I am genuinely curious about this phenomenon...

I am genuinely curious about this phenomenon. If there are any Sup ForumsananaFriends out there could you explain your reasoning for posting bananas?

>inb4 more than 1 banana



YLYL threads typically have facebook tier humor

now this shit is funnier than most ylyl content, ironically

Do you ever stop and think about how bad John, Bill and Lori's lives have become because of this banana? I do sometimes. I think about how John J. Callanan hasn't uploaded a new marketing video in over 6 months. He probably has a family to support. His kids can't even eat three solid meals a day because all of his potential employers associate him with that shit-eating banana picture.

Lori can't get away with posting anything online anymore without a thoughtless barrage of "Thanks, Lori" comments. She pretends that it's genuine, that somebody, somewhere cares about her well-being. But deep down she knows it's a lie. She knows that every day is a struggle to escape her past. Her innocent approval of that naked banana will haunt her until death finally embraces her and takes her away from this hell.

Bill, on the other hand, is too clueless to get it. He'll go on thinking that BH Ideas is making an impact in "personal branding" and continue to laugh at that banana picture whenever he opens the file. We all know he has the file, because he saved it. It's all his, my friend.


Well said user, copypasta or not.

i get a lot of meta enjoyment out of it. i think about how from an outsider's perspective, 2-years-worth of the exact same image getting posted over and over and over and over again is absolute lunacy. it never changes or adapts. every time there's a new meme or common pic that gets posted, it inevitably gets edited as a picture of the banana. it's never clever or witty. it's just a blunt object, basically a middle finger. everything just gets turned into the same repetitive conversation of "thanks for joining us tonight bill" with that shit-eating banana grin

and that's why i've done it for 2+ years

It's like lolibread and spiderman. They love each other

so true


How do you go about it?
>Ctrl F "YLYL"

Or is it just a "If I see it" kinda thing?


yeah, i just keep the catalog open and ctrl + f. Sup Forums sucks enough that there's usually at least 2 or 3, and it only takes a few bananas to get the ball rolling per thread


It's from the header of some old porn site.

prove it

Late christmas present on me guys go fuck your ex gf tonight - snap-leak-cf

No. Mainly because I can't remember what it was. Some aggregator. Short name. The something. Horrible yellow background. Tiny text.

no wonder John said 'oh just somewhere online'

it all makes sense now

This thread need more potassium


i think it's hilarious that a stupid picture can trigger so many people. i enjoy their misery. :)

ditto, my Sup Forumsrother. ditto.

this reply always makes me kek

this one, too