Atheists don't believe in God yet they celebrate Christmas

Atheists don't believe in God yet they celebrate Christmas.

Why are they such hypocrites?

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What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us, just a stranger on the bus

Jesus was born in the summer, yet Christians celebrate his birthday during the winter solstice, a pagan holiday, why are they such hypocrites?


They're not real atheists if they celebrate that.

The holy Roman empire was neither Roman nor an empire. Hypocrisy

>born in summer

Atheists claim something without any supporting proof yet they see themselves as logical and rational.

Why are they such hypocrites?

Most of the so called atheists you might encounter online are just fucking Jews pretending they are atheist. It's their evil scheme to make christians less christian and muslim less muslim. Jews can easily say they are muslim, christian , atheist etc because in Judaism they believe once a Jew always a Jew regardless if the jew person converted or ditched Judaism. Fucking sneaky kikes....
I am Mohammed Ruben, by the way. Now that I said this, you can bet they will delete this thread.

Check and mate

Thanks for your honest words, Mohammed. Yes atheists are the Jews' pawns in destroying the white race.

Oh boy the ride never ends


What's the endgame of the jews, why are they after the whites?

They want chaos to conquer the world and make Israel the biggest country in the world.





this is the weirdest spam I've seen

But if chaos reigns, they will also be the victim of it and will be the butt of another genocide should another race consider them an enemy. Whites are not the only race that considers the Jews as a threat.

Because most people don't understand that they are victims of social programming and they are programmed not to self analyze.

The JIDF is here again...


Just googled JIDF and kek'd.

Christians think paganism is heresy yet they celebrate a pagan holiday. They bitch that the holiday has had its original meaning removed yet they are the ones who changed the solstice mass into a celebration of Christ's birth when nothing in the Bible ever claimed Jesus was born on December 25.

Why are Christians such hypocrites?

As an atheist, or rather, as a HUMAN BEING, I will celebrate whatever I want whenever I want. Turns out on Christmas I wanna drink rumchata and eggnog with my family and watch my kid niece dance like a maniac to dancehall music. Turns out I want to give my boyfriend and my mom an expensive gift on that day as well. Why? Because I fucking want to. Not because it's commanded by someone that I celebrate on that day. Christmas has transcended it's original meaning anyway, just like halloween and easter.

Leap year wasn't invented back then so everything was a little bit off. But if you do the calculations of his birthday and take leap years into the equation. He was born in winter on December 25th.

Beating atheists with mathematics since 200 AD

I wanna celebrate Christmas at your house next year. That shit sounds great

The 'christmas' I celebrate involves zero jesus/god/christianity.
It is a festival to celebrate family and generosity. We'll watch the grinch and make christmas food.

Damn rite

lmao, you don't want to, you've been pressured through social norms and a society that is run by consumerism. 2/10 for making me kek though

Holly shit.
Is this a bot or is someone really so afraid of "the atheists" (not an organization) that they feel the need to post this, then wait for it to 404, then post it again?

/Thread we are done here.

you're still a hypocrite, idiot.

> supporting proof

Prove that Christ existed

All scientists agree that Jesus existed.

christians celebrate jesus' birthday in december when he was actually born in the summer months.

they moved it to christmas to coopt the pagan ritual of saturnalia, and attract pagans into the fold.

why are christians such opportunistic fakers?

It's because Santa will get mad

Would that be more of a historians job?

Just as they agree that Mahomet existed, you moron

can we just stop with these cancerous threads. we get it, atheists are dicks just like every other religious person. if these threads actually challenges or changes anyone's beliefs they're retarded.