What's the man in my pics name again? I can't remember

What's the man in my pics name again? I can't remember

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You may only address him as your God Emperor. Pleb.


Hugh Mungus

Notimeforlove Desktopthread




Donald John Trump; proprietor of a large business and President-elect of the United States of America.

Paul blart

That's Donald Reagan. The President.

President Donald J. Trump

Mr. President


that's a poo face

Kraynold Dromp

that's President Obama you dipshit

God Emperor Trump.


Adolf Pussygrabber.

steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198201546686/ OP hook it up with mw2 thats my profile pic

Agreed. This has to be false. 90% of black men voted Killary....bull shit.

Trumplethinskin our Lord High Cheeto

the winner mr hillary ditzite

Ronald stump

wait, doesn't match 34+36+5+7+5+6+6=99%
the missing 1% are dead or what

Donald Rump

80% you dumb ass.
What, you think just because a handful of Fox news special guests are black Republicans that the rest of the hive minded niggers are going to jump on board the Trump train? Every minority votes overwhelimingly democratic.

I'll remind you in 4 years when whites are 49% of the country and you're voting for Gavin Newsom.

>tfw adam Sandler is running for president next election

So sorry I switched male and female. Big whoop. And sorry sir, don't watch MSM. Fox or otherwise.

Oh. Some transphobia. Why wouldn't I expect that...

Explain the transphobia?

>I can't remember
John L. Hitler.

Or a rounding error.

Where is the percentage of illegal immigrants on here? Im guessing 100% of those voted Clinton.

Ding ding ding!

Should have wrote that in a response tweet, you would have destroyed him.