Who is this guy? i was born in 1995

who is this guy? i was born in 1995.

That is an actor named Phil Hartman. He is doing an imitation of Frank Sinatra in a skit called "The Sinatra Group" on SNL

It's one of the funniest skits of all time.

Phil Hartman was murdered by his nutbag wife

Also, I think "The Sinatra Group" was a goof on "The McLaughlin Group"

Yes, that was the parody

Phil Hartman. Probably the best SNL cast member of all time. Also played Troy McCleur and Lionel Hutz on the Simpsons.

Murdered by crazy crackhead wife

Gee thanks

I miss Phil, he had great timing.

He was fantastic.

Too bad some crazy broad decided her mental drama was more important than everything else

I wish his wife missed Phil

I lol just thinking about the Sassy Magazine sketch.

Check out the show Newsradio.

awesome show, used to get high at home when i was 16 and watch it, hartman and andy dick combo, along with joe rogan, shit, every character was great, im going to have to download that now.


Lotta oldfags around today. Nice to see

Did someone say "Sassy?"

>just smiles and holds up sign with "Sassy" on it

I loved him as Frankenstein, oh and caveman lawyer. Damn he had so many good characters


Sprechen sie sassy, anyone?!

I loved to "Anal Retentive Guy" character too.

>the Anal Retentive Chef

Also The Anal Retentive Fisherman, a few others I think...