Does this look like an STD?

Does this look like an STD?
First noticed these bumps maybe 2 years ago or so
They don't itch, never irritate me, never change
They are always there, don't affect me at all
Just unsightly
Just trying to see your take on it before spending money on doctor.

No doctorfags?

Yes, that is an std. Google has pictures.

those are warts dog

HPV for sure. Not deadly though, just try to be careful with fucking chicks and try to deny it when they find out

You have genital warts. If they come up in patches like that that means it's warts and not something else like a cyst. You should really go see a doctor and grow your pubes out so nobody else can see it.

Genital warts no cure can be frozen off or chemically removed

GG noob. Those are warts (HPV). I know a thousand ways to get rid of warts, none I would want to try on my dick though. Good luck.

could be skintags, go to a dr

I think the only thing I can do now is kill myself

Can I have your stuff? The stuff you haven't had your cock near, I mean?

You should. Please

IT :
user dates girl for 4 years
Girl cheats on user without user knowing
user gets STD

Dont be so dramatic. Warts aren't gonna ruin your life.

Many sexually active individuals are guaranteed to catch 'em eventually and most of them don't even know they have it.

you have a rare type of cancer that will rot your
dick from the inside out and make your life a living
hell unless you cut your dick off

>stop asking for medical advice on Sup Forums

Try pulling some of those hairs out of one and see if the bump disappears.

I realized after looking at that first picture it looks really bad so here is another for perspective

This thread is just an excuse to post my dick

Don't shave where the warts are, or you'll irritate them and most likely spread further.

Herpes cunt


If those are actually warts, consider yourself lucky.

Shit could so much worse, user. Go get treated.


75% chance it's irritated hair follicles - stop shaving a while.

25% chance it's warts - go to a Planned Parenthood for a cheap assessment, if they are warts they can freeze them off. It's very very common to have warts, most people carry them but never have outbreaks. If it is warts, you'll get immune system boost and they'll probably never come back or very rarely if they do. It's about as common as cold sores / canker sores in the mouth. No big deal, no need to panic.

Genital Corriptions.
There's a small insect inside each one.
You need to paint them with Morcotizol... or you'll wake up with your cocktail coveted in a colony of tiny spiders.
Hurry, OP.
Ask for the gel... don't let the sell you the cream, it's less effective.

Those are genital warts. Get some cotton balls, apple cider vinegar. Dilute apple cider vinegar, put on cotton, tape over warts. Leave for 3-4 hours, then give it a rest for a while. Continue until warts die and fall off.


Don't do shit till a doc looks. If they're irritated hair follicles you'll be wasting your time getting the vinegar dick. Plus the vinegar trick takes for fuck ever. You want a doc to zap em off with the freeze gun. dosent hurt. they fall off in a few days then. again that is IF they even are warts.