I just marathoned first 30 minutes of episode 1. Did i like it?

I just marathoned first 30 minutes of episode 1. Did i like it?

It's a good show, ending gets a bit weird when the creature comes from the other dimension through the wall and they find Will.

what do you mean?

I like that song,
Justin Beiber right?

>30 minutes
pick one.

if you find VHS tapes nostalgic then yes, you liked it. otherwise, it was mediocre and definitely overhyped.


Who doesn't find VHS tapes nostalgic?

Basically a mixture of all the 80s sci-fi and horror movies. Hell even one of the supporting characters (Jonathan) looks like fucking John Connor from Terminator 2.

It was a pretty good show in the end. Waiting to see what happens in the next season.

the same people who have never seen a CD before.

people who grew up with DVDs

>I just marathoned first 30 minutes of episode 1.
What ? Casual.

>30 minutes
you get out of breath just reaching for your cheetos, don't you?

Episode 1 is a bit lame but I hqve to admit ep2 hooked me so hard I watched all in one go. For me its the best series 2016 but I also dont watch much TV.

Next watch OA.

maybe you should 110mhurdles the rest of the series

People who died in the boer war

Haven't been able to get through episode 1. Fucking characters and dialogue are shit. It makes it hard to get into the story.

Yeah it's pretty good, took me 2 episodes to dig into it and binge the all series. I just wish Netflix would make actual tv shows instead of these low rent "miniseries".

That isn't when it gets weird. It gets weird when we find out Will has been in the other dimension raping the poor creature the whole time and we learn we are the real monsters.

What about when Will is in the bathroom and he coughs up that fucking bug thingy at the end, and it like does a flashback to the other dimension? That shit was weird as fuck

He didnt got away completely from upside down

He probably has little monster inside him

How the fuck would I know if you liked it? I didn't watch it with you.

After ep1 it will be really good. It suffers a bit under the massive character introduction.