Proportionally, which is the minimal percentage of water per tea leaves to be called a real tea?

Proportionally, which is the minimal percentage of water per tea leaves to be called a real tea?
Exhibit 1: a tea bag in a lake?
Exhibit 2: a couple of water drops over a tea bag?

Philosophical bump

Well couldn't we just operationally define it as a certain ratio of tea particles per H20? Or do you want to know what is the absolute point in which we simply know it as tea?

We do want to know the absolute point in which we could recognise it as tea

Depends on the type of tea and the way it is steeped. A typical generic bag of Lipton black tea would be approximately 1 tea bag per 8 fluid oz of water steeped for 2 to 3 minutes.

The water needed to disolve the caffeine in 1cm^3 of green tea leaves

one cup of water per tea bag

Proof required

Tea is like porn, I can't quantify it, but I know it when I see it.

You're an idiot.

It's only tea as long as there is no milk in it. Then it's just British faggot beverage.

>Philosophical bump
see: Sorites paradox

Realistic: If it tastes barely different from plain water it is not tea, if you cannot get it down because it is so strong it is not tea either. Surprisingly, the latter case is much easier to reach with good tea and a minute too long or the water to hot.

And the green tea must be raised at 19.61C and 73.2% ambiental humidity on soil with 63ppm of nitrates

the back of every package of team ever made

Homeopathic tea contains 0.0000000000000001 parts tea


Oh, no, you may not sir, that is a fallacy


Manufacturer's recommendations are close enough for most industrial products. I'd say it's a good start. Really what we need is a double blind study, but that's more effort than anybody wants to expend on this, at least for free.


Well, thats what my phd thesis is gonna be about

u better now that u got those trips

what ever is the correct ratio to get you lifted.

That must be a sign


why is it called black tea

when the tea is red????

what was michale jackson a nigger when he was white?




I teabagged your mum last night. Ask her.

If the body of water is discolored by the tea leaves then it is tea