Were they any good?

Were they any good?

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No they were all well done. Anybody who likes theirs steak well done generally makes poor decisions and is fundamentally unlikable.


How can they all be well done if you could buy them raw and cook them yourself

It was an obvious reference that you decided to take seriously, not unlike an autistic would.

You cannot be helped.

Reference to what?

kill me

I imagine you typing this while crouching over your keyboard, drooling, with your other hand
(Which is always pointing one finger straight up, and stiff) making motions in the air, your head pointing down, so you have to look upwards with your eyes to see the screen, and then letting out a loud yelp when you hit send.

Hey you have a great imagination buddy! Keep it up.

The best

Better than Argentine Asada

You remind me of my dead mother

>set up

What's the punchline? Don't say this is the joke because that would be humiliating.

>inb4 I killed her

god, what an insufferable shit.

blah blah blah yada yada yada


These are a thing?

u sure told me

No punchline. I'm just saying, you remind me of her. She was an excessively opinionated, condescending cunt. One of the reasons why she got shot and killed.

Pic related, it's mommy

that's fascinating user

They were, but they're gone now due to low sales. Not surprising since the cheapest package was $200 (contained 14 steak burgers and 4 steaks). See:
