Ask a man who drinks 15 cans of Pepsi per day anything

Ask a man who drinks 15 cans of Pepsi per day anything.

I am considering cutting down to Pepsi Next. I will still be drinking 15 a day. What can I say, I need my caffeine. Is this still too much to consume?

Can't think of anything. You seem to have it all figured out.

How many genders are there?

this is a pepsi max household


hope you get diabetes you fucking disgusting sub human piece of shit

Is it purely caffeine addiction? Or the habit as well? Try to just drink a few cups of black coffee a day or RIP

I said ask questions. Not be rude and assume my nationality.

I just love Pepsi. I don't fucking know why. I see it, I buy it. I went ape shit went they brought back Crystal Pepsi. I bought about 30 of them and am ashamed to say that I drank all 30 of them in a weekend.

¿cómo es que no estás muerto aún?

Can you see your own penis?


English Motherfucker! do you speak it!?

Regular Pepsi is 150 calories a can. So 10 would be 1500. Plus 750. So in Pepsi alone you drink 2250 calories a day? Sounds like you'd be pretty big from this broksi.

Coke or Pepsi?

You can clean toilets with Coke so that is why I drink Pepsi

Soy comen mi caballo.

Do you still have teeth?

Yeah but my dentist thinks I am insane.


Fock yu

Why aren't you dead yet?

OP here. What is your favourite type of Pepsi?

Well, I just started doing this about 6 months ago.

Why aren't you drinking Coca-Cola, you subhuman slime?

I didnt mention your nationality anywhere in my post you fucking retard

if you drink that much of it then you are a fucking human toilet anyway you dumb cunt

none because Im not 12

are you okay?

weird, i was just rewatching the SGDQ pepsiman run and this is the first thread i see

Are you diabeetus yet?

>Subhuman piece of shit

I'm not Indian.


What do you drink then?

Should I just commit suicide or should I make it look like an accident or should I make it look like murder?

That is not related to Pepsi. But if you're going out. Go out with Pepsi. drown in it.

You said to ask anything. Doesn't have to be Pepsi related.

Don't kill yourself at all. I almost went through with it earlier today, but decided to write my resignation letter instead. Handing it in tomorrow. I figure I might as well enjoy some reckless living first, if I'm gonna die anyway. You should too. I haven't even handed in my resignation yet, and I already feel good.

>Ask a man who drinks 15 cans of Pepsi per day anything

>drinks 15 cans of Pepsi

>15 cans

Why are you so fat??

hold your hand in front of your face, flat facing the ground and ceiling and keep as still as possible.

is it shaking?

does your urine glow??

I would need to see if I can continue with my life insurance (provided by my work) first. I waited the two years for it to cover suicide, I'm not starting over with a new policy.

How are you not dead yet?

>Face the ground and ceiling

Where the fuck am I facing?

Do you assign yourself a budget for the cost of Pepsi per month? How much do you estimate you spend on Pepsi in a single month?

Have you ever considered making your own Pepsi or perhaps getting a fountain drink machine?

in your own asshole

talking about the palm of your hand, my bad lol

>hold your hand in front of your face, fingers horizontally

I am dead on the inside

Are you just constantly dehydrated with a sugar headache?


How much do you weigh?


Don't lie faggot.

That's because you're a teenager... and life always sucks when you live under your parents rules.

to see if you can hold you hand still

How can you drink a soda that literally tastes like salty, sweaty gymsock juice?

>what do you drink then?

water, sometimes coffee and the occasional beer.

soda and energy drinks are for little kids, white trash and fat fucks. please make humans stronger as a species and end your life

Jeez, I got fat off drinking like 2-3 cans per day in a 10 year period. I'm about 20-30 lbs overweight (stopped drinking them over 2 months ago, though). No way you drink that much and not have died by now.

I spend roughly around $500 a month on Pepsi (If you include merchandise) Fountain pop is too watered down. I need my Pepsi to be legit. I usually spend randomly. For example, one month I spent $100 on 7UP and around $400 on Pepsi

See, worrying about shit like that is what has you suicidal in the first place. Living in fear of the future will destroy you. Fuck it. Live in the moment. Yes, it is likely to get you in some shit, but if playing it safe has you wanting to die, what fucking good did it do you?

Fuck the insurance. Figure out what you really, honestly want from life. Then, think what it would take to make it happen. Don't think like a saint, don't think like a fucking business man, just figure out, honestly, what must be done to make this happen. And then go do it.

switch to diet faggots

you may get cancer in a few decades but it's better than being a fatass today

How do you know what that tastes like, Space Ghost?

Beer is for white trash, you retard.

I can't at all.

Cherry, I think. There was this one flavor that I cant remember what flavor it was called. Something cherry

I see your ploy

Probably thousands

Mountain Dew Master Race.

You could make some decent money selling all that aluminum. Do you?

What does your piss smell like? Is it yellow?


I am 6'1 and 270 lbs


The insurance money was originally just for shits and giggles, but my best friend (who I have a romantic history with) is pregnant. The father was murdered. She doesn't have much money. I'm leaving a bunch to her so she can afford to raise her kid.

AHA oh man, I had an old friend who would literally drink an entire bottle of pepsi once a day in highschool, he couldn't keep his hand still neither

I have them in my garage.

Charlie is that you?


Next Q) Why do you drink so much soda when you are clearly obese? You could probably stop being obese just by stopping soda. Almost definitely actually. That's ~2.5k calories per day.

2) Do you like being obese?

3) Are you addicted?

Former fatty here, lost 100lb 10 yrs ago. Feel much better.

100 lbs overweight.

Why don't you chill on the Pepsi.

Expired Pepsi? lol idk. It is a orangish red colour but my doctor said not to worry too much about it and that it should go away soon. (I never told him about my Pepsi addiction)

do you want the diabeetus? because this is how you get the diabeetus

This guy is 6'2 and 270 lbs. jeez, you look like this op?

How is your car insurance premium? Have you ever had any *bad* car accidents?

I don't care too much about being fat. I am not a slob so it is fine.

I am addicted for sure. Like I stated earlier. I see it, I buy it.

I work in a cube farm and drank 3-6 bottles of mt. Dew a day. I got type two diabetes. Cleaned up my act, quit drinking soda and lost 50 pounds in four months. Quit drinking 15 cans of Pepsi per day.

Yeah, I started drinking this much 6 months ago but I also do some cardio.

>I see it, I buy it.

If you saw a bunch of cocks, would buy them too?

Maybe it was the Dew. I heard they have bull testosterone in it. I don't trust it that much. Although, it tastes delicious.

Bro. If you just started drinking 6 months ago you're going to get even more obese. Stop drinking soda faggot. Get your life on track.

You arena an admirable experiment. Please document your results publicly.

how big is your penis?

I am not homosexual. But if I see Pepsi, I buy it. I see Pepsi shirts in walmart and I just have to buy it. I don't know why. Hopefully it is just a fad and it dies down.

How much do you weigh?

why a shit tier soda? at least drink something good like this

That is me after my 15th Pepsi

5.5 inches erect.

post a picture of yourself you fat disgusting piece of shit

See, you're in saint mode. Sacrificing your life for someone else's monetary gain. Trust me, as good as that sounds, she'll be better off if you do what you need to do for yourself. My dad wasted his whole life for my benefit, and it ruined me. I would have been so much better off living poor with a dad who was happy and passionate about life.

True though, I am a guy. If I was a girl, like your friend, it would probably be different. Women don't give a shit about men. They just want to be taken care of. So maybe your friend would appreciate it if you wasted your life for her. But fuck that. You've got to take care of your own needs first, then help others if you can. Otherwise you'll end up where you are now... at the edge of death because you neglected your needs.

That is too uncommon for 15 a day. Sorry, bro.

I said earlier I weigh 270 lbs

Can I have some?

He already stated.... 3.5 metric tons

Hows the bodyfat?
I heard durianrider on youtube say eat sugar and no fat and get ripped to shreds.
Hows the teeth?
Any cancer?
Peker work ok?
How do i get lots of pussy without paying any cash?

You do it yourself since you like talking so much trash. I don't feel that it is necessary to take a picture.

Man, I used to feel like crap after drinking 2 a day...

16 cans = 528 grams of sugar. Damn son!