White bfaggots

white bfaggots,

do u feel lucky to be white?

I feel lucky to be born during the time that I was and didn't have to deal growing up in the mentally ill state America is at now.

Being white hasn't benefitted me, so to be born white? I'm apathetic.

If racism wouldn't be a thing anymore I probably would be really jelly on all these niggers out there,

They are
Got white teeth
Big cock
Can't get sunburn
Can say the word nigga in rl and can smoke kush without looking ridiculous in rap videos

I just feel white.Not that much a feel tho.

>being white hasnt benefitted me

you sad, sad individual

Do you get tired of making these shill threads?

I'm not sad

is it a crime for one be curious?

"White privilege" is a social invention for explaining why others are successful for their hard work when your life sucks for not putting effort into it.

A.k.a blaming others for your failures.

keep rationalizing how when someone looks at you they dont think negative things immediately

Humans will think negative things about others regardless of gender or race. Spoiler; humans are shitty creatures, just look at how often these black bashing posts are made.

keep coping bro

Cool story bro

I honestly feel great that I'm not a shitskin. I look down on the majority of them for being rude, idiotic, unbehaved savages.

You sound like a cuck. You must dress like a nigger

I've never thought about being White or being another color...

I guess I am lucky to have been born with White fair skin, baby blue eyes, tall, and of a good build. Not to mention I have a 7.5 inch penis, 8 after teasing myself for a while and smacking my dick on my legs and chocking the shit out of it with a death grip.

Thanks OP...feelin' pretty good about myself now. Was having a bad day when I found out George Michael died yesterday.

I'm not really white but I'm grateful for being born that way so I can call "progressive" sjws out on their bullshit without having my opinion dismissed due to being white.

I feel extremely unlucky because nature teased me, I look white, I sound white, my first name is "white", but since my dad is half non-white(not nig nog so he looks white) my last name is non-white so I get all the societal disadvantages of being non-white (housing,job discrimination, getting triggered by racist comments,etc..) but none of the advantages being non-white (strong sense of community, gibs me dat, programs, playing the race card, big dick etc)

I have only judged Blacks on how they look appearance-wise. Like, I saw a young Black man, maybe 15-16 the other night at the grocery store, and he didn't look like a thug and he was dressed well and his mom was dressed well too so I didn't think anything negative, but I did find myself saying, "Wow, he doesn't look like a thug, good on him and his mom."

Dunno if that makes me racist, but I admit that I'm prejudiced, I guess.

Judging anyone by appearance is prejudice to some degree but in 2016 America being a white male automatically makes you every bad ism or isn't out there

How can you say that while Trump is resident?

Everyone is a resident bruh

Ah, you're right, but I don't even listen to those people. I'm literally a bubbly, happy doofus. I probably annoy the shit out of those types of negative nellies. They need to take some happy pills and stop being so angry and hateful all of the time.

Until I get my privilege check direct deposited into my bank account; I'm going to say no.

lmfao keep coping fag


