Can someone please explain to me what is wrong with White Nationalism?

Can someone please explain to me what is wrong with White Nationalism?


Fagit cucks gotta hate you are cucks for life

it's not BLM

supporting this

Mutants, skinheads and toothless fucks without jobs, looking like products of incest, yobs, thugs and general miscreants, poor hygiene, ignorance, likely alcohol, drug and other vice driven, lower cognitive function - basically societies bags of shit - wiping them out wouldn't remove anything of value etc


People with jobs, family, look organised and structured, can actually support a family, are mature enough to survive as an adult, look neat, tidy and have traits that don't make them a sack of shit, wiping them out would damage society/economy and future genetic stock

NatSoc vs Sons of Odin, as an example


White isn't a nation


What do you mean? Of course it's not. BLM was funded by the terrorist jew George Soros to destabilize the U.S.

I didn't say it was. That's not what white nationalism is about. It's about uniting and acting as a unified majority to exercise our opinion. That's what they are afraid of, a unified , motivated, white majority.

Can't handle anyone that's not white that is some weak pussy shit and you most likely love black cock

It's a facetious reason to ignore the disgusting, ignorant piece-of-shit white people that pollute the nation in favor of making a huge deal out of disgusting, piece-of-shit black people who pollute the nation.

Cast the beam out of your own eye.

White nationalists don't hate non-whites

I don't have anything against non whites. For instance, I don't support the jewish israel occupation, and feel bad for the Palestinian population that has been destroyed in the last 50+ years. That being said, I don't want them in my country. I want them to have their own country. Like a wise negro said, blue birds should go with blue birds. (Ali)

Thank you !!

What does white nationalism mean to you? I have 100% Northern european genes; that means my opinion is worth more?

not enough pics to be a good cringe thread, i'm out

So do I. I'm German , Scottish , and Nordic. And no , that doesn't mean my or your opinion has any more value than anyone elses. But.. This country has historically been white and the white majority who pays the MAJORITY OF TAXES is tired of supporting the welfare state. We're basically funding a bunch of criminals and people that hate us.. But yeah , I'm a terrible person for wanting only the best for my country. I'm a good person. I stick by my blood. I don't hate anyone, but I do reserve the right to have an opinion.

That mark you got there brother is Hindu for peace just a little on the side and being a neonazi is not supporting white nation.

That's part of the reason I marked myself with it. I want peace. That's not going to happen if we continue down the road we are going. Peace and Prosperity. I'm not neonazi.

"This" country, is historically native American. How far back does it take for a claim to be legitimate? You support Palestine against Israel, you mentioned? Why? Hebrew people have a claim to that land that stretches beyond Nordic (re: not Celtic) claim to the British Isles or Northern France.

Skin color isn't merit. You should be associating with people based on the merits of the individual. You'd kick out black surgeons and fire fighters and keep white meth heads and rapists. That's what's wrong with white nationalism. It's a stupid solution to a complex problem for feeble retards like yourself.

No, they don't. And Hebrews do not have claim to the Gaelic lands.

The native American episode is a tragedy but it is what it is. And that happened at the hands of both Christians as well as Jews.

Oh really? That's what I would do ? Thanks for telling me my own opinion you fucking idiot. You don't understand my point , whatsoever.

What do you consider "white"?

Back when the Irish came over, they were hated and wouldn't be considered white. The problem is that a leader or a small group of individuals who can influence the mass of white nationalist can easily turn it against whoever they deem not "white".

In short, its a slippery slope where anyone can be targeted as they do not fit some possibly vague and changing idealistic individual.

That, and it can cause the loss of genetic diversity. If there is some biological epidemic and a good portion of a nation's population is vulnerable, it can lose a mass amount of power.



So what do you suggest, Sir? Because I don't see anything else that represents my opinion.

Hahaha just because America is stupidly racist dose not mean we all are like that you fucking rasist.

>Oh really? That's what I would do ? Thanks for telling me my own opinion you fucking idiot.

If you're a white nationalist and we are both speaking American dialect English up to date with late-2016 semantics then yes, that's exactly what you just said.

I misphrased myself; I meant that the Hebrew claim to Palestine (re: Judea) is historically more ancient than any Nordic land claims outside of Scandinavia. Are Italians part of your white nationalism? Are Spaniards part of it?

Nothing. The Jew media try to tell you otherwise while having empathy for rioting nigglets.

Sup Forums has truly become indistinguishable from a parody of itself. It's literally the alt-right tumblr.

Kek all my this.

Niggers don't like it. And god forbid you do anything niggers don't like.

Italians and Spaniards are both partially negro. All I'm saying is that because of the holocaust (whatever you believe on that) you cannot say anything bad about the jew. My country has been conditioned to defend the Jewish elite that is screwing us over. I don't have anything against the common jew (assuming they are a real jew) besides the fact that they teach usury as part of their religion.... They literally teach in their scriptures that goys can and should be used at the discretion of the jew, because they are morally superior.

All they are is a voting block for the democrips. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a rebloodican. But I do find it insane that 13% of our country commits a majority of the violent crimes... That in conjunction with our Jewish Cuck media apparatus.

Honestly, I would dump the idea of fascism. Not only can what you support be used against you as, lets say for example, your specific heritage is not pure in the leader's/influenced societies ideology, it can cause the government to become large in order to "weed out unidealogical people/values".

Let us also consider two thought experiments. If every black person was a hard working individual, who had Bachelors and PhDs, would you hate them? If not, then what about the whites that are living on welfare, like those in Northeast Alabama?

Just fyi I live in Alabama and can confirm the northeast is super white trash.

Tree niggers didn't create America. Tree niggers didn't even have a basic society.

They were disconnected roving bands of warring, raping gangs.

Males are only half the population and commit the vast majority of violent crimes. What does that mean? Female supremacy? What about the violent crimes that white people commit aping out over in the middle east that don't make it onto the FBI's list of what "counts" as a crime?

I see what you are saying, and I agree. I'm against big government.

If every black person was a hard working individual with a bachelors and phd i would work with them like I do anyone else. I have no respect for the white trash in the south of this country. They are give us a bad reputation. That being said, you cannot deny the black crime epidemic. It's a reality..

No , it's called testosterone you dumbass. Also , I don't think we should be in the middle east AT ALL. Am I still a terrible person in your eyes?

Nice strawman. You can't have a functioning society without men.

You CAN have a functioning society without niggers.

>middle east


Fucking kek. You asshole almost lost my fucking beer.


>y did create x therefore only y could have created x
>calls me a straw man

Nothing, now go to bed Tommy.

Half you cucks probably don't even know how to make a swastica.

You do realize I don't care about white women fucking niggers right?

I'm don't care, I'm gay/trans.


What kind of retard would say there is anything wrong with it?

Wait wait, you still haven't told me how far back historical legitimacy is created. According to you, white people have a right to North America based on 300ish years of conquest?

You brought up usury as a negative; which is a completely Christian idea. Do you equate white nationalism with Christianity?

Here is your problem "tommy". People wont do shit because they are afraid. The amount of hate you are getting on /b should be enough reason.

Leaking my way to 2017...try this out on any girl in your school lol snap-leak-cf

>societies run by women work well
Hi Merkel. Say hello to Sweden for me.

>I'm don't care, I'm gay/trans

Holy shit this is either a really underwhelming troll or you're one of those trump bandwagon gays who actually thinks his trite remarks about keeping gays safe from Mooooslims wasn't transparent pandering for political expediency.

Either way, you're shit.

Historical legitimacy doesn't exist. A basic tenet of political theory is the idea of power. I just don't want my people to be marginalized. I don't want to pay taxes that go towards bombing brown people and to giving the jew political class raises. And yes. You're goddamn right I do.

Yeap. That's exactly what I am. Thank you for telling me who I am for me. After all , you would know.

Jesus Christ it's like you're not even trying. I know asking people to put effort into being stupid sounds like an oxymoron but come on. I'm not from your circle jerk,
>hurrdurr that lady president is bad because... I dunno Sup Forums says she is dudecuckslmao
Isn't going to work on me.

Be proud to be white you should really quit with the trans mental illness and the cutting you look weak and sad, you should read a book on how humans reproduce, and stop pretending to be all white and prideful when your nothing more then a weak sad jewish motivated gay cuck fag boi.

Alright trumpfag. Go jerk off again so you can feel better about yourself. You're a terrible example of a white man.
I should 'drop' the 'trans thing' . What you don't understand is that I've been dealing with this since I was around 5 years old.. fucking retard.

Classic dumbass trump supporter. Don't ever call me a jew.

Nothing. Everyone except whites can be proud of their race.

*Nigger alert.

So by identifying with Christianity, you're adopting the tenets of Judaism essentially. The fundamental aspect of your beliefs are Jewish. And even if you don't believe that, you've still co-opted a belief system that was developed and is relevant to Semetic people. You're the worst kind of white because you dont even realize how deeply you've been indoctrinated into a Mediterranean thought process.

I think your thread is here jewish cuck fag boi.
You make whites look bad and your shirt sucks mega giant dicks

OK dude if you want to be a part of something that you can be truly proud of, something bigger than you where you can embrace your European heritage, you need to look up Identity Evropa. Instead of bitching here on Sup Forums actually affect positive change in the world around you with brothers of the same mind.

Dumb nu-male cuck.


Whites are better at enforcing the idea/conquest/subjugating others, so it's not fair. Against other such racial groups, it's like letting the Cubs play baseball against a single A college team.

Tell me what of their tenets I've adopted, please. I'd love to know.

Yes, we agree on certain things, if you've studied these religions you'd know that. Christianity is an offshoot of Judeaism. I just don't agree with the whole usury aspect and how they suck child penises after mutilating them. I guess that makes me a bad person according to what your masters have taught you.

Peace and Prosperity.

You're only using the cubs as an example because they just won.. Let's be honest here..

It's almost like I'm being topical to the current time. Would it make your sensibilities feel better if I compared it to the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers?

To war brother

It's almost like you're being a cunt..

Blackness is defined as having Black African ancestry. Whiteness is defined as not having black, Asian, etc ancestry. Look up the one drop rule


Sig Heil. No one will protect this country besides us.

>have an engraved swatzika
>speaking out against jews
>but im not a neo-nazi

>supporting the welfare state
you're not even old enough to legally work in the US, kiddo.

As a black the reason i find it offensive is the negativity and bigotry attached to white pride, KKK has white pride, Donald Trump has white pride.
you did it to yourselves

Oh really? lol. I have a graduate degree you dumbass. I've been working for close to a decade making good money.

We did what to ourselves? Empower ourselves. How about you empower yourself and stop relying on white guilt negro.

no one except the people we pay, and screen for mental disorders.
you couldn't pass the test.

A graduate degree in what, being a cunt?
Money well spent.

watch this nazi sperg out in his own thread. itll be a hoot.

Finance actually.

Yeah, I don't enjoy my country being taken out from under me. My tax dollars being squandered on the apartheid jewish terrorist state. I don't enjoy my tax dollars going towards murdering brown children... Yeah.. You're right , I must be insane... You're insane.

I don't get your point of view. It doesn't make sense. White people run the entire spectrum of belief. So there is no definite consensus in that regard; what would you have your government do for you if you had your way? Besides, what makes you more important than the next guy? you could say the government cares more about minority groups, but then it makes more sense to want LESS of that, not more.

you empowered yourselves by putting down everyone around you.
Hitler had national pride and look what happen

the white know only hate and commerce

I think mainstream, cosmopolitan American culture is better than a lot of other cultures. But why does it matter what skin tone someone has? Its how that act.

You say you'd have no problem with blacks with PhDs. But why even disgugish between educated, cosmopolitian black people and yourself when the only difference between them and you is how much pigment that have.

The "white" part of your nationalism is just so fucking stupid.

My only problem here is that the national socialist party of germany lost the war, proving indeed they are inferior even to the russian swine. Hell, the baltic states fared better in the world war. I fail to comprehend why one would take upon themselves the symbol of an empire lost 70 years ago. I took the triskel as it was the earlist symbol of the Frankish empire who took Rome in the third sacking, yet while the Frankish empire stood three hundred years spanning seven kings the Nazi empire failed after a decade of greatness. Why take a failed empire as your patron?


The nigger only knows muh dik.

Because of the Jewish controlled media and US policy.

Your tax dollars leave your responsibility as soon as theyre taken out of your paycheck. And spoiler: MOST of them are going to the conflict in Syria. A fraction go towards social programs, and heres another spoiler: even minorities have taxes taken out of their paycheck. and jews. and every single citizen in this country.

and another thing-- you can't even get approved FOR those social programs UNLESS you've paid into the system to a certain extent. so its not YOU paying for this shit. they're paying for it themselves and being shat on for using it.
>I'm insane
I'm not the faggot bragging about a finance degree on Sup Forums and spouting anti-jewish propaganda that he wiped off his own fathers asshole. No ones taking the fucking country from you, you paranoid faggot. Turn off fox news and go outside.

Because of Jewish financial intervention. Do some research, they started the war so they could fund both sides. They are parasites and their blood is parasitic. Under that line of thinking, the Jewish population should be superior! Doesn't change my opinion at all!!!!!!!!

Syria is a war brought on by America's Jewish Lobby.

And no that's not true at all. It's called insurance... You retard.. My father doesn't share my beliefs. He's not a jew either. Just as pure as me. Don't listen to fox news. Or msnbc. All propoganda. you need to stop listening to the war criminal netanyayu.

And yeah , they are taking this country from us. It's in the process. Apparently you're too dull to see the writing on the wall. It's been happening for half a century.

>Criminal whites
>Criminal blacks
>Lawful whites
>Lawful blacks

>Thus we must remove the negro from our country
I don't understand...

>But niggers commit so much crime
I think you'll find socio-economic status has a much stronger correlation with criminality

>why haven't the niggers pulled themselves up by their bootstraps
Socio-economic status is often inherited, and blacks have been even legally equal for only something like five decades in the United States

America has a massive racism problem, the secret is that its not just the KKK types but also the "liberal establishment" and black communities that are immensely racist.
Americans on average are absurdly race-obsessed, I suppose it has to do with the ambiguous identity of a colonial.

Jews everywhere inthis thread abandon thread abandon thread

>white-guilt cuck
>thinks most tax dollars go to Syrian war
Typical uneducated cuck.

>i am on social programs
nice try. maybe if you actually tried to APPLY for programs, you'd realize that most applicants get DENIED.
>Syria is a war brought on by America's Jewish Lobby
dear god you dense faggot.

>thinks most tax dollars go towards people "i dont like REEEE"
not how it works, kid. try again.

The only reason the jews took fiscal power is that the christians refused to lend money and capital to one another citing religous precident. While I agree europa has superior genes in some places, you yourself admit your muttism. You are a dog, suitable only for labor and subjigation while those of us with true blood, masculine minds free of doubt and ready to populate our homeland with numerous children, sons to praise the Prussian flag and daughters to bring more superior humans into this world, it is we who have dominion to rule.

whoops looks like you're retarded after all

Jews spawned this myth of "white-guilt" and people that don't read past what CNN tells them eat it up. There is nothing wrong with white nationalism and America is and should stay a white majority nation.

no no no. I pay for private insurance.. Very good insurance.. Most applicants for social welfare should get denied , because they will spend it on bullshit. I don't want to pay for that BS.

Shut the fuck up Kike.

Nothing. Don't be brainwashed by our nations (I'm assuming you live in the US) propaganda fueled media into believing there's anything wrong with it, when they openly support the black panthers and BLM.

News flash: you can be proud of your race no matter what race you are.

Ill think u will find a very very large chunk of ur merifags tax goez to military expences ..... syria hes not wrong ask uncle google .... oh shit jewogle

>its called insurance
you don't even know the difference between welfare and health insurance.