Moot and old Mods thread

Moot and old Mods thread



Who is moot ?






That didn't explained my question


I wonder what Snacks thinks of new Sup Forums...

it actually did. It's the entire story. Let me try again.



Probably disappointed from like 5 years ago and never visits anymore.

I'm cautiously optimistic

Been on here for a while and never seen the fag so im guessing he is just an inside joke i missed

either you're an oblivious fuck, a newfag or just a straight up fucking idiot.
Or a troll. whatever

>he is just an inside joke
More like he is a joke on the inside, but close enough

I'm really just reminiscing in this thread. Stuff i missed, stuff i was there for.

>implying snacks was still around in 2013


Moot is the founder ?


These fireworks are fucking with me

what a faggot and a legend



And moot ran away with all the cash he made with this dirty website ?

money he made? This site was a HUGE liability to him, most of the money came from him to keep the site up, right out of his pocket. But it landed him a job with Google and so he sold the site to the chink.

also, that's beautiful

In the end everything turnt then good for papa moot ?

Wouldn't be the first time

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   | ̄ ̄ ̄|   Because of Moot, i'm now homeless! haha-
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Would you fuck a moot?

moot is a gay ding dong

holy shit kek i was ter xD

was looking for the picture of moot banning someone for sexualising green haired girl

>green haired girl

>not knowing our Queen Yotsuba

I can never remember the name of any eastern characters. Ever. I know thats no excuse but meh, might be worth something.

my rule of thumb, if its over 4 character its not going to happen for me


do you think he porked her?