Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

>protip: you can't

her clothes

Purple lipstick

When she rides a bus, her headphone cords snag on people and surroundings.

Can't talk to animals


Smells like she fucks a monkey

Wearing jeans and flannel around sub-saharan Africa.

She can't even look good as herself

Those aren't Jnco jeans.

It's a god damn costume and that's a wig..... Faggot

cosplayers cashing in nostalgia.. mother fuckers need to not use classic toons for their dumb ass costumes.

shit tier hair
saggy tits
dress like a 90's teenager
cheap headphones


Well, it's a white bitch dressed up like a caricature of '90s degeneracy. She's the living embodiment of flaw.

Not sure exactly why, but I am mildly repulsed by her.



She's not naked.

kill it with fire !!