Rate this bitch

Rate this bitch

What bitch? All I see is some dude's pinky finger and a dirty fucking sink


>contaminating your dick by putting it on a dirty ass sink
>that fucking cringy scar
>that overall dry look

otherwise its an alright dick, can't you get that scar fixed or something


rate :)

very cute!
id go down on you


nice thickness
nice and shiny too

Why would you let your sink get to that state? Take your dirty cock off of it immediately and start cleaning it. You disgust me op.

Wash your fucking sink.

How do gou get a skin tag on a uncut dick??

for u

Anyone have advice for my dry penis


That's the saddest thing I've ever seen.

...Is your foreskin attached to the head?
And jesus fuck that sink is repulsive. Did you take this at a truck stop bathroom?
And why the hell would you put your dick on such a revolting surface?



All guys kik me send me pics of those nice cocks x35x

9/10. I want that in here

0/10 clean your sink nigger
6/10 would suck

4/10 for everyone in here
Rate me
Also why aren't you washing your dick in phisohex 2 times a day?

Gaze in wonder at my girthy sausage.

Love your cock. Send me pics of it kik x35x

Kik me x35x

Cut off your mutilated dick and clean your fucking sink, you disgusting piece of shit.

How is your sink so gross? Do you never use it wtf?

You're a dusgusting mother fucker.




ewwwwwww the flap of skin connecting to the tip

sue whoever did this circumcision job

clean your fucking sink op you dirty ass motherfucker