She had it. She had it and threw it away. It was supposed to be her turn

She had it. She had it and threw it away. It was supposed to be her turn.

>could of been the most powerful female
>could of made feminism mainstream
>could of been the first female US president
>could of changed the world

What could she possibly have done differently?

well, for starters she should have committed all those crimes

you mean all the ones you made up and was never charged for?

>>could of made feminism mainstream
This is why no one wanted her. That and she is a criminal. Sanity won.

Not have been such a dickwad and call all of her non-supporters (Even those who didn't support trump) Deplorable?

do you get all your news straight from putin or only most of it?

oh please...

Oh and have better policies in general and not get support from countries who hate Women and Gays?

No be a bitch

Did you get all of your News from CNN and the guardian?

This has become a dubs thread.

Keep crying bitch. If we didn't have the electoral college this would be the United States of Califorrnia.

>>made up
Keep drinking the koolaid

>Not get support from places who hate gays
What like Russia?

Unless Texas has a Population boom. Because after all, everything is bigger in Texas.

OP, u r right

Time to end the electrical college because it is dum and was made by 19th century farmers who didn't understand. They were stupid.

At least Russia doesn't force gays off of buildings to their death.

>could have been the most powerful female
would have been dangerous for the whole world
>could have made feminism mainstream
feminism is no longer what you think it is
>could have been the first female US president
will be good when it happens, she would have been a horrible wearer of that title
>could have changed the world
by destroying it

Third wave feminists need to get raped and die. You and all of the purple haired fat bitches can fuck off.

Learn proper grammar.

If that's where the majority of the population lives, then who fucking cares?

She would have been the American version of Merkel. Which would have been the death sentence for Earth.

>could of
>four times

>could of


>could of
It's "could have" or "could've", you illiterate fuck

Nope, only puts them in jail in fucking Siberia. Also, Putin openly supported trump, yet all those rumors for the Hillary supporter were just that: rumors.

>Who fucking cares?
Obviously democrats since Trump would have won both the Electoral and Popular vote if Cali wasn't included.

The short list
Debbie Shultze
Donna Brazile
Bill meeting Loretta Lynch
Corruption all around the democrats
And the dems have still done nothing to any of them, it's easier to blame the racist
No crimes but still corruption

>what could she possibly have done differently?

try to get supporters who wernt the worst of society? using the gender card can only get you so far

>could of

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

Ok......sanity did not win......ask twitter.....and any 4 year old

>jail in fucking Siberia
Where the fuck did you get that from?

Fucking retard.

>If that's where the majority of the population lives, then who fucking cares?

Because its not, its where the loudest now reside, and last time to silent majority stayed quite we got the volstead act. The one thing that caused the biggest boom in organized crime and gave power to the people who are currently fucking over the system.

No it should have been

>might have but wouldn't because she lies

>If you took out enough Hillary votes to make trump win the popular vote then trump would have won the popular vote.
No shit

dont tell me u never use it

Would you consider the selling off of 20% of US uranium PRODUCTION to the russians as a good thing?
Mishandling of Haitian relief funds?
Being huge in "pay to play" politics?

Yeah, she's a real peach.

>could of
>could of
>could of
>could of deniers in the name of capitalism are going to be in office instead.....I'm sure earth will be just fine....oh well surely earth will be so much

OP has conformed Autism.

Even the most whiny of SJWs know that is fake.

i could care less

God you people know nothing.

The point is dumbass so that when deciding on the fate of a nation the choice isn't left to a select area where a major population resides. IE: The English Monarchy before, during, and after the American Revolution.

I COULD have been a billionaire. I COULD have been the living on easy street. My mind SHOULD be down on earth and not daydreaming of possibility. time is money and many of us ARE wasting it.

Thinking of Possibilities -vs- Thinking of Actualities

. OP in your mind, she's probably president. Liberals celebrating like she's gonna pay all your bill and you dont have to jack shit. where the conservatives are quietly licking their wounds. In actuality, she's not president. Liberals are crying out like they have to actually work for a living. The silent conservatives are celebrating victory, twice!!


I'm not even that poster but Jesus Christ, no, I don't. It's "could've" retard


If she had had an ounce more charisma than a moldy bologna sandwich she might have actually won.

You think the silent majority would stay quiet if the yoke of state elections was thrown off? You think all the California republicans would continue to not vote, even though their vote now truly mattered instead of fighting a losing battle ( voting red in a strong blue state )? The electoral college sucks ass.

Only beta cucks actually give in to having a "female leader" haha wtf, small dick alert.

Sanity did win, men are naturally genetically predisposed to be leaders, and if you disagree with that you simply disagree with science.

Feminism in 2016 DOES NOT EQUAL equality between sexes. It means hatred for and shitting on males. Which is why women all over the world do not identify as feminists while at the same time believe in equality between the sexes.

Wat? Do you not know that "could've" is a contraction of "could have"? (Sorry for the use of the big word there!)

You mean those charges she dodged shortly after making a $500,000 donation to the political campaign of one leading investigator's wife? She was never going to be convicted. The FBI wasn't going to actually go through with charging somebody who might be the fucking President in a few months.

Or are you referring to the (albeit technically not illegal) undemocratic scheming that she pulled with the DNC, where email evidence showed that she conspired with them for years to lock in the nomination, then scratched the head of the DNC's back by appointing her to campaign manager.

Wait, no- you must be referring to the pretty substantial trend suggesting that she was abusing the power of her office and the Clinton Foundation to make money. Like how over half of the people she personally delt with as Secretary of State just fucking happened to also CF donors, and pretty much every time some shithole government donated money to her they shortly thereafter received weapons deals they probably shouldn't have.

Or are you talking about the Project Veritas videos? Her campaign was run by people who were literally caught on camera bragging about how they'd rigged elections in the past and were going to try to rig the current one.

You fucking assholes should be shot. Nobody's mad at you because you aren't rooting for their team, they hate you because you're a stubborn child who was willing to vote for a fucking monster to keep the big meanine Trump out of office. Enjoy 4 years of Trump now, you dumbasses. You did this to yourselves.

This is a difference in style. I believe the majority should usually decide. You don't. That's it.

>using could of
Your argument is instantly invalid

I do know that. That's why I said it. That poster was defending the use of "could of"

>ask twitter
There's your problem

So one man one vote means nothing, it has to be one man one vote in Wyoming equals 3 votes in California. The EC will be abolished in our life time, just wait and see.

So then people who reside within a small district who just so happen to outnumber the people who live on the outskirts working, tilling the land, and providing resources to said district should have the say and decision over said producers?

you can use could of instead of could have ppl do it all the time even shane dawson

and 4-year-olds! What educated members of society...

Obstruction of justice is a crime.

She lost to Trump, one of the worst possible candidates republicans could have picked. There was never a chance she could have won, in fact I would say the ONLY reason Trump won is because his opponent was Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders could have won. Anyone could fucking beat Trump, except Hillary Clinton.

Hey buddy....i mean YOUR LORD'S OWN TWEETS, not anyone else's opinions you fucking fanatical idiot. I dont need anyone's insight to see that trump is a petty little selfish spoiled shit. All i have to do is see HIS TWITTER....

kys please

All i ask is HOW DO YOU FAIL TO SEE HIS FLAWS? He is your messiah, he is your everything, he cant do wrong by you.....why are you so blind? Its ok to hate Hillary, she fucked up and fucked America, but this Trump is Jesus delusion is fucking dangerous

Fuck Hillary and fuck her supporters.


At least Trump didn't have a 99.99% chance of causing a war with the UK and the Middle east..

>What could she possibly have done differently?
1. Campaign more than 2-3 days a week while DT was hitting 4-5 stops per day.
2. Not suck dick at her job as Secretary of State.
3. Not chase away white, middle class, male, Christian voters by being openly anti white, middle class, male and Christian.

is that bleach? insensitive as fuck. back to redd

>could HAVE*
>could HAVE*
>could HAVE*
>could HAVE*

Welcome to Sup Forums fucker.

We've been through this discussion before left clan. Every supposed flaw you list about the man are actually good things. When neither his supporters nor detractors can list a single bad thing about him he must be perfect.

>could of

your a faggot OP

She could have won, for starters.


The worst part of this is

We won't see trump do all the things these leftist crybullies believe he's going to do. We won't see them suffer like that, but they're still going to cry, moan, piss themselves, probably ask for diapers because we know how much degeneracy there is in there.

Initially I didn't want trump to win because of all the stupid shit he was saying but to be honest now these faggots are pissing me off to an extent that I really doubt these people would be worth absolutely anything to the rest of humanity. My message to those is "kill yourselves not because of trump, but because you're worthless and you've been coddled to the point you can't handle real life".

Oh and also the media has played an excellent role giving Trump the presidency. Well done guys, you're so desperate you can't take 10 minutes to stop bullshitting people, putting celebrities on top of that just to insult people's intelligence (gee maybe if I listen to a dude that has never lifted a fucking brick because mom, dad and hollywood did it for him, I will live a better life). Bravo. Were it not for all of you stupid preaching faggots Trump wouldn't have won.

This. As much as I hate Bernie Sanders, this is true. Hillary shouldn't have been in the race to begin with.

She is a terrible candidate for sure, but there is also the issue of a Democratic Party platform that raises radical environmentalism above economic growth and job creation. Combine that with the Democrats obsession letting men use the little girls' restrooms and you can see how a lot of normal Americans are repulsed.

>could of
nation full of retards

Most people who represent the feminist movements end up embarrassing it.

I used to dislike Bernie, liked Trump more.

Now Trump won, I'm ok with this, but I agree that perhaps Bernie would have been a better choice. However, you fags know who to blame for this, and it ain't Trump, that's for sure. Fuck at least berniebros you could talk to. You couldn't find a single person willingly voting for hillary that was not worth spitting and pissing on.

You got a point there

She could have not been such an entitled cunt

And you haven't been coddled? You're here bitching as if any of us would even care. You're complaining about complaining. Live your fuckin life and move on if you're so mature dumbass.

>oooo I can't wait to see them cry because I'm a sniveling dipshit

Shut the fuck up.


do you know how dumb you sound?

Sanders would have made a terrible leader. The election is about more than just whichever philosophy is popular at the minute. It's also about eliminating all the but the strongest leader. If he couldn't even overcome the opposition within his own party he didn't have a chance against the real opposition he would have faced from the republicans once he took office. Even worse he would have been been outdone internationally bringing an ill fate upon the entire country. Face it. Donald Trump is the only candidate proven to possess the strength and resolve to lead the country and shape the destiny of the world.

i swear this election has been the most fruitful supplier of bait I have ever seen

I have a vagina vote for me
Pissed a lot of women off

I saw another point made in a different thread, in a nutshell, Democrats alienated the mid-America white voters by coming out in favor of BLM and in no uncertain terms stating that problems faced by middle-class and below-middle-class white do not matter because of privilege.

I voted for Hillary too (even though I hate her) but feminism is already mainstream.


Hate to say your thinking is two dimensional and your are insulting who devised the electoral design.

What would they know? You are far smarter.

Just a question to those who thought Sanders would have been a great leader. How do you think he would have faired against foreign leaders knowing how easily he dropped out after being bullied and bribed by an elitist?

Because dodging trucks at Christmas markets is a much better alternative.

Woah Cenk Yoghurt, calm the fuck down there. This wasn't directed at you and I can assure you that I haven't been coddled, at least not to the extent that I'm not able to handle it and I have to tell people to shut the fuck up because I'm hurt about someone else's political opinions on an imageboard full of faggots.

What are you talking about he stayed until the convention, which all but killed Hillary's support among the party at large.

One day you will see, as we have seen.