Why the nazism in US always attract the weak people, and submissive gays losers?

Why the nazism in US always attract the weak people, and submissive gays losers?
It is possible that this is a option to be a gay without coming out the closet for them?

>weak people

>submissive gay losers

the word your looking for is liberalism,not nazism.now back to your cuckshed faggot


when someone is a dumb shit and loser in life blames jews and niggers for everything and becomes nazi


American nazism is so embarrassing and silly

a king!


Why does the anti-nazi movement in the united state always attract such moronic honmophobes? There is nothing wrong or weak with being gay! It is perhaps fitting, that the elite vanguard, the heroes meant to protect and save our race should be homosexual, and unencumbered by the time sink of breeding, women and family life.

Have a conversation with them.They're so fucking uneducated it should be a crime.

There is nothing wrong ???



Because it's easier to discredit someone if you make them seem silly and funny and the entire media has been discrediting racists(unless they're not white) for around 40 years.

The Nazis imprisoned the feminine Nazis but left the butch, hidden Nazis alone.
(Unless it was part for politcal/power reasons like the purge of the Brownshirts & Ernst Röhm)

Now that's an interesting thought, user.



>thinking Hitler wanted to kill every last american
Germany didn't even want the war to begin with, you derelict.
You require 1488cc of The Greatest Story Never Told, stat





>tfw you realize the jews control Sup Forums now.

>checked damnn


>Heil Hitler
>We must secure the existence of our people, and a future....
>Heil Hitler

Damn. Didn't quite make it.

It works if you pretend I have ADD and got distracted mid speech.

fear of the "other" will always attract weak people

look at it like this - we all get participation trophies based on our skin color at birth, and most of us put them on a shelf next to the rest of our trophies and admire them from time to time. the nazis don't know what to do with theirs though, because all they can think about is how important it is to them. they end up carrying it with them and holding it up for all to see because someone told them it was an important achievement and that there were people who wanted to take it away from them. they will never actually work toward a worthwhile goal that rewards them with anything so it's kind of all they have

it's really sad to see such an arbitrary characteristic (the melanin present in their skin) play such a role in their every day lives, but their weak wills have left them vulnerable to outside influence. it's not unlike a person being convinced of a god's existence in a moment of weakness

My Nazi friend..
If you are allowed to spread hatred against Jews
So sure that I am allowed to show how you're gay...so It hurts to watch silent no more Jews ...
Enjoy it amigo!

>the melanin present in their skin
there's more to it than that

not saying it's OK to be racist just be real about it

there isn't a race gene, all designations of race are based on expressions of immediately noticeable physical traits

idiots invented race, I'm not interested in pretending like it's any more real than what we as cultures/societies decide it is

>people opposed to identity politics are all nazis


would bang

Scat porn is disgusting.

Actually, Hitler didn't give a fuck about America... Sure, he and his people had the "Amerikabomber", but that was more about range than it was about specifically hitting America...



>there is no race gene

why is this directed at me

Same nigger posted this as the whiteboi threads. Nignoggin hard.

There's nothing more manly than fucking manly men

It's because the only ones that openly come out as nazi supporters have nothing to lose.

The US isn't as centralist as it seems. There is a huge divide with many people on both the far left and right sides of the spectrum. Most people on the right just keeps to themselves.

Which is why polls were predicting a 98% chance win for Hillary when Trump won in a landslide.

Nazis always lose tho

lol is that Vin Diesel?

unless you know something geneticists don't (hint: you do not)

no, there isn't

There's not though...

Are there really drugs like that? I mean with those colors and that red ball in the center? Pretty cool.

I hope you understand that when you write in broken kike English it automatically outs you as a JIDF shill, right?

You people aren't even trying anymore.


why are you posting this everywhere

says the weak faggot liberal. kys my dude.

the nazis purged millions of fags and jews. they won in my book.

So, thats the terrible thing the machines do in the matrix. That red pill of truth.

this faggot lives in his bedroom and therefore has a smaller understanding of his place in the world around him.

Alexander III of Macedon conquered Asia, Julius Caesar became dictator for life in Rome, but this pitiful sack of shit.. he has decided that his monument will be this shitty forced meme.

This. This and I'm pretty sure if they actually tried understanding their opponent's viewpoint instead of reacting to their own strawmen it would go a lot better.


Were liberals always this authoritarian or is this new? Was I just too young to notice before?

jesus christ it's like a new banana meme

when you literally accomplished nothing in your life and have nothing going for you.... you can always count on the colour of your skin to prevent you from suicide

at least i'm not a nigger

I don't think you know what identity politics means

I also don't care because you're almost certainly a teenager

Nazism atracts brainless retards whose only accomplishment is being born white. Its silly i get being proud of ethinicities and normal nationalism but being proud of being white is like being proud of having sparse pubic hair.

Also i think dipshits like it because of the symbols and shit like that. Like how down syndrome kids like shiny things.

There we go, that is more like it. I'm glad that they replaced their ineffectual shill with one who speaks our language.

Also, fuck off kike.

Lost the popular vote by like 3 million.

this. inability to take responsibility for their situation.

go take an introduction to American government course and then reevaluate your silly ignorance-based statements.

Didn't get this jew hahaha. You cuck lord bitch.

It means focusing on racism, sexism, whateverism as the most important problem in society and obsessing over "fixing" it, mainly through the aggrandizement of the minority groups in question and the marginalization of any majority on the basis it's a majority and is therefor oppressing the minority. It's a childish refusal to let the problems caused by any type of identity to fall into the same broken pile of humanity's mistaken ideas like witchcraft, animism, etc, which is the only good thing that can happen to it. Identity politicians, for whatever reason, don't see people making themselves deliberately "unusual" simply to gain social capital and how it will destroy the entire system they're trying to erect in which society's ability to question you is a direct inverse of how common your identity is in that society.

You think you're doing the right thing but you're actually paving the way for the death of minority identities by influx. If I can gain social capital by calling myself a bisexual or refusing to admit that I'm white via some sophistry, why wouldn't I?

I said the *popular* vote.
I know full well that the electoral college is a whole different deal and that he won that by getting key swing states that were traditionally blue states. Sure, the electoral college may have been less close to an even vote, but those votes are weighted differently than the popular vote, much like how that government class we both probably passed in high school was weighted differently than fucking gym class.

damn really wonder who's behind all of this

damn forced badmemes like this & shitty feets

Stop basing your arguments on reason you racist scumbag.
If you know how Presidents are elected in this country then why the are you even bringing up the popular vote? Just to be a shit head?

Far Right people are FAGGOTS. Get back to sucking dick you STUPID NAZIS.



You democucks fucking loved the EC when you thought it was your guarantee to beat Trump. When it went 180 degrees on you, it's wrong and needs changing.

Go Fuck Yourself, Loser