I'm killing myself in the future. My mental condition has grown to be more of a burden on myself and the ones around me...

I'm killing myself in the future. My mental condition has grown to be more of a burden on myself and the ones around me. I hate who I have become and the only thing that brings me comfort is thinking about when I go to my favorite hiking spot, having a drink and smoking my last cigar. I won't shoot myself in the head, but in the chest because I am vain and would like an open casket. Even if I don't die immediately, the brief moment of pain will be well worth it.

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ok bye

Good job, OP.
If you go through with it,
you will be a hero in my book.

Are you serious? That is pretty cool. I mean that what you did write, not what you want to do. :


Smoke some weed and calm the fuck down, but honestly life can be shit, but it doesnt always have to be. You also aren't the only one who has issues, if others can deal with situations FAR worse than yours then you can find the balls to grit your teeth and live life until you can actually overcome/coexist with your issues user...

If you can't find nothing worth of livin. Find something worth of dying. :p

What's your mental condition?

What age are you?

can you give me some paypal money before you do? i mean its not like your gonna need it

Been doing it for more than a decade now. Externally things are good for the world and the people around me. But internally it's getting bad, I'm finding comfort in typing it out on this platform, but it's inevitable.

screw a gun, use a sword and sudoku yourself

this. I am in a similiar position OP..
could have had everything i ever wished for and my retardation made me throw it all away. Stick around for drugs and lolz( mainly psychedelics and ketamine). Believe me being able to bend reality every other week is worth it.

Clinical depression.

Then get a psychiatrist wtf. you've tried everything except getting actual help, Try out every option before you waste the potential that is your life.
Someone who just lost his little cousin to suicide

I'll give it a shot. I'm sorry for your loss.

Try some LSD man

You only get one life man, as stupid as it sounds if you have a shred of a chance at fighting through it, keep holding on. The amount of devastation that it caused my family is fucked. I'm sure you have loved ones. you do not want them to suffer through it. Remember, you're not ending the pain, you're just passing it on to the people you love

I've done that, LSA, and mushrooms. They're more of a temporary reprieve.

That's the hardest part.


Clinical depression is a tough one. Have you explored all the medical options? A good friend of mine's parents died within six months of each other and he spiralled into depression - didn't leave his apt for two years. He eventually woke up one day and got the fuck outside and got some help. Now he's balanced his meds, got a great GF and he's running his own company. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Don't listen to the haters.

Ba dum tsss

dude get a powerful valium prescription it makes all the shit just fade away

Anxiety and autism to top it off.

You little bitch, you think your the only one who's tired?

I spend 5 out of my 7 days protecting people from them self and others, yet I'm treated like a price of shit and have to deal with it.

I could list off why my life's worse off then yours cunt but I won't. If you want to off yourself then don't come crying online for help. Just fuckoff and blow a whole in yourself. Open casket? Why would you give 2 shits about an open casket if your that much of a price of shit you want to kill yourself. Who do u think will come to your funeral? Fuckin no one is who.

I'm going to bed. Thanks for the advice and the laughs.

Give me a list.

Good luck and sleep well yo. Don't do anything rash.

OP, I understand what you're going through may be hard, it may seem like no one cares about you and that your future is full of darkness but that is only true if you make it. As cheesy as this may sounds, you are just as much worth as everyone else, don't let someone tell you that you are worthless. You made this thread on Sup Forums, that shows me that you have fingers along with an arm and leg. You need to understand that as long as you have your arms and legs there isn't anything you can't do. Anything you want do to in life YOU CAN DO. What it takes is hard work and you need to be determined to climb out of the dark hole you are in and reach towards the ground. Your life is beyond what anything money can buy. You have a beating heart, you are alive. There are many people that aren't here today wishing to have the life you are living. The only thing holding you back in life is your mentality. Listen to me, you belong in this world and are needed. Don't let anyone tell you different. Right now you are surrounded by people who don't understand you which makes it seem like you're a burden. It doesn't matter what other people think about you, even family. If someone in your life is judging you please know that they are miserable. user, what you need to do is get a job, go to school, meet people, and get your life on track. If you just believe me and do this, you could spend the rest of your life leaving an impact on this world if you just believe. You are as perfect as you will ever be, why is it that YOU were the fastest sperm? You were given this life that you should be grateful of. You know that you are holding yourself back from being the person you have the capability to be. If you take my word and start working to improve your life, you will eventually see the light I am trying to make you see, and you will be grateful that you didn't take your life.

If you're wanting to convey a strong message, try using proper spelling, it really gets the point across in a clear, concise way.

OP If you are really going to kill yourself, please seek help online or in real life. Suicide is a serious issue, call the suicide hotline if you need someone to talk to over the phone. You can find their number on Google and hopefully you can change your ways.

You're a good person. Thank you.

OP please respond I'm waiting here if you need me.

do a flip faggot

Yeah no one. And so what? We're all ash in the end, along with whatever you worked for and your family legacy. Ash.

>bullied in primary and high school (who wasn't though)
>fathers side of family are absolute cunts
>mothers side has ignored me since I was 15
>raped 3 times by females
>kids held me down when I was young and blew my right ear drum (100% deaf) so I can't join military
>father has a 2nd family I knew nothing about until I was 20 (bikie related bullshit)
>multiple gf cheated on me
>ex fiancée got an abortion and was town bike (left with another guy while I was in hospital)
>nearly been killed twice
>family split when I was 16
>mental problems from work and moms side of family

I can keep going.. Sick of people having a sook over petty shit like depression. Fuck everyone has depression these days

So why give 2 fucks about a face shot or chest then?

Man if you've surpassed all of that it'll only get better. don't give up user

I don't.

You've made it this far, don't give in now. Shits temporary, it'll change, you'll see

How about you leave Australia. That'll solve your problems.

You aren't alone, there are people who are suffering just as much as you if not even more but for you to end the pain is to accept and forget your past and move on. What other people have done in the past isn't a representation of who you are. People that have pushed you around and bullied you harshly in life isn't a representation of who you are. What you need to do and move on is you forget your past and start with a clean slate starting today. Go to sleep and wake up tommorow knowing that you have new oppourtunities and that means anything. Finding a better job, making new friends, or doing something that you enjoy. Don't worry about others trying to bring you down, when you start doing what makes you happy you will start learning to be yourself and the true values of life. Life is what you want it to be, not what other people try to force on you. Smiling right now even forcing yourself to will make you happy. You know you don't want to miserable in life and you don't fucking deserve to. You are a warrior and don't you ever give up on me. What you already went through shows you that there isn't anything for you to be afraid of in life. Get up and start moving in life and you WILL find a better place.

Who would even come to your funeral?

this guy gets it