El español es el idioma mas grande de todos los tiempos

>El español es el idioma mas grande de todos los tiempos
And for you poor ignorants who don't speak spanish
>Spanish language is the greatest of all time

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


Je hoerenmoeder

I prefer American Sign Language

You are wrong because people from central and south America speak Spanish therefore it cannot be the best

El inglés es para hablar de la guerra, el francés es para hablar con las mujeres. El castellano es para hablar con Dios.


>not thinking Danish is best
Rød grød med fløde

This is why I don't like to be spanish.
Seriously these fucking retards.

With 329 million native speakers, Spanish ranks as the world's No. 2 language in terms of how many people speak it as their first language. It is slightly ahead of English (328 million)

Then why are you on an English board writing in English and not Castellano?

How many of those countries are white?

you're wrong because it is a nigger version of Latin, which also sucked.

you're ignorant or trolling cuz that's wrong. as in bad translation wrong. as in first and last line not the same.

de puta madre bro thats all i have the say

gallego chupame un huevo
aguante la frula y el diego

and still better than your language

oh right, being colonized shit is way better.


English has ceased to be an "English language" in the sense of belonging only to people who are ethnically English.[101][102] Use of English is growing country-by-country internally and for international communication. Most people learn English for practical rather than ideological reasons.[103] Many speakers of English in Africa have become part of an "Afro-Saxon" language community that unites Africans from different countries.[104]

As decolonisation proceeded throughout the British Empire in the 1950s and 1960s, former colonies often did not reject English but rather continued to use it as independent countries setting their own language policies.[48][49][105] For example, the view of the English language among many Indians has gone from associating it with colonialism to associating it with economic progress, and English continues to be an official language of India.[106] English is also widely used in media and literature, and the number of English language books published annually in India is the third largest in the world after the US and UK.[107] However English is rarely spoken as a first language, numbering only around a couple hundred-thousand people, and less than 5% of the population speak fluent English in India.[108][109] David Crystal claimed in 2004 that, combining native and non-native speakers, India now has more people who speak or understand English than any other country in the world,[110] but the number of English speakers in India is very uncertain, with most scholars concluding that the United States still has more speakers of English than India.[111]

Modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca,[51][112] is also regarded as the first world language.[113][114] English is the world's most widely used language in newspaper publishing, book publishing, international telecommunications, scientific publishing, international trade, mass entertainment, and diplomacy.[114] English is, by international treaty, the basis for the required controlled natural languages[115] Seaspeak and Airspeak, used as international languages of seafaring[116] and aviation.[117] English used to have parity with French & German in scientific research, but now it dominates that field.[118] It achieved parity with French as a language of diplomacy at the Treaty of Versailles negotiations in 1919.[119] By the time of the foundation of the United Nations at the end of World War II, English had become pre-eminent [120] and is now the main worldwide language of diplomacy and international relations.[121] It is one of six official languages of the United Nations.[122] Many other worldwide international organisations, including the International Olympic Committee, specify English as a working language or official language of the organisation.

Many regional international organisations such as the European Free Trade Association, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),[52] and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) set English as their organisation's sole working language even though most members are not countries with a majority of native English speakers. While the European Union (EU) allows member states to designate any of the national languages as an official language of the Union, in practice English is the main working language of EU organisations.[123]

chupame un huevo gallego

Although in most countries English is not an official language, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language.[51][52] In the countries of the EU, English is the most widely spoken foreign language in nineteen of the twenty-five member states where it is not an official language (that is, the countries other than the UK, Ireland and Malta). In a 2012 official Eurobarometer poll, 38 percent of the EU respondents outside the countries where English is an official language said they could speak English well enough to have a conversation in that language. The next most commonly mentioned foreign language, French (which is the most widely known foreign language in the UK and Ireland), could be used in conversation by 12 percent of respondents.[124]

A working knowledge of English has become a requirement in a number of occupations and professions such as medicine[125] and computing. English has become so important in scientific publishing that more than 80 percent of all scientific journal articles indexed by Chemical Abstracts in 1998 were written in English, as were 90 percent of all articles in natural science publications by 1996 and 82 percent of articles in humanities publications by 1995.[126]

Specialised subsets of English arise spontaneously in international communities, for example, among international business people, as an auxiliary language. This has led some scholars to develop the study of English as an auxiliary languages. Globish uses a relatively small subset of English vocabulary (about 1500 words with highest use in international business English) in combination with the standard English grammar. Other examples include Simple English.

The increased use of the English language globally has had an effect on other languages, leading to some English words being assimilated into the vocabularies of other languages. This influence of English has led to concerns about language death,[127] and to claims of linguistic imperialism,[128] and has provoked resistance to the spread of English; however the number of speakers continues to increase because many people around the world think that English provides them with opportunities for better employment and improved lives.[129]

Although some scholars mention a possibility of future divergence of English dialects into mutually unintelligible languages, most think a more likely outcome is that English will continue to function as a koineised language in which the standard form unifies speakers from around the world.[130] English is used as the language for wider communication in countries around the world.[131] Thus English has grown in worldwide use much more than any constructed language proposed as an international auxiliary language, including Esperanto.[132][133]

so you're basically a retard who just repeats himself.

have a nice day sudaca shit

andate a la concha de tu madre

how the fuck incas and mayas spoke spanish both in spain and south america when there was no way to get over seas?


Spanish has 559 M speakers, whilst English has 1500 M speakers

are you really this dumb?


Viva España, viva el Rey, viva el orden y la ley

I'm not from Galicia, so I don't understand how is that an insult :D
So I'm gonna call you.... chinese guy.

is this what is taught in 'merica?
no wonder why they have elected trump as president

chupame un huevo

This is just because english is plain simple and easy, just for dumb people. It will never compare to spanish complexity, and many possible ways to express ideas.

Estoy de acuerdo.

Estoy de acuerdo. Desde argentina para el mundo, mi amigo.

chupame un huevo

"of all time" no sir, Latin is the Greatest language of all time. all romance languages derive from Latin

English has over 1,000,000 words in its vocabulary, compared to the measly 500,000 in Spanish. This gives English many more ways to express complex ideas.


yet the americans managed to destroy it

Well, I'm not American.

chupame un chupame

the Ooga Booga ape-speak ruined English in the United States

Coño, uno me voy a hacer a salud del post

The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words


wrong information cowboy, Spanish is more complex, i can proove this with al the stupid english-speakers who cant understand the spanish vocabulary.

buenas noches

I agree.
I'm British and don't have anything against American English per se, but a lot of Americans are really bad an speaking it.



That image forgot Philippines.

>retarded enough to not even understand English

He said greatest, not best

Cállate conchetumare
a nadie le importa
This board is in english for a reason, faggot

vai se fuder seu cuçao do caralho fi do capeta negro

another retard in the bag

English has about twice as many words as Spanish, but the total number ineach language depends on what you count as separate words.


chupame un chupame

Lo que eres es un desertor de tu lengua madre!

Como si fuera tan honroso hablar español
btw wenos dubs m3n

OP. Eres el ignorant faggot mas grande que he conocido. El alemán es la mejor lengua de todos los tiempo.


>ignorant faggot
>todos los tiempo

Es normal que el alemán te parezca mejor cuando no sabes hablar tu propia lengua, patán.

Latin is the greatest language of all times, because is the mother of all that shit, the original is always the best.

Didn't read. Lol


>chupame chupame un

Spanish is a garbled lazy mess where entire letters are dropped and the whole thing comes out sounding like a drunk person right on the verge of passing out

nouns and adjectives have genders in spanish
SJWs would go crazy

Es la primera lengua que se extendio a america, la lengua del poderoso imperio español, una lengua que ha pasado por el comunismo y el capitalismo, por la extensión mundial, la lengua que mas rapido cambia debido a la variedad y diversidad cultura, geografica y etnografica de la gente que la habla, y otros muchos hechos historicos que me estoy dejando atras.

because you're retarded?

>'j' is read as 'h'
Fucking stupid as fuck

la media hueá
¿que importancia tiene eso si casi todos los países que lo hablan español están hechos mierda casi completamente, de manera económica o cultural?
En latinoamerica no somos tercer mundo por nada

You guys are fucking retarded fighting over a language. They are both useful depending on where you live. Pinche bola de pendejos.

you all should go suck a dick btw
la callampa es buena pa' la salud men

callate pelotudo

>todos los tiempo
e amigo to piola vo

the fact that even niggers in 'Frica can speak it makes it no great language

norwegian is trurly superior

chupame la pija

dont want to feed you at this point .

OP you got people to speak dutch, danish, portuguese, spanish and english in your thread, let's see how many language we'll reach till 404 and admire humans' different languages

that's retarded dude


you see, even the country name says it's literally nothing

it was canada btw
'guess that makes it better

Why do spanish people think that everyone is supposed to speak spanish? English is way easier to learn because there are more interesting movies in english and better music. So why should spanish be superior?

it isn't

It isn't better. I'm a native spanish speaker and learning english for me was way easier than learning all the grammatical rules for spanish. I believe english is more practical and efficient, but I still like spanish.
