Rate the world

Rate the world

10/10 map
-1/10 NPCs

Bumping. I'll actually fill it out before thread gets deleted

Found it rather cliché to be honest

Got lazy and stopped caring halfway through because I'm tired.

full of retarded assholes

Fuck. Meant hate/love with Norway.

Freudian slip


Tbh honestly I'm insanely uninformed and slacking in my "global affairs" knowledge these days. I probably incorrectly marked a few but whatever.

Germany, Sweden, Iceland, and the middle east are correctly marked at the very least.


just pretend all the gray ones are green as well


Fuck most of the world


But you can only blame your own country for that

>hating Australia, but loving Arabs
fucking mudslimes

Amen, Bruder

Mr Trump, is that you?

No but I voted for him, not ironically either.

>implying Trump knows that many countries

you don't have to know them to hate them