

It is implying that people choose to be depressed
Which is ridiculous because people go as for as to kill themselves to get rid of depression

Good. If they want to kill themselves then they should, as long as they do it in a way that negatively impacts those around them as little as possible.

And by that i mean that if they are suffering for a long time and they can find absolutely no way to alleviate their pain, and would rather die then continue living with it.

Well that was a more sensible conclusion than expected on Sup Forums

It's probably best not to talk about things you know nothing about. Like what could make a person as sad as they are, or any of the contributing factors.

Yeah I agree that I shouldn't talk about things that I don't know about. That's why I posted this lol

I cycle through periods of depression and manic self destruction, and sometimes (like right now) it gets to the point where I literally just lie in bed and wish that I could be dead without doing anyhting. My self esteem is so low that I actually wrote this in order to spiral even further into self loathing and maybe even kill myself

but I probably don't even have the energy to do that rn lol

I think depression exists and is really terrible, however I agree that some people use it as an excuse without knowing what they're talking about.
Same with adhd, burnout. It's really disrespectful to people with actual problems

To me the people who don't have depression are those who talk about it openly. Like saying how depressed you are all the time, how much medication you're taking, things that make you sound like an attention whore. Most people with depression are too ashamed to talk about it even with people they know and trust.

Fun fact: AIDS isn't real either. God just likes striking faggots down.

where is the trigger warning?

i have crippling depression.

Ah yes. It's another 'if people dont act exactly the way I say they should when depressed then they're faking' thread.

k e r n i n g.

this way of thinking is a sign of increased risk of depression

Well I'm thinking about jacking it soon.

Also your picture's gay.

99% of "depressed" people are just lazy cunts

The irony of that is that people with "crippling depression" think along the same lines. That perhaps they are indeed just lazy drains on society and should kill themselves.

OP can go suck a dick and choke on it.

I never said that people should act a certain way when theyre depressed tho. I was just giving a group of people who already feel shitty about themselves fodder to make them feel even more shitty. its kinda my fav passtime

lol i already have depression son. i make shit like this to make myself feel even more shitty about myself


lol are u offering? asl?


Christmas is the new summer it seems like.

btw didnt they used to have a tag on Sup Forums to mark out the OP? Where tf did that go I want to make it clear that I'm that faggot

how about you work on not destroying your own mind?

Your writing style makes it clear to anyone that matters

>user doesn't stare into the abyss every once in awhile

gotta find rock bottom to boost to the top