Is suicide really worth it? or is it selfish?

Is suicide really worth it? or is it selfish?

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Yes it is selfish. And how does "worth" apply to the end of your existence?

Because there is clearly another side to our existence

unless your terminally ill etc it's just a complete waste. there's always something you can do with your life

Kek. Care to clearly elaborate?

But society has set me up for failure

i just feel like there's another world after we die user.

why do you feel this way op?

not him but through logic it is obvious that conscious and matter are interrelated, mutually existant.
so just as matter cannot be destroyed but only changes form, so to logically would be of consciousness.
This brings us to again a logical conclusion that there are more existence states than just a material one.

>But society has set me up for failure
I feel your pain.
I have the same, disadvantaged before I even started to have control of my life and by then/now I have to work 4 times harder to get to a level where others get to, if I get there at all.

still suicide is a last option, best to look for creature comforts in this life first. even if that means drugs, or living an ascetic lifestyle

Nothing selfish about it. It's more selfish to demand that someone love in pain.

No it doesn't.

Not very clear
Thats not logic at all.

I meant LIVE. Wow.

matter cannot exist without being perceived,the beings who perceives matter creates it's causes for it's existence.
Though we have a subjective view of existence (some would say god has the objective view)

I'n the same way, consciousness MAY rely upon matter to come into form, but if that is true that would mean there would be a world dictated by consciousness....a separate state of existence.

How does one go on an adventure? I really wanna do this but fucking shit like border control makes it kinda impossible, right?

someone gave you the gift of life, as they call it. you can choose whatever you want to do with it.

if someone doesnt like it...well, you never asked for the gift. you were practically forcefully given it. they shoved it into your arms and told you to do something with it. fuck them. if you want to toss it off a cliff. its none of their business.

shouldn't be as long as your legal.

Where in the world are you?

There is no reason to think that consciousness exists without matter.

Holland. If I walk for 4 hours I'm out of the country ;/

suicide is for suckers.

OP Here, b/ro im dunrk constantly, high no matter what, and still cant fucking bring myself to leave my home

idk, just try it and post results

Suicide is for people who don't want to deal with pain anymore.

get a passport, go on the internet look for buddhist communes, working visits, kibbutz.
plan a journey out.
I mention these things as you can go to places with free bed and board if you do a little work, so you can travel, meet loads of different types of people and be eating/
and living healthy while you do it.

I did it when I was young, just left my place at 21 with about 500 and a bergan full of clothes and books..
travelled the country for over a year.

as long as you have a passport im sure you shouldn't have any trouble, not sure you even need that. do you have much money? can you drive or ride a motorcycle?

Life is nothing but constant misery. I'd kill myself if I weren't too much of a pussy.

because of the way money and greed has fucked my life over

but what if eternal pain in hell?

This is nonsense. What grade are you in?

No I'm a total loser kek. No money no car no license no cycle. I'm planning to walk to another country when I'm older and all set. The walking does it for me.

that is the problem though, you gotta find other shit to do than just getting trashed.

I am someone who has done this most of my life too.
My teens were drugs all the way through.
I chilled in my early-mid 20's and got back on it late 20's

Suicide by police?

OP Here, i feel like we have another existence after this life. as in we are living a life that is basically in lack of a better term "a dream". Once we die we wake up.

>believing in hell

I have literally no reason to believe in hell. Why would I?

What you feel has nothing to do with reality.

but what if this reality isn't real?

>what if...

My personal opinion would be that it is always better to be alive and feeling, assuming there is no afterlife. Even if there is no piont in exsisting isn't it always to be real rather than not be real

Do we innately owe something to the universe? As in, simply by living, is there a responsibility on our part to remain alive until our bodies stop functioning and we cease to live?

If not, then suicide is not selfish, but rather a personal option, and anybody who griefs the death of one who committed suicide is a fool.
If yes, then one cannot say we are free, for then we are not in full control of something as basic and primordial as the very fundamental functioning of our own bodies.

In my opinion, it is worth it if one has thought it through clear headed and came to the conclusion that indeed life isn't worth it.
I do believe one is free to end their life if they so desire, but generally when one does it they do it in a foggy mental state, as in, they're mentally ill or severely unbalanced. In such a state, their desires could vary drastically from what they would be were they more clear headed.
As such, one should refrain from suicide unless they really desire it in a healthy mental and spiritual state.

That question doesn't make any sense.

Guess ur righjt

Being unbalanced or mentally ill are perfect reasons to kill yourself though.

Well my dear friend if your going to end it all why not with a bang ... ;)

Wanting suicide in a healthy mental state?

he just saw matrix yesterday...

>no reason to think that consciousness exists without matter.
well if matter relies upon consciousness to be in existence, why would consciousness not rely upon matter in a similar way?
even if that is incorrect, consciousness can create existence without matter, then you are proving that there can be a state of existence purely determined by consciousness where matter is irrelevant.
akin to the afterlife.

it really isn't that complex if you break it into simple terms.
like all mater is animal, mineral or vegetable All phenomena is either matter or consciousness
(energy is matter)

Except we can chip parts of your brain away Hannibal Lecter style and see parts of your consciousness cease to exist. Or, if that's too gruesome, dementia will do the same trick.
Consciousness absolutely is something you can destroy. For some it happens instantly, giving the illusion of sleep, but for others it is gradual and more obvious.
Consciousness is obviously linked with matter and is destroyable.

My brother committed suicide last year. Having experienced what it's like for a family member to kill themselves, I'm convinced it's an entirely weak and selfish thing to do. There are very few circumstances where suicide is a reasonable course of action in my opinion, and the pain that it may inflict on others makes it completely unjustifiable in most cases. Suicide is basically harming those closest to you in the deepest and most painful way possible.
I think it's only justifiable if you're well and truly alone.

Blessed be kek. If your going to kill yourself you better make it interesting and have as big a impact on other peoples life's as possible or else you'll never be remembered by anyone

Define energy. People love throwing that word around, so I'm curious.

It's too ridiculous to even be worth a "what if" tbqhwy.

Blessed be kek. If your going to kill yourself you better make it interesting and have as big a impact on other peoples life's as possible or else you'll never be remembered by anyone.

Why does being remembered matter? The people who remember will forget and be forgotten themselves. Legacy is overrated. We are apes. Deal with it.

>it is worth it if one has thought it through clear headed and came to the conclusion that indeed life isn't worth it.
this is nihilism.

In actual fact we are taking more from the univers sustaining our lives than allowing ourself to die by not continuing to surving.

Think of how many living beings human or animal has either dies or been a part of sustaining your life.
even the PC you shitpost on was created by countless others.

Stopping eating and drinking is the only honourable soduku one can do, well unless you are contributing to the universe more than yu are taking.

That's the thing, if you would find it acceptable, in a healthy mental state, to kill yourself while being in one that is not, then sure, go ahead.
Thing is, most people would find it unacceptable were they healthy, but because the current circumstances influence their acts, they do things they would not do normally.

Yes, perhaps one concluded they've done everything they had to in this life and they wish to end it prematurely?

“Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it.”
Doing art usually gives you a purpose in life. If anyone asked me what man's pospose in life is I would reply 'to be creative'.

That's funny, because it seems selfish for you to think about yourself when your brother was in so much pain that he decided to take his own life, and here you are worrying about yourself.

it is force, a by product of causes, conditions and reactions.
gravity, inertia, kinetic, electricity etc.

in our terms, as animals, our consciousness works with matter and creates force/energy.
This can have a snowball effect obviously, using matter, atome, that frce can change into electricity.

these forces work in a unison and balanced flow throughout our universe. Again though, they are all reliant upon the consciousness/matter bond.


Given your flawed false dichotomy, definitely worth in your case

selfish, your family is stuck with a bill for burial and possibly funeral. if not then if you live in the US your county will probably cremate your ass

plus you have the expense of cleaning up where ever you offed yourself which your family might have to pay for. even if not by shotgun, when you die you piss and shit yourself

The world is rudderless, no one is born for a purpose. Our lives don't matter. 100 billion people have lived and died on this planet for nothing

Death lays waste to all life, enjoy your meaningfully worthless snapshot of time and don't get caught up in the trivialities

It's selfish to want someone to go through daily emotional pain so that you don't lose their presence in your inherently meaningless life.
Suicide used to be considered a gift to the community. It's only because resource scarcity is so low, relatively speaking, that we'd consider the suicidal selfish beings.

Nihilism is reality, user. We, by coincidence given the ability of higher thought, but like everything else we are an assortment of atoms put together by our last generation with the express purpose of fucking eachother to reproduce and die.

Ultimately, no new discoveries, art, religion, or contributions we make will matter. We can not stop the eventual heat death of the universe, or even sooner when the Sun becomes a red giant and swallows up the solar system.

Unironically this. If you and the rest of your family had actually worried about your brother as much as you seem to worry about yourselves, maybe he'd still be alive.

Thank you

Worth what? The reward is pure, clean, absolute nothingness: death. How can the nothingness of death even have a value? You can't even experience it, by definition. Death itself has no value.

The only value death can have is the negative of what carrying on with your life would have had. Think you're going to have a crappy life? Then suicide has positive value, because it negates the crap.
Of course, you can't know what your life will be like, but then, you never really get to know anything for certain. Sometimes you just have to guess.

Oh, and is suicide selfish? Yes, absolutely. There are always more people shocked by a suicide than there are people celebrating it. Suicide brings misery to everyone around the deceased.

But then, why should you care? If you've done your job properly, you won't be there to deal with the aftermath.

Rolling for making most of your time while you're here user.

See, my only feeling is, i'm not sacred of that death. i feel like ill have another life after i die.

man i just cant cope with anything while im sober. ill prob die of lung cancer or liver failure

Why does feeling matter when you don't have a reason to believe it? Do you just limit yourself to believing things that appeal to you?

what you are seeing there is not consciousness.
no one can "see" consciousness

Just how you can look at a brick wall or an iron bar and think it is a stable thing, but in actuality it is constantly changing, decaying.
the same if for our body, and our mind, But our minds are not consciousness either, they are a bi product of consciousness and matter.
Brain, biochemicals, electricity, other unknown forces that some call soul.

Going back to my early statement, I mentioned how matter is never destroyed it just changes form, but it was implied that consciousness has the same function.

None of us can remember being in a past life, or a future life, but they would be mutually existent.
In the same way how none can remember being born, we cannot deny the logic of being born. So if there was a past, or is a future life, none of us can deny it just because we do not remember it.

not necessarily, but signs have ruled my life for a long time. ill go for something that doesn't appeal to me because my gut feeling says i should over going for something that is right even tho i feel it is wrong

>But society has set me up for failure
>a statement written in a language that "society" developed for your benefit
>communicated via computer (a device that by definition makes solving complex problems easier), a machine invented by individuals living in a society for use by other individuals in society
>purchased with a proxy for common value that allows you to specialize in another, unrelated field (to computer engineering) and still reap the benefits of others in society (computer engineers) that use the same proxy to trade goods and information.
Society sure has kicked you in the balls.

Why kill yourself when you can take out a massive fucking loan from the bank, go to any place you've ever wanted and do anything you've ever wanted because fuck it you have nothing to live for and if you die you die.

Anyone who just kills themself without doing anything significant to try and prevent deserved to die.

well insinuating someone's life isn't shit just because they can get into binary convos is ridiculous

i could do that?

Yeah, so? We can't prove anything, except that we think, therefore something somewhere must exist to do the thinking.
This does not imply that all your fantastic dreams of immortal consciousness and heaven are real. No, they're still rubbish. Just because we can't ever be completely sure of anything - except that there is at least one thing that exists - doesn't mean all your zany fantasies are on a level playing field with actually credible theories.

I feel you, that is how I will go probably.
alone, dying of cancer from all the drugs and smokes I have took, retreat into the woods, get fucked up on all sorts of shit and OD, go out with a shabanggg

It is no more selfish to go on living. Who do you live for? Probably yourself. Who would you die for? Probably yourself. If everyone who I loved offed them self I would feel pretty terrible. But I would never see any of them as selfish, it is there life to end as they choose.

man, should we stop tho? lmao

youre so right. my whole family has died off. who the fuck am i living for

I'm pretty sure if you kill yourself you will need to relive whatever brought you to that point until you learn to over come it. We're here to learn and grow. Giving up and running away aren't really options.

Insinuating that society in general recognizes or even gives a shit about you specifically, enough to the point where it has been personified and set in motion against you, is ridiculous.

ayyy, ever since i've seen that pic i've had such a different outlook on wanting to kill myself. Every time I feel like I want to end it all I just think "am I really just going to sit here and die like some pussy or am I going to actually do something to prevent it" in the end I always bounce back and just get renewed vigor to explore the possibilities in my life.

Why the fuck would you think that? People watch too many movies.

yeah youre right. Nothing is set in motion for anyone, and i guess that could be the root of my argument. some people are just fucked from the start

Same here user, i live in one of the most violent countries in the world (that is not at war) everything is corrupt and nepotistic to the shit.

but i haven't killed myself because i have internet, if i didn't have internet (and my parents) i could've joined a gang or killed myself.
in my opinion the only thing that you can do is to enjoy the little you have and if you don't have anything at all kill yourself.


>while also living in a dictatorship disguised as a false "democracy"
>while living under a capitalistic socio-economic system that individualizes everyone into class, my class being reliant upon my poverty an inability to go further up the chain as higher classes need poor working class to exist.
>all while having living conditions and quality of life being judged under an education system that rewards memory retention, class divides and economic ability without allowing leeway for creativity or accommodation for those with lesser faculties in areas of "key" studies.

damn OP here, Thanks for that user.

timestamp sticking your dick in a shark and post it then faggot

idgaf, my life is a shambles and I will probably die alone and poor anyway, might as well enjoy the time I have

I used to want to have a 2.4 life but fuck it now, just have fun.

If you possess all four limbs and cognitive processing ability, you're by default not "fucked from the start". Your own perception (of society and its tolerances) is what's fucking you from the start. Go read a book. No one holds you back but you.
You're not guaranteed or entitled to survival just by being born within the confines of society.

Who cares, nothing matters.

/thread tbh