Le white genocide

>Le white genocide

wait, I thought we were just memeing

Do people actually believe this?

No its just ridiculous
You'll be fine

>Reality is a meme

Sure Chang the number of white people is shrinking everywhere but it doesn't exist, you should take your pill you fucking leaf

>Sholmo protecting his schekel again

Owen tier fag

W-wait a minute...are you trying to trick me?

Do you know what the definition of genocide is you stupid frog eating fuck

Jews in WW2 is a genocide, not whites having less children

Fucking kill yourself

thanks greatest ally


Funny thing is that Every international and global organization of note people in power are Europe or Euro descent.

No one else has the same proportion of positions occupied they do by far.

>no one is being killed
>people aren't even being sterilized
>whites are just choosing to have less children, their own choice through their own free will
And this is a genocide how?

Well played my man

If there is white genocide who is commiting it ?

da joos


because they tend to be 40 years or older

Moooom he did it again!

It's white suicide, not genocide. It's their fault they're not having kids

>tfw I don't have an isreali flag to shitpost with


The Germans are to blame for the kikes, if you want to genocide someone for it gencide them.

It isn't genocide, it's suicide. No one is forcing whites to not have children

Look at what's happening in western world and ask yourself is it just a meme.


Feels good being not white, I'm glad you mongrels going extinct


You're confusing us with you Achmed

Whites are the purest humans on earth, this is also why we conquered the World

When two people meet; the purest always win, except when there are other variants like the Jewish Cuckification of the White Race

Not a huge fan of this anti-white meme on Sup Forums these days desu.

When did it start?

Wow an oversimplification and strawman comic. That really changes my views on everything.

Why is board so awful?

The Marx's phrase is fake, desu; probably a lot of information there as well. See, that's why the Jews will destroy you, you're too dumb to even check the sources.

Also, the Frankfurt School wasn't not really a revolutionary organization, they were just academics and social reformists. Because of that they hated the USSR and the USSR hated them, i really doubt that the Soviet Union would really finance them. Finance for what? So Marcuse can say in a book that the USSR was a totalitarian shithole? So he can say that the workers would never engage in a revolution in the west because capitalism was actually good for them?

You may not know, but the predominant theories in Social Sciences come from post-structuralist philosophers, most of them are french, like Foucalt, Deleuze, Derrida and so on. They may even have some Marx's influence, but they are really a rip-off of Nietzsche, a white german dude, as far as i know. All their relativism and attack on science comes from Nietzsche.

>Facts and numbers are not a proof of white genocide. My feelings are more important than reality, so white genocide is not happening right now


it has to do with below replacement fertility in the rich world.
whats being ignored is that fertility is falling everywhere, including places like central africa where women had 7 children on average
>of which 5 would not see their 10th birthday

this. i don't even want to have a child. it's such a hassle. but i don't want immigrants either. can we just let Germany die already? no immigrants, no births, no nothing please

How is that a proof of white genocide. The numbers you're giving even says that almost 1/2 of the immigrants are from Europe, no?

that should be stickied on Sup Forums

Why would an extreme oversimplification and strawmen be stickied on Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums is the oversimplification and strawmen: the board. It fits there, actually.

the treatment of the indians should serve as a warning to europeans

Traitors like you

>only half of immigrants come from Europe

And you think it's not a problem ? No shitskins should have been alowed in the first place

I'm an Italian that moved from Italy, I'm not from the Middle East bro. Fuck white people regardless though

>And you think it's not a problem

It's the majority of the immigrations. So the majority of people immigrating to there are white. Again, how is this a white genocide? Looking at the graphics the European immigration is even growing bigger than all the others regions.

>Sure Chang the number of white people is shrinking everywher

Which they do voluntarily.

>post modern french faggots
>in any way marxist

Where are the camps for gassing white people?

On a board obsessed with whiteness you only need to be on 1 level of irony to perpetuate it.

We are not being killed of. We are just not breeding as fast as brown people. And the white people who race mix do so voluntary, they are not being forced.

The white race will die but not from genocide, but from being "out-bred".

And it will not happen in our lifetime.