Who would win?Goku or Jesus?

Who would win?Goku or Jesus?


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No one, they would just agree to not fight.


obv goku.
Jesus would try to do some fagget shit butt buddies bs and ask goku if he wants some of this holy water he turned to wine. but goku is pissed cuz jesus uses a religious platform to destroy humanity slowly but surely.

anyone that chooses goku is delusional

>doesn't know gohan is stronger than his dad

Goku would get his ass kicked

At least gohan would have a fighting chance

it just matters the time frame if were talking actual char strength

but goku ctually continued his training
gohan just stopped, and his great potential sort of just fizzled away
>not sure if they made him stronger again in Super, im not bothering to watch that


It's just like goku v superman. It depends on who's writing for Jesus.


>Jesus turns water into wine
>roughly 70% of Goku's body is now wine
>he passes out and dies from alchoho poisoning

Jesus is a pacifist, like Christians are SUPPOSED to be. If Goku had reason to kick J-Dawg's ass, he'd win.


Jesus would beat Goku with a table leg and send an army of warrior angels to slice him up with their flaming swords.

Do you even bible?

Jesus can autorez. Goku requires 7 balls.


jesus a skinny dirty sandnigger who fooled a lot of ppl
goku is a draw
>Jesus uses wrap paper
>It's very effective!
>Jesus dies by desert dehidratation!

Goku is a work of fiction. Jesus is a real human who lived 2000 years ago. Jesus wins with the fact that he is a real person.

Hey cool I forgot about that.

What if you throw a boxed set of Dragon Ball DVDs at Jesus's head?

Yeah but Jesus can punish if he gets mad, like when he destroyed the market in the temple. Also jesus has passive rebirth after 3 days from his death so he is in a way immortal.

deserved trips


Jesus didnt really walk on water

>goku is a draw

Top kek my man

Well,and Goku don't exist.Don't overthink man,this never will happen.

If Jesus wants to have built in hover boots, he fucking can.

The real trick is He didn't walk on the water the way you think He did. See, every step froze the water around Him and created an ice bridge.

Merry christmas from me....Enjoy the leak and check out this shit lol - snapleak .cf

The nigga couldn't even take out a few roman soldiers. Goku wins easily.

>jesus is real

>Froze water
>In Israel
>In desert

Nigga,wtf is your trip?

I think we're talking about Jesus Super Jew lv2

Watch funny vid

That's cold
>froze water
>with his feet

do you know the manga continue after cell saga ? faggot

Can they even instant transmission?


Jesus can evry FUCKIN thing that he wants,"he is God".

Goku lives to fight

Can he draw squared circle?
Can he create a rock he can't lift?

Exactly, If Goku hears the name God or Son of God then like the dumbass he is, he would assume that Jesus is another God of Destruction so he'd try to fight Jesus. If Goku knew that Jesus is not a fighter then he wouldn't try to

Jesus fights so that you may live.

Nobody, becurse Jesus dosn't exist

Neither does Goku, weeb trash.

Okay, Satan. We heard you all the other times you said that.

obiously Jesus i mean goku is not real


im a newfag what is it?

I don't think it's disputed that Jesus existed. What's up for debate is his nature, being holy or not, the son of God or a just a prophet.

no it really is
>flat earth
>living in a simulatuon
>validity of Christ's earthly existence

my childhood

Post or Pre crucifixion Jesus?


Jesus "Son of God" almighty.

lol gg well played

Yeah,he can,he transformed water in wine you little bitch.

jesus is really attractive je

During the crucifixion.
>my dad can beat up your dad


it only happens if jesus has enough mana to use his ultimate

using this logic i can win a battle vs jesus because i'm alive and him not

No.Jesus is more powerufl than you.


>I'm sorry.

are you sure ?
I'm really powerful

>I don't think it's disputed that Jesus existed
you cant fully prove or disprove that he existed. just because he is in a book doesnt fully prove that he was alive at one point



You are Jesus Christ?!

kamehameha vs. water to wine
what do you think? but jesus comes back every 3 days..

Goku b/c Jeebus isn't real


Yeah,kek.He will come back evrytime(after 3 days)and have revenge.

but he is pazifist and takes an other kamehameha