Zeus? Odin? Krishna? Jesus? Jehovah? Allah? One of the other millions?

Remember, only one of these is correct!


assuming God has told us of the existence of heaven/hell. which he hasn't, because that'd make earth purgatory. as everybody would just live out their days to get to heaven/avoid hell. so pascal's wager placed into an argument concerning his existence is contradictory to your personal viewpoint, as disbelief allows you to circumvent the same math that has proven his existence
5/10 half points each line

>trying this hard
>to reply to b8

This themed troll bait almost disappeared.
But you faggots keep responding.

Anytime this shit is posted, you must exercise self-control and ignore it completely.

With no replies, faggot OP and others will stop posting.

It really is up to you to kill it.

>shitposting during anonymity
ok but who r u

>because a plausible critique is shitposting


Wouldn't God know that your only believing due to Pascals wager and not genuine love for him and punish you anyway knowing your belief was insencere?

can you please stop. it's Christmas for goodness sake



>pascals wager proves god exists
thats some grade a premium stupid right there.




Do you have nothing better to do that you are here all day on Christmas eve posting these stupid fucking threads?

Mathematically lame troll is mathematically lame.

The problem with Pascal's wager is he did not know god is a lie the church uses to steal your money.





share math pls I don beleef u


>effort & irrelevant ignorance plausible critique
>I'm stupid
>plz let me die

It's statistical probability, not fucking proof. Not even statistical, its just delusional reason. The reason no atheist or any non-believer doesn't follow a religion is because it is a waste of fucking time at this point.

Religion has only served as a means of unity throughout the years, without it, no great civilization would have come into being. But, now, we are more unified than ever, and religion is getting in the way of a deeper unity. And we see this struggle in areas where there is massive religious influence, i.e. the Middle East.

Pascal's Wager is based on delusion, nothing more. If there be in fact a God, I'd be far more satisfied with living my life to the full than wasting it on a hypothetical guess.