About to go bowling with a friend at where his stepdad works, because I have nothing better to do

About to go bowling with a friend at where his stepdad works, because I have nothing better to do

Never bowled in my life and according to him all there are is 8-10 year olds that are in little leagues and just fucking bowling masters that do 1000 times better than you

So how the fuck do I bowl and got any ideas of how to fuck with these kids

lol ur fucked

Don't try to be a bad ass around the kids if you've never bowled before...you'll just schooled, and made fun of...by little kids.

Havent bowled much, but beginners tips:
Keeping to the left when throwing the ball makes it go further right, keeping to the right makes it go further left.
Use the little arrows in the lane for orientation.

Good luck user!

>how to fuck with these kids

Those bowling balls probably weigh more than they do just pretend they are the pins

Good idea kind user

Op here just remembered I bowled once when i was 6 and wasn't too bad I think

Was fat kid and legit only remember how good those fucking nachos were

just keep your arm straight when you throw, don't go across your body

>how to fuck with these kids

just challenge them

You'll have the advantage of a heavier ball, but they have the advantage of technique, accuracy, and pin action. Whatever you do, strive for consistency and make very small changes towards improvement.

Try to get the bowling ball to strike the lead pin (closest to you) on side you throw the ball with. For example, if you are right-handed, get the ball to hit the lead pin on the right side, almost hitting the pin next to it at the same time. Does that make sense? If you hit the 1 pin dead-on, you'll get a split every time and finish with a score

>8-10 year olds

I think you may be more autistic than me

Are there any hot women pro bowlers?

Me here, I'm no expert. I was a total newb until last winter when I played once a week and improved my game a ton. Played again over christmas for the time in about 7 months, and my average only dropped by about 10-15%. I ever converted my first 5-6 split!

Drink lots of beer, get really fat and pretend you are an athlete.




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Hot bowler

Not bad

Rip, i bowl and it took me 2~ years to get a style which brought me a 130+ average and these kids probably have that sort-of average already, depends on how strong they are as well as no 8 pound ball can give consistant pinfall like a 14+

Definitely good advice

Yeah but I used an 11 pound ball and brought my average up from about 90 to 176 in just 5 months.

This is what a real bowler looks like

When i started, i was at a 76 average but i bowled in a league once a week for 36~ weeks and i ended with a 86 average, this was when i was still using a 8 pound bowling ball XD and was 11 years old XD

>Go heavy
>Throw hard and straight while keeping the ball as low to the ground when you release
>Establish a rhythm early and you're set

Bowled for years every sunday when the local joint offered all you can bowl; 3 hours for 1 game + shoe rental. Would easily throw 20 games a weekend.

Never joined any amateur leagues, but was capable of it (165 avg with a highest ever of 242.)

If that's what it takes to join an amateur league, I should get signed up.

It varies from the locale. IIRC, the minimum requirement around here was 130. Then again, we're talking 15+ years ago.


>tfw my average is 64

10 pin or candle pin?


so about 2 years ago?

>how to fuck with these kids

Just throw as hard as you can.
Even if you miss the thundering sound of your bowl will make the kids respect you. And if you do hit you have a bigger chance of getting a strike if you throw your hardest.

Source: I was a pro team trainer

>Source: I was a pro team trainer
>pro team trainer