Make America Great Again

Make America Great Again


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>too fucking lazy to even bait

Make yourself great first, faggot.


You Just Got Zapped.

The wall just got 10 feet higher.

Fuck off. He lost the popular vote by 3 million. In any real democracy, Hillary would have won. Trump is a joke. This whole election has been a big spit in the USA's face.

Hillary spent her whole life preparing for this, and she was beaten by someone who picked up politics as a hobby last year. Disgraceful.

Trump wants to build a wall to stop people coming into the USA from Mexico. I say let them in if they want in. Pacifism is the future.

Trump is a very dangerous man now. With control of the USA's nuclear arsenal, who knows what'll happen.

Trump doesn't believe in global warming, and so doesn't his pick for the head of the EPA. He said that it was a hoax by and for the Chinese to made USA manufacturing non-competitive.

You guys cannot comprehend what will happen with Donald fucking Trump in charge of the most powerful nation on our only planet.

If 48% of your great nation is retarded rednecks, this is what you get

Murrica gets what it deserves. Also Europe finally understands that they are dependant on murrica....

If this is dubs this is the truth, if singles I suck donkyballs

That 5 time draft dodging faggot does not deserve to be on that tank.

You guys are total fucking idiots.

This will make america great again.

What you guys need

So excited for him to drain the swamp and punish Russia for all their BS...... Oh wait....

America was never great. Sup Forums was never great.


It was. Then people like trump sold it out for personal profit. Then the cucks fell for his lies that he would fix it all and elected him to the most powerful position on earth so he can personally profit even more.

Get it out of your system now. Because when he fucks over America over the next 4 years and everyone blames you for voting for him you'll feel like a real piece of shit. Oh wait, no you won't. You'll find some way to convince yourself that it wasn't his fault, it was the liberals some how, and you'll go on sucking his little orange cheeto dick just like you always do. Fucking pathetic.

You realize they're will be no wall. Hasn't even brought it up. Just like with Hillary. She ain't going to prison. They man lied to you to get elected and you bought it. Good job loser.

It's the liberals fault.
>trump has republican Congress and senate

Build Wall

11/10 best Photoshop job

Stop posting this shit, Karla. We know you train your sheep fucking vodka sucking retarded children of communism to pay this shit straight from the Kremlin.

You gotta love the discussion on this post

Is Donald Trump Joseph Stalin?

It wasn't. At least to the rest of the world.



>she spent her whole life preparing for this
I spent my entire life preparing to be a billionaire. Where's my fucking money?

>"Build a wall" - fence at best
>"Lock her up" - doesn't care about it anymore, has person in cabinet who divulged sensitive information to foreigners
>"Drain the swamp" - Selects bunch of politically inexperienced businessmen in cabinet, and selects corrupt career-politician in DoE. Drops catchphrase.
>"Improve Russian ties" - tweets about entering nuclear arms race with them.

I guess he'll drop MAGA next.

> In any real democracy,

you dont live in a democracy. (you live in an electoral republic... and a monumentally corrupt one at that.)

in fact, North Carolina has policies in place which if it were an independent nation would make it one of the least democratic nations in the world, for voter freedom:

I will personally bomb the wall in the fight for wildlife corridors and functional water hydrology.
Only someone as who has positive connotations with a phrase like "drain the swamp" could possibly be this ignorant of ecology.
These people do not understand how the world works on a fundamental level, and the entire world is going to pay for it.

17 trillion dollar economy and the world best military. There is only a certain limit to greatness before everything comes crumbling over greed example is rome, nepolian, Mongolian empire.

Why are people so update over Trump? He's already doing far better then Obama ever did and he's not even in office yet

He takes credit for obama work? When he president then its his work to take credit. Idiot

Discuss what? How economists (you know, the people that know what they're talking about) have said that trump will lose millions of jobs while raising the debt by trillions?

Or should we discuss how he's one of the most dishonest people to ever run for the presidency, let alone win it, at around 70 percent of what he says being shown to be objectively false by unbiased, nonpartisan fact checkers?

Or should we discuss how Americans, in their infinite arrogance and ignorance, would rather believe shit that 'sounds good' rather than allow facts to guide their beliefs because they were raised in a religious society that teaches them that believing things without question or evidence is not just acceptable but desirable?

Electing Trump was all we needed to do to make America great again

If you mean wasting your life getting pissed when you loose at Monopoly, sure. A real winner, be sure to get back to us when you get the community vote to make you a billionaire ok kid?

God and Cuntry

You're full of shit and I know for a fact you're trolling. None of that stuff is true, if you're not trolling, maybe you need to get some of that wax outta your ears and get educated.

Trump is winning.

We have turned wayward. If Murica will go back to sitting in church every Sunday Murica will be made great again

Can't stump the Trump

He won the election dipshit. Over half of everything he said was false. Sources to back up those claims. What's it like being trumps cuck?

Do it lefties

Nice bait MAGA-friend

In 4 years when things are worse will you finally admit that lefties have to come and clean up your shit?

No excuses. He has a gop Congress and senate and soon a gop supreme court

> None of that stuff is true

It absolutely baffles me that things which are verifiable facts, checked, cross-referenced, and proven to be true, like the fact that some 70% of Trumps statements were found to be absolutely false, are dismissed by people who loudly claim that "none of that stuff is true".

What is it with these people that they have completely divorced themselves from any sort of ability to have critical thought? How do they manage to utterly blank the reality that's been proven, and instead substitute their own imagined world, and still operate in any sort of sane fashion?

it makes no sense at all, yet they continue going on imagining that Trump's somehow honest. its insane.

Idiots like this dont understand theres allready a fence...
Get your hippie ass out of here, no that shit isnt getting you laid.

I'm more than aware of the bush era border fence you fucking retard.

Keep dreaming creamboy. That's the kind of shit that got King Trump elected and will get him re-elected three more times.


This is my gift to you america my cum in your face

Depressing how unaware people can be of the processes that allow them to exist.

Just take five minutes a day and learn ecology, why are you making this a partisan issue? It's all objective.

That's Lincoln and we don't like him either

Trump autism fag are proud and loud. If trump said he was god and started a new religion. I Wouldn't be surprise how many followers he would have. He would turn water into potatoes for them.

Only 31 states require identification to vote. Non-citizens voted this election without a doubt.

Pacifism isn't the answer, fuck anyone who tries to capitalize on our US economy and vote in our elections without paying taxes. They can become citizens if they want to come here to stay.

Hillary was shit at hiding her corruption, it was open and obvious, and she cackled at every debate like a hyena like it wasn't a serious topic. She represented all the shit Americans hated about the government.

Trump not believing in global warming is most likely an excuse to boost the fossil fuel economy. As long as our petrol-dollar is worth significantly more than every other nation, we will be fine. That being said, it would be ideal if we used that boosted economy to buy more electric cars, solar panels, and windmills.


This shit will get more Republicans elected. Please keep it up


I think you mean

>global warming
>we'll be fine

Popular vote means absolutely nothing. America was created with an electoral college, and thats how it shall stay. All you butthurt, leftist, misandrist faggot tumblerinos need to accept the results of the election. No recounts could change it. So accept it, move to Canada like you said, or kys.

Yet another example of how collective identity is destroying America.
Treat yourself and other individuals as the individuals that they are.
We are so much more than the groups we share a categorical simularity with.
This kind of bullshit is tearing America apart and it is your ethical imperative to place yourself above that nonsense

10/10 Troll Post but if you're being for real. All those...
>which are verifiable facts, checked, cross-referenced, and proven to be true, like the fact that some 70% of Trumps statements were found to be absolutely false
Are from Left Winged or Alt-Left Winged news sites who don't like Trump. It's very hard to find factual information, you need to revise and do a more through search for factual information

Trump claimed in debate that he did not support Iraq war. He is on video supporting it before he started. Spin it all you want. "left this, left that" That is a demonstrative lie

You're full of shit and interpreting it wrong.

Here's a news flash, majority of people in the US voted for Trump, proving just how badly we need him and how good of a man he really is.

How can you interpret it wrong?!? Wtf is wrong with you? Please don't ever serve on a jury

We're fucked.

>The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.
>Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all.
--Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States of America

>[actual fact]
>"fuck yo uliar liaR SHUT UP1!!"
kill yourself

>more people voted for trump so it must not be true.
Ladies and gentlemen the average american

It's been over a decade since I first heard song "Smoke 2 Joints" on K-ROQ in L.A. I dug the tune but then they stoped playin' it so I've only heard it once or twice since then. We jammed the tune when Sublime hooked up in 88. I had to fake it cuz I barely remembered how it went. In the studio, we fucked w/ it and dropped some turntables on there & just generally faked it!...I was wondering if you and your brother still play live or if you are in other bands and if you still jam "reggae". Mabey we could rock out together next time we are up in Oregan... I'm looking forward to sharing some of that super Oregan green w/y'all. Sorry this letter got so long, I'm stoned to the bone at the moment. The main thing I wanted to say was thanx for being cool too about the...cover we did on 40 oz. Everybody else that we covered, or in some instances sampled, demanded mass cash or, as w/"RAW HIDE", said we strait up can't use their shit and must take it off the album or else face some funky law suit. I get the feeling that most of this publishing shit is handled by some fucker in a suit and air conditioned office. I doubt the musicians ever even know what's up. Kinda makes ya wanna just go burn the fern, eh vern? Got any? Musicians gotta stick togeather and stick it to the corporate pig useless shitbag fucks who can all suck my ass.

>majority of people in the US voted for Trump
This is also false.

Alright Sup Forums stop trolling you little shits you

Pick only one.