com/folderview?id=0ByLflLdAdWYRfjBuNTdJMGFlQ2RVcllpV2pscUNIUXBvZzNNQkMzQTRYMm1uRkxxN3gyUzg com/folderview?id=0ByLflLdAdWYRfjBuNTdJMGFlQ2RVcllpV2pscUNIUXBvZzNNQkMzQTRYMm1uRkxxN3gyUzg
This is my R34 folder that I don't want to go to waste when I delete it soon.

No scam im sure

I can assure you it's not.

>broken english folder

Thanks OP, appreciate it. Your collection isn't exactly huge but there's some good shit in there.

Fuck user, how would this scam of his even work? Viruses hidden inside of the fucking .jpg files or some shit?

Can confirm. Solid collection.

thx anom


Can someone post the pics, my phone won't let me see them




what the hell am i doing wrong to not be able to find the link


Did you add a period after google?

add a period after 'google', op had to remove it from the url to be able to post the link



thanks guys, to drunk to tell what was missing



I have a bigger folder, not on google sadly i keep it on my hardrive. Not to organized but some good shit about like 80gb.


Then post it user




where do I post it. i cant upload it anywhere to big.

Is there a way I can download a lot at a time instead 1 at a time?

Can you upload files to dropbox?

why are you deleting it?