Ask a miserable 7/11 employee anything

Ask a miserable 7/11 employee anything

Also fuck your one snickers bar

my one snickers bar is more important than your life

Have you ever filled you bladder from the outside before? Recently I've been in some hotels and have had the opportunity to do so. It's an amazing feeling literally watching your bladder grow in seconds and by pressing a shower hose to my peehole then peeing it all out only to refill again and actually I broke my old bladder record doing so. I managed to get a little over 1600 in there by filling from the outside whereas normal holding I barely managed 1400. Does anybody else have any experience with this? Just curious. And I know its possible to get a UTI from this but I've done it now several times with no problems. Anybody know any potential problems I might suffer that I haven't thought about

how do i into greentext?

>tfw faggot

At least I have a life and don't waste it going to the gas station. I get paid to be there.

that's even worse. you're basically saying your time is of so little value it is well spent making minimum wage in a road side toilet.

exemplary life, bro

I would try a turkey baster filled with lemonade.

then you can serve children drinks while getting off at the same time.

I actually make more than minimum wage, haven't been paid minimum in...ever, actually.

What I'm saying is I'm there when I'm making money but outside of work I actually enjoy myself without driving down the road for candy every five minutes.

Also have a happy dog

hey, stop trying to justify your shitty job to people, this isnt ask me anything and be berrated by me cause im insecure about my job, or maybe it is, maybe thats exactly what you want

>hey, stop

Oh sorry sir wasn't aware this was your website.

That dude didn't ask me anything, and I'm not justifying anything I hate my shitty job because I help shitty people like you all day.

Also have a weiner

Shut the fuck up, and give me one snicker bar.

The candy is on your side of the counter, retard.

>wasn't aware this was your website.

yeah well, now you know, so ill let you go with just a warning

>Lady says coffee is cold
>I open the top of the urn and steam bellows out
>"Well its hot but I can make a fresh urn for you"
>Lady tried a sip of coffee
>Spits it on the floor
>This is ice cold

My fucking face

How about I respectfully ignore your warning and get drunk instead?

Hoegaarden is the shit.

Well, life on the outside ain't what it used to be....

ill take your word for it, you nazi fuck

Belgians aren't Nazis unless they cross the line of wearing lederhosen.


Why don't/do you sell cigarettes to 16 year olds

I don't because its always young people that come in to bust us for selling to minors.
I don't care personally but if my boss loses his tobacco licence because of me, then I'd be in deep shit and I need this job for one more month.

When I was 18 I bought packs for my 16 y/o friends though.

why don't you use grindr to find some fag to come suck you off in the bathroom

I have plenty of fags that shop at my store anyway, I'd just have to ask them.

All of them are old or retarded looking though.

Also have a rave

Any way to get trust? Asking for a friend

who cares watch porn on your cellphone

>using the word cellphone
>almost 2017

If you sell me good weed then I usually give you free fountain drinks, so I guess I would look the other way for that.

That's not a terrible idea but I'd rather get aids from my girlfriend if I have the choice.

Don't you have a Nokia, bro? Its the latest thing.

youre boring
this kills the thread

I said I was miserable, not enticing or exciting.

Who has the bigger dick?


>potential problems
becoming perpetual beta

nobody drove to you for candy.
it's a "convenience store"
they stopped for the candy because your store was already there on the way to something else

Do you work here??
Get me a fucking SNICKER bar NOWWWWW!!!

the 7-11 near me closed down and I'm pretty sad rip

I see the same people every day plus a handful of strangers.

People drive to my store for candy and I bet you do too.


You're a moron.

I'm a moron because people tell me that they came for a specific thing?

Sounds more like you're one of the faggots that lives out of a convenience store when there's a grocery store across the street.

I'd also like a receipt with that snickers and for you to check that attitude you filthy peasant. I may live in my mothers basement but I'm the one in front of the counter telling you how it is.

>having such a shitty life to the point that you start questioning people's motives to buy a candy bar and try to justify it to strangers on the internet.

I no lie had someone threaten to report me to corporate for not giving them free nachos.

Here's your receipt, take it easy.

>Having nothing better to do than going to the gas station three times a day

I can have an opinion just like you, faggot, and my opinion is that people love to buy shit for the sake of buying shit and that's irritating if you're the one that has to stop what you're doing every time someone wants one Gatorade at 11:30 pm when they were in the store earlier for water.