

Yeah right




careful guys, the double chins are gonna hack you

>actually posts this
how do people get this removed from reality? fucking hilarious tho

> 1231507051321 (1)v2.jpg

I'm more and more inclined to believe the free-masonesque story about the guy whose boss in the military tried to get him to join. So a few years of 9-5 techno era paper pushing (e-mails, key jabbing and fucking around on a puter) is probably what does it to you.

Is this a real one?

Of course not

F to the A to the double G




There will never be a public invitation to clubs and cults. Even if you show interest and proper knowledge, you still have less than a .01% chance of being invited.

Rule of thumb.

Is cicada still a thing? What is this 2005?


You silly bro, you can go to yoyr local mason lodge and attend the meetings

Masons are just a bunch of investors and community leaders. Nothing special.

I had intended to imply only elite clubs.

It's a game for ultra rich people.

The joke is you follow the clues to the end and you're standing out in the open reading a sign attached to a pole.

While you're standing there reading, someone with a long gun shoots you.

See you soon.