Start a new trend

Start a new trend.
Make black slavery a hoax.
Black slavery never happend.
It was all lies.
Black people are delusional.

Spread the trend, and let the race war begin.

like 30 virgins in their moms' basements could rewrite history

I like it.

"Slavery? What slavery... that never happened."

It's no more ridiculous than what the niggers are doing with their "WE WUZ KANGS!" bullshit.

rewrite history? There was no history to begin with.

maybe not but 30 virgins could rewrite fox headlines and that could rewrite history

Interesting idea...

But you're going to have to find (or make) 'proof' that it didn't happen. It'll be hard to make it work... even white supremacy groups acknowledge slavery.

Might be derailed by all the emboldened southern racists talking about bringing slavery BACK.

Hail Satan Etc. for your random post numbers. Anyway, I'd be more than willing to give up "slavery" to just send all the niggers back to the jungle where they belong. I can't see how that isn't a "WIN/WIN" situation!


We could cherrypick examples and draw similarities to immigrant workers, to say they were paid in room and board. Then we extrapolate the cost of food, housing etc to modern estimates and boom, the slaves of yesterday were merely underpaid workers who were offered passage to america since there were no jobs in africa at the time. We could also figure in the cost of passage in the total payment estimate. Then the laws that were passed were because of criminals. Since the white men who brought the negros out of africa to be educated and granted housing, and offered employment trusted them to be as honest as they were, but soon discovered that many of them displayed violent criminal behavior and would injure and steal from fellow workers without provocation.

This led to stricter laws not only for negros but for much of the area in which they lived. Eventually laws requiring proof of lawfulness for entry into many public areas, and eventually all criminals were excluded. Since nearly all violent criminals in those areas were of the african migrant worker population, this was misinterpreted by modern scholars as "racist segregation", and due to modern analysis of the artifacts and records of that time most reputable scholars acknowladge this error.

> and offered employment trusted them to be as honest as they were, but soon discovered that many of them displayed violent criminal behavior and would injure and steal from fellow workers without provocation.

Get rid of that bit. Make it sound more like indentured labour... food, board, education and the benefits of civilized life in return for work.

Segregration was necessary: they had difficulty fitting in to white society and originally chose to segregate themselves, much like modern jews or the Amish.
Racial hatred came solely from ignorance... whites didn't understand blacks, blacks didn't understand whites.

Too much blame on the black. That shit makes it sound like you're making stuff up to justify why you don't like nigs.
Destroys the credibility.

Several criminal gangs caused so much destruction that even the african migrant workers begun to complain, causing several leaders to rise among them including MLK.
These violent criminals led to the nonviolent folk of the land being forced to arm themselves and take vigilante action, to protect their communities. These groups eventually became known as the KKK, or Klansmen as they were all part of a migrant clan from europe which had enough of criminal activity in their neighborhoods and cities. Other groups of note were the boy scouts, whi trained to warn of incoming criminal attacks, and the black panthers, formed entirely of african immigrant workers and sought to bring justice to criminals in their communities.

Hmmm maybe say there were a few bad apples in the bunch, but they were weeded out by respected members within society?

I could also include that those gangs included non african people

Self segregation is an excellent point, and parallels can certainly be drawn to modern examples such as amish.

Better. Could play up the tribal nature... the chiefs pretty much controlled the workers and instogated shit

Could work.
Put the blame back onto them. They made choices that made them look bad to future generations, so they made up stories so it wasn't their fault

Yeah, like Sup Forums ever effected anything outside of the internet ever.

The negro, born in adversity is offered passage to a society teeming with employment opportunities. Their new bosses offer them free housing and food in exchange for honest labor. Although their new habitat was obtousely unfamiliar, their harsh lifestyle allowed them to persevere. Families moved nearby each other, and due to the tribal nature inherant in their culture many chose to segregate themselves. Much like jewish segregation today, this led to suspicion on the part of their neighbors. Contrary to previously held theory, the migrant workers of the 17-1800's were by no means poor by the standards of the time, as many held stable employment for generations. This led to artisanl refinement of skills, such that some became known entirely by their skillset, as in much of preindustrial europe.

Looks good.
Now bang that fucker into an infographic, find some olde pics of whites teaching blacks to read and ship it.

Although the land of opportunity, not all of american society was willing to accecpt the new cultural influences brought from overseas. With the influx of new customs, there was understandably some tensions between the migrant workers and the people in the communities they joined. This cultural mistrust was further deepened by criminal acts on both sides of the issue that caused generalizations to be applied to groups in the population. Many slurs we recognize came from this time, such as "whitey" and "newfag". Eventually, through education and growing familiarity, both groups of immigrants would learn to cooperate to build a successful society.

Damn, now i have to get on my pc

Anyone got pics i can use?

Just a thought.
What's the plan here? What are you going to do with this once you've put it all together?