The most shittest console. Not one great exclusive that makes me want to purchase it at all

The most shittest console. Not one great exclusive that makes me want to purchase it at all.

Only game I was so excited for was the new Silent Hill but they fucking cancelled it

Now if only your mom had cancelled you...

sucks for u, I was born in a lab (no joke).

i dont even have a ps4 and i know its the best current day console

>i don't want to play on it
What a way to rate the quality of a game console.

So you're mad that something exists that you don't want? You shouldn't go to a mall, your head might explode.

i was just playing skyrim on my ps4 pro. was pretty dope.

Nice bait Microcock fanboy

for graphics yes, for games no

Did you even read my post? I said I hated Silent Hill being cancelled.

Fuck em

skyrim is a shit game. Oblivion is better

Only tumblr normie plebs play Skyrim whilst the patricians play Elder Scrolls IV

So you're mad that a publisher that has nothing to do with the console manufacturer decided to not make the game after all?

>Things that didnt happen

uncharted is dank as fuck, mine came with the collection and I, who had an xbox 360, fell in love with it. plus i already had friends who had one, and already liked the design/layout

Red redemption 2
That why i will buy ps4

i ment red dead redemption 2

>The most shittest console.
Did you even read your post?

>they cancelled muh game
>console sucks

isn't that x-platform tho? why would you get a ps4 specifically for RDR2

Do you have a ps4?

Xone seems to be pointless purhace if you own gaming pc.
RDR2 wont come to PC so i have to choose witch console to buy

>what are test tube babies

When the only good exclusive gets cancelled then yeah the console sucks

kill yourself

ye im just asking

Bloodborne motherfucker

This thread is bait. So I'm replying before I go to sleep.

Kingdom Hearts 2.8


There we go.

To all you goat fuckers who bash on OP for being just as much of an entitled faggot as the rest of you here are a few reasons why ps4 is shit.

- It doesn't have as many original exclusives as you faggots want to think.
- Not only that but their "best" exclusives are mostly remasters of their old games or expansion-like content from older series
- Which means that not only do they not provide original quality content as they are milking the cash cow that is called the "reminiscing trend", they are also fighting the war in the only battlefield they couldn't afford until today, graphics. Ps4 Pro is nothing but an expensive solution for the wealthier console fanboys who act like old consumers "trust what you know, don't bother with the unknown".
- Another reason to hate the ps4 is how it turned the ps plus service into absolute shit. Suddenly after 3 years of getting somewhat good and known titles every now and then on ps3, it has become all about "playing online". No one gives a shit about actually getting good games, since most people already stick to playing only a limited number of games like Shytrim, Call of Dick and Bloodfag for hours and hours.

All this sums up to ps4 being terrible because console consumers are younger gamers who absolute tools. They don't care about much other than their "memories" and "feels". They want rehashed content and shit service and they ask for it with money.

Another reason to put ps4 down is the Xboxone and it's soon to be integration with pcs. Once MS manages to do that, with the X having lower price and its own exclusives, a better Xbox Gold service and sturdier graphics (up to 4k) it's going to open up a whole new universe to gaming.

Just try to tell me there's even a chance ps4 VR can be better than PC+xbox VR 5 years down the line, goat fuckers. You can't deny ps4's limitations.