Alright guys serious thread, what is the most effective strategy to getting rid of ISIS?

Alright guys serious thread, what is the most effective strategy to getting rid of ISIS?

It's impossible. You can't destroy an ideology.

FUCK look at those QUADS

Is it really an ideology though? I mean is it really the fault of Islam? I like to think it's the fault of US/Russian meddling in middle-eastern politics and the destruction of much of their land and people.

You can destroy an ideology. It takes skillful manipulation, and a willing participant though.

I didn't say it was Islam I said it was an ideology.


Make sure terrorists can't control oil fields or make sure they can't export oil.

Kill 2 mrd sandniggas and its fine. World needs less ppl so our ressources can regain and stuff... Thats the way.

You can if you kill everyone following that ideology.

reform islam

this is now a get thread

Fight fire with fire. We need Templars.

Nuke entire Middle East or go back in them and bring back hitler to present day.
Our ONLY 2 choices

But that is incredibly difficult to do without collateral damage, for which more people will hate you for and may end up strengthening the ideology you are trying to destroy.


Get me severe gets

kill all the jew so that they can't secretly support isis that they create to put a muslim against christian they divide us to dominate all the non jew

Its militant fundamental Islamists. Given fuel by the US but still ideologically driven. You win when you kill every last person who has spoken the name ISIS and then root out any Imam speaking militantly. This last part is near impossible so the only really option is to purge the Muslims from this world. Thier "holy book" is tantamount to a call to action and encourages violence, it's a religion who was in the process of reformation and was then seized and brought back to the Middle Ages

these dubs

get quads of course

This. Why don't people realize this?

Tell 'murica to stop funding them?

Found the retard

Your strongly motivated extermination of the ideology will cause others to feel pitty and start relating to even the most psychotic of mentalities


In the mirror?

As I responded to someone else, killing everybody who has ever supported ISIS is incredibly difficult to do in conventional warfare without collateral damage.

It would simply make the middle-east hate you more for ruining their infrastructure, forcing the evacuation of their people and killing whoever is unlucky enough to be a victim of your collateral damage.

found the yid that hide to people the truth and belive in a fucking jewish propaganda

missed the quints


leave them be so they can get hold of chemical weapons or small nukes and let them use them. after that the entire world will not care when usa and russia just level everything killing millions and nearly wiping muslims out
as it stands the more you fight thm the more people support them because they think they are misunderstood and those people have the power atm(all the places preaching how nice the refugees are). once isis does something extremely horrible those people won't be able to pretend any longer and will either be forced out or have to switch sides

You do realize its not like a little group of people making terrorist acts. Its an ideology. Its a small group that keep professing "commit acts of terror, strike big crowds, etc." You eventually get people so batshit crazy that their message appeals to them. Then some random kills a few people in an act of god, and makes a video that he pledged to ISIS. Then ISIS comes out, "oh yeah we totally planned that. Fear us. That is our power". Its dumb luck. Its hoping someone commits an act and then claim you did it.

what? no videwo?

Found the dirty foreigner


Your point? The ideology still exists. If it didn't, nobody would be aware of it and it wouldn't have any followers.

cobalt bombs. Radioactive with the right half-life to render an area uninhabitable, not even marginally, for a long enough period to ensure no one sticks it out in a bunker. Perfect weapon to end the world with, and all it Probably takes is changing the tamper to normal cobalt metal in a nuke, it'll be transmuted via neutron capture to enough of the right isotopes.

The best idea I would have in terms of a BEGINNING of a solution would be the retraction of the US and Russia from middle-eastern politics and affairs. No more sucking Saudia Arabia's dick, and no more pumping weapons, ammo and artillery into the region.

If a conflict has to be resolved as soon as possible, then the operation for doing so must be near clinical to avoid ruining any more of middle-eastern society. This means careful methods of handing out weapons to trusted allies, and boots-on-ground/direct attack in areas only safe to do so without collateral damage.

Of course I'm speaking out of my ass, I have no military experience and I don't know how hard this would be to accomplish.

get to know who is giving money to ISIS, share this news with world, people will rebel and no longer support this fegs

Complete separation. Deport every Muslim from western countries. Close all borders for Muslims. Let them develop in their part of the world.

Make deals with and enforce dictators.

Search: "The Cross Shield"

It is in the last few minutes of it, the rest is just banter. I watched it, and it's pretty fucked up. It's what inspired me to make the post.

That would only make them more mad at the West.

Anybody got the full video of that?

chemical weapons.

fuck loads of them

search: "The Cross Shield"

Essentially this. The entire Middle East needs eradicated. They have been at war since the beginning of recorded history. Their ideology is a cancer. If a fairly large meteor or asteroid were to wipe out the entire civilization there the world would be infinitely better off.


We are not the problem. They are.
We should also end all diplomatic relations and put an end to trade.

How do you beat those fighting a holy war?

Fight a holy war. Get rid of the ridiculous humanitarian and war crime rules and behead some fuckin ISIS fighters with knives soaked in pigs blood and burn every fucking mosque to the ground.

Teach the filth to play nice or fuckin die. If you wanna practice your heathen religion that's fine but don't expect me to pit up with the bullshit that spills out of it.

Deus Vult


The easiest way is to let ISIS out run itself.
People in that area area, by and large sick of them and very afraid of them.

By allowing them to do their hijinks they will be seen as the enemy by most middle eastern people.

But it is also larger than that. This is Wahhabism we are talking about. The Westboro Baptist Church with balls for Islam.

It attacks the retards in the middle east and the poor. In order to fully destroy it, you'll have to get rid of these royal families there and completly rebuild rmthe political infrastructure. By doing so, you bring stability to the area. Why else do you think places like Singapore are so prosperous and intermixed?

The US and UK foreign policy in the middle east for hundreds of years has been a fucking disaster and kicked off most of this bullshit.

Wahhabism is a reactionary idea from long ago when the British were in area. The fucking CIA trained bin Laden and put the Taliban in power way back when.

Easier to identify, contain and destroy. Will force their more moderate folks to actually deal with the extremists in their midst.

Otherwise contain and destroy since they cannot coexist with anyone else.

Carpet nuke the entire middle east.

>Creates ISIS
>How to destroy ISIS

fucking Americans

I'd love to see some creative Kurds capture IS fighters and publicly release videos of them being tortured and killed. It wouldn't even be a moral conundrum given that those subhumans sacrificed their right to identify with the rest of humanity a long time ago.


Only some forms of cancer can be eliminated with radiation

IMO, this conversation cannot happen without recognizing that ISIS is a fraction ideology of Islam. A fraction of the Sunnis to be exact and thus a natural enemy of the Shia (Islam), Christian, Jew and even less radical or fractions of Sunni.

One thus could hope leaving "them" all alone and letting them -- can one imagine Iran and Israel as allies -- sort this all out. Is it too late....

>what is the most effective strategy to getting rid of ISIS?
don't pay attention to them, don't go to war with them, don't send aid to "refugees" or acknowledge any of them in any way

they will devolve back into disorganized arabs murdering each other the way they have for thousands of years

for the retards who thinking killing is the solution i like to say:

>With what you kill, you will be killed.

Strats by cutting the Internet for Syria and Iraq. I don't even believe why these guys are allowed to communicate their propaganda to the whole world without anyone trying to prevent it.

O I didn't know people never made books ever

What about skillful manipulation, painting even the people that are indifferent towards it as enablers?

Didn't France, Britain etc., of the Paris Peace Treaty of WWI 'create' this ISIS THING.

Afterall, those fucks created "America' too ;-)

There are always sympathizers

>ISIS isn't an Ideology

ISIS is a structured group controlling a population on a definite territory.

This group has fundamental islamism as Ideology, and terrorism as a both mmilitary tactic and propaganda.

Murica created the Taliban, Al qaida and ISIS. Now you know the best way to get rid of those fuckers.

EMP the fuck out of ISIS territories to wipe most computer/electronics. Nothing physically done, but destroying their means of recruitment would be a step in the right direction. Also, have governments monitor internet traffic coming from the area. US wouldn't even have to be involved; let the Kurds invade them once EMP's havebeen dropped. If the situation becomes too out of hand then there needs to be a NATO or UN response.

I'm saying the way to end ISIS is to end everything.
Religious dumbassery will keep coming back as long as humans are alive, so kill all humans.

who pay for it need to be stopped, seen by world who is paying isis, then isis get out of money and food and oil and then they will have to fundamentally change there way of life, ammunition will go out and no more war to be playing around, there are some storage of ammunition they have,

as far i know over the internet is possible to win this war we just have to find who is giving money-transactions to isis and report this to world

PorkFat-filled 50cal rounds and flamethrowers seem like a fucking good start for dealing with those mus scum...

You have to beat them by spreading the memes to normies.

Yeah... that's why the Knights Templars are still around, right user?

Kek has spoken

>Murica created the Taliban, Al qaida and ISIS. Now you know the best way to get rid of those fuckers.

taliban was from vacuum of the UUSSR fighting Terrorism too. And, it was in socialist allied nation nonetheless. YES, the USA were on mega coldwar hard on starting with the Cart adminstration and gave the muhiheedeen weapons to fight the ruskies, but ussr nor usa created what you said. They always existed and then the USSR fell giving the Mujahideen a huge moral boos and the belief they caused the fall of the USSR. So why not take down the other super power?

Thus the mission was established and along came the name 'THE BASE'.


>Start a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran and blame it on Syria or Israel.
>Get popcorn and easy chair.
>Sit back.


I dont see any kek

No.Just no.

>huge chaos
>large influx of ISIS recruits
Yeah well done. You sound like the yanks who just want more conflict so they can sell their hellfire missiles to blow up farmers.

However, it IS islam... so it will be easy to ruin.
They already hate each other.
Light fuze.
Walk away to safe distance.

Thread has potential, ruined by pathetic autists counting numbers.

The best way to cull red ants is to introduce them to black ants...

The Donald has a plan, trust him

that's like asking how to get rid of Nazis.

spoiler alert: They still exist.

End the stupidity of all humans, go ahead and stop aggressiveness of your self and humans in general.
>Who is in fear is the one who kill, so that he will not be killed first.
As saying this who is in fear is weak individual who don't use power of his love to overcome all fear he personally have. They live in fear, and they like to make as all to live in fear, and we don't like to be afraid(no more). I know what iam saying. But fegs like to be fegs.

You dont know if this will work, manipulation-control need to come to end, making more conflicts is showing how idiotic you are. Stop looking for attention with fear, it don't work no more. This is is what isis is doing make you afraid so that you go in to war and be afraid for your life. Just why you dont go and fight them in there way?

Chaos is manageable.
It's not like it's near my house.
They will enjoy the change and the pretty lights in the sky.
Give them something to do... Some reason to yell allah akbhar.
They'll lurve it.

If anyone kills them, some idiot Muslims will sympathize with them and all that'll happen is that we'll end up with ISIS 2.0 (now with more gore).
I suggest we tighten our borders for extra security measures and NOT even support Muslim countries that fight ISIS or then some ISIS conspiracy theorist will use that to even spread more propaganda.

I'm just looking to help the animals cull each other faster and more effectively.

Bet you thought that was really deep before you typed it

>If you kill your enemies, they win.

Okay Justin Trudeau.

...and the hotheads run off to get culled.
Over time, evolutionary pressure has reduced them to cucks like the normal humans.
Problem solved.

Exactly. Muslims made a mess, so we just spectate and let them fix this fuck up themselves.
Of course, after tightening our borders; we don't need this fuck up to spread everywhere.

>chads quecked
to get rid of isis we need to get rid of the usa

Killing is the problem. Why is hard to love a brother who is isis solder?
Just because you are in fear and don't like that religion right?

You are playing to be smart.
>Picture related, person is dead by the same thing he killed.
>>With what you kill, you will be killed.
And so it is the Berlin attacker.

Yeah... might make them attack us, maybe even drive over us and attack churches and newspaper offices.... oh... wait....

You turn the other cheek... I'll be over here refilling mags.

Problem is that most non-radicals actually don't mind them that much.

pig bombs

If something is a problem, one deals with the problem.
Islam is a problem for the normal humans.
It needs to be eliminated, it's distribution centers destroyed and its supporters put in the ground.
It is the 21st century.
None of these are impossible objectives.
Welcome to the real world...