God-tier Yugioh card thread

God-tier Yugioh card thread


Fusion Monster are gay like same as Ritual

You're gay

To much effort to summon a one of these fuckers

Nah, u gae.


I have the feeling this is not a original card

Fuckin really?



synchro master race

everytime someone on Yu gi oh generation is playing this card

fusion is where its at nigga

nostalgia hit



joey shit his pants when he saw this


bitch please




Yawgmoth's Will

Sadly we can't play the card anymore wasn't even op


The best card


this one is cute, anymore?




couples with this

raccoons is a great deck

Reliqiunshed/Thousand-eyes restrict

Oh shit, that could be pretty useful.

Best Spell card you got ?


Good for XYZ summoning

Pretty good for an entry level synch deck


KUCHYOSE NO JUTSU! oh wait, wrong anime 8D

I wanna start with psi cards ?
often I see that I need to pay life points

I dont understand why people still play Yu-Gi-Oh, once i discovered MTG i never looked back at Yu-Gi-Oh

Level limit area B
Raigeki (R.I.P)
Lighting vortex
Swords of revealing lights
Monster reborn (R.I.P.)

Truly the best.

I havn't played YGO in years and it makes me think these really cute critters are fake. Cool!

yeah, there are tons of videos on it. super fun deck

obedience schooled

xyz 64 ronin raccoon, herald of pure light, gachi gachi, and armored kappa are my extra deck

haven't played yugioh since i started playing pokemon tcg lol. just have a deck or two laying around so i figured i'd comment here

Never heard of MTG
tell me about it

Can we get the recipe for racoon deck?

Nothing beats my waifu

i'll post my list but it's super outdated, give me 5 minutes to organize

not sure if bait or you somehow haven'y heard of Magic the Gathering buy play Yu-Gi-Oh

Works against this pendulum summon bullshit

Fluffal / Frightfur deck. Plays a lot like the old-school fusion decks, without all the faggoty XYZ/Synchro garbage.

Maybe because I live in Germany but I really never heard something about it

Just look lit up, it's the game Yu-Gi-Oh and the Pokemon card game basically ripped off, Pokemon more so

I feel its simpler tbh, so much shit happens so fast in MTG and once your opponent has a ball rolling for them its pretty much over


Any tips on how to make balanced deck?
Im trying but it always becomes shit
>Tfw playing duel masters 2006

I never liked the pokemon stuff
Then it's probably not really my game

Yeah i know what you mean, I think I enjoy it way more is because, unless you're one of those people who only play the optimized tournament decks, there is so many more legit playable different types of decks than Yu-Gi-Oh has. The 5 Mana's just make the whole game far more flexible than Yu-Gi-Oh has.


>Activates skill drain
>Activates gravity bind

here's my list, probably outdated

3x raccoon tantan
3x raccoon ponpoko
2x kalantosa
2x effect veiler
key mouse
ryko lightsworn hunter
thunder king rai oh
wind up kitten
tree otter
junk synchron

3x fiend chain
bottomless trap hole
torrential tribute
burst rebirth
evacuation device
horn of the phantom beast
solemn warning
x2 dimensional prison

3x obedience schooled
3x upstart goblin (i think this might be banned)
3x space typhoon
2x ayers rock
dimensional fissure
book of moon

3x xyz 64 raccoon
armored kappa
gachi gachi
herald of pure light
black rose dragon
ally of justice catastor
frozen fitz
mist bird clausolas
red dragon archfiend
junk warrior

+ tokens

>Activates banished hole
Nice try

Depends on what you're going after with your recipe. Not every deck needs fancy bullshit in it, try implementing simple and strong cards that you can summon pretty easily. It helps to have magic and trap cards that serve the simple needs of the game and do it well (Swords of revealing light, Mirror Force, Mystical Space Typhoon, etc.)

Isn't upstart goblin semi-limited?

Perfectly enjoyable card game ruined by XYZ / Synchro / Pendulum

list is super outdated, it might be limited. haven't played ygo in so long

win lose ratio ?
Is it fun or Op ?

It's true that there are too much but fusion is the problem...

never played competitive, just played casually with a few buds in school. kinda op if you can get an obedience schooled first turn from what i've seen

>Activates raigeki
>Activates gravity bind
>Activates banished hole
>Activates sakuretsu armor

This is why i hate playing against my brother


True, but modern Yugioh has an insane amount of different archetypes that if you read some fine print and think hard about what you can mix in and switch out, the possibilities are endless

>Imagine skill drain activates when you special summon it

Envoy of the end has a piss easy finisher effect

I feel you those cards are so superfluous

pendulum = gay

XYZ = its alright

synchro = pretty well implemented considering the designing of the Tuner monsters

fusion is OG and pretty well balanced, idk what your smoking

banned tho lol


Imagine summoning your most powerful monster, and guess what?
>Torrential tribute
>Banished hole
>Trap hole
Or even fucking change of heart when it was not banned

too hard to summon

yu gi oh makes me puke

Thanks for bump and your opinion

That's the most annoying thing about this TCG without this cards it would be way better

resuscitation cards are the key

That would remove most of the strategy from the game though.

I'm supposed to attack directly in Yu-Gi-Oh but this one player keeps activating Scrap-iron scarecrow

I think you're right but you know the feeling when you summon the strongest card and then your enemy just use a cheap spell card to fuck you really hard

Yay monster reborn!
Yay any resurection spell card!
>Fucking spell canceler on the field
Forget this shit, CALL OF THE HAUN-


I do, it's annoying. But I still wouldn't want the cards removed or anything. Most super powerful monsters are extremely hard to destroy without them though. Imagine someone summoned destiny hero plasma or something, you're basically fucked without some sort of OP spell or trap to stop it.

Or monster
>Man-eater bug


Try to fuck Jinzo 24k are not that strong and after that you can get your monster back
And if your enemy got 2 or 3 Jinzo's than fuck him and leave

Spiderman should be a real card in Yu gi oh right ?

Plasma negates other effect monster's abilities.

Ooohh,now thats nice