What is the purpose of life Sup Forumsros?

What is the purpose of life Sup Forumsros?

I'm 26 years old and still don't know what I want to do with my life.

The idea of working everyday for the rest of my life in order to make money and live seems pointless. We spend all of our time focusing on money, when in the end, it's not going to matter anyway. Having kids and raising a family sounds nice, but it sounds like I won't be around much to help raise them if all I'm doing is working to keep a roof over their heads and to keep my spouse happy. I'm not even close to being at this point any time soon. We do this everyday until we get too old to continue and then we die. What the hell.

Shouldn't we do what we want in life? I understand that we have to work in order to make money and live, but in the grand scheme of things, why? I just don't get it. Seriously.

I know it's about to be a new year, but all that means is that it's just another year. Any advice or answers at all would be greatly appreciated.

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Best advise an oldfag can give you is try not to think about it too hard.

I was 26 fucking years ago and I felt the same. Still do kind of.

Best thing I've done so far is have kids - I'm a fucking awesome dad.

Other than that I got 20 years on you faggot and I still dunno what I want to do with my life specific.

There is no purpose. There is no universal truth to the reason humans are brought into this world with consciousness and all its baggage. But given the circumstances that you have been given and the rarity at which your consciousness has been made on Earth at this place at this time (aka once). You have to find your own purpose in life. it may take you a long time but smoke weed and follow your passions until you find something. Also stop asking for advice on Sup Forums no one here knows what the fuck they're doing in life

Try not to think too much

I know how you feel mate life is a strange journey. Im 27 and i only really found my passion this year in working with plants. I guess if you can try and volunteer time in different things until you find what makes you tick mentally. Best of luck mate

This may sound very hippy and zenshizzle, but: there's no point in asking questions you can't answer, like 'what is the meaning of life'. In the grand scheme of things, life is completely ridiculous and pointless.
But, on a personal level, it is whatever you make of it, and no one can tell you what you 'should' do with yòur life.
I personally believe the point of life is to experience it, and to be a good person in whatever way works for you. I visit my parents when I can, spend as much time as possible with my closest friends, try to keep in contact with not-so-close-friends, and help people whenever I can.

Just try finding a job you don't hate and do what you love man. I'm turning 24 and i think the same way..But by thinking like that it's just been hell because I don't do shit to change my current condition


Evolution. Step up, contribute, make babies, be a responsible parent and family man, stay sober, work hard...............OR ELSE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY.

but, it'd be great to see you choose the first alternative. Be nice to your parents, asshole.

universe is big
you are small

you're so small what you do doesn't matter, so do what makes you happy

questioning life is normal OP. im in the same boat as you and dont know what the fuck is going on

Look for what makes you happy the most. If you make a career out of doing what you love, you won't work a day in your life.

Yep. You are the decision maker, you guide your own path.

Do what you want.
Because a pirate is free.
You ARE a pirate.

Your perspective is leaning towards that of nihilism. Basically that life has no meaning. If you really think about how life works, you'll realize that we as humans have 3 functions to survive... Eating, Sleeping, and Procreating (this one is optional but is necessary to continue existence). Without doing these, we will die early. Yet we do these because we have to in order to prolong our existence. That's about it as far as what I know to be 100% true.

Religion? Money? Marriage? These are social constructs that man has created all on our own. Evolutionism vs. Creationism is another debate. I was raised Catholic but have always questioned religion and God. I believe that no single person can prove that God exists, or that he doesn't exist. So I guess I'm actually an agnostic. Or maybe a "Questioning Catholic," I don't know. Faith is not based off of evidence or proof, but what one believes.

Laws? Rules? Morals? They are all made up. They were written by society to "control" the doings of what is considered right and wrong. We really can do whatever we want because of free will though. You can go kill someone if you really wanted to, but you probably won't because you will be in prison for the rest of your life. You can thank the laws made up by man years and years ago for that.

Spirituality? Happiness? Love?
These are abstract and I'm still trying to figure out how they work. Never been in love. Don't know if I ever will. I guess I'm somewhat happy with my life. Never seen or felt any kind of divine evidence of any form of deity.

These are just some things I've philosophically thought about life that are real. Things that we know or that we learn about as rational human beings. But as far as a purpose or a meaning of life, we won't know until we die. Or maybe not! Nobody in their right mind can tell me "I know." Nobody knows. And you will be asking the same questions all your life... even when you're nearing death. We all will. That's life for you

Found the libertarian idiot.
Have compassion on your journey through life because everyone is making the same Journey as you but may not be as lucky.

Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's going to die, smoke weed every day.

The purpose of life is to become smart enough to figure out the purpose of life.

Wizardhood is the first step.

Stop taking bad advice from pic related. Every single one of these people telling you to give up are the kind of person that would chop a tree down just to count its rings. Trying to create some stuff in whatever medium you see fit you like games try making one do you like videos try making some and stick with it. Every single artist you hold dear was once like you struggling for meaning. Their songs are echolocation through impregnable fog. Listen to good music.

There is no purpose in life, only you can give it one. There's the basic stuff like ensuring your survival and passing on your genes that every life form has programmed into its DNA but as a human you have the power to completely ignore that and choose your own purpose in life.

Now that you've come to this realization you should spend your time looking for a way to get out of the place you're currently in. There are tons of opportunities for that nowadays and they're available to anyone.

Figure out how you can live your life the way you want to, doing what you love. Check out Tony Robbins' stuff or Think And Grow Rich, there#s lots of stuff out there for motivation and getting the right attitude and outlook on life. Then google for "Timothy Marc 30 day challenge". Lots of highly valuable stuff there for free, probably the best place to start at right now.

I know where you are right now, thinking about this and cmoing to similar conclusions like yours sunked me in a deep depresion (a relapse, nota new thing for me) this past year up until the point of almost an hero once.

So what I can tell you about my whole recent experience is stop thinking about it, life just improved when I did.

Why? Well we are just the product of a bunch of random events happening, we are not special and the conciousness we experience is meaningless, we are no different from a rock on a landfield.

The only way to overcome this is finding things you enjoy, things that make you feel good and forget about these thoughts, because ultimately you are right, there is no point at all, once you die you are gone, but you can either keep making your life miserable by continue thinking about it, kill yourself and make those around you suffer, or just brush it off and go on to make life as enjoyable as you can.

As of for money work and that stuff, well thats just the way the world works today, to get stuff you have to do stuff, you dont need to focus on money, just do whatever you want, I really mean that.

Cheer up OP, you are not alone on this


Also read good music's lyrics. Create your own dogma. Take the occasional hallucinogenic for fun and to peak behind this bland ass curtain.

You heard me, nigga.

Pic Related
There's your purpose

Also I recommend listening The wall while astronomically high, that shit is amazing.

Can you be my daddy too?

grow the fuck up

do you think animals dont have to work ? food isnt given to them on a plate , they have to deal with no end of shit and for what ? to die when they dont cut it any more ? its the order of life , we work instead of running around with a club to get food , money buys food and civility gives us somewhere to rest at night and something to eat the food off , its what we are . If you dont understand this after 26 years then fuck dude you have been a cloistered cunt all you short life , go spend a day at a hospice and then come back bleating how bad everything is

> I understand that we have to work in order to make money and live, but in the grand scheme of things, why? I just don't get it. Seriously.

I'm not OP but can you even fucking read. Obviously you are just a dumbfuck who doesn't understand what an existencial crisis is.

Cannabis plants?

To die


My nigga.

First time I took acid some always-sober friends babysat me. I specifically asked to go play minigolf and go carts at this local tourist trap we have. Little did I know the tabs had 200ug instead of 100ug, and everything became intensely metaphorical. Moving from one hole to next while peaking taught me a lot about moving forward in life and overcoming obstacles to achieve my goals. I wish I could get more of that stuff. Lucy is a godsend. The go carts were just fun though; my friends' friend worked there and let me I'm for free because he knew I was blasted as hell. If you're looking for purpose just take some LSD with good friends. Everyone should at some point. We wouldn't have any wars or anything, just minigolf and The Boondocks on Netflix.

>get a career that you enjoy and that makes you happy
>never feel this

It's your fault you didn't develop your skills in a meaningful way, OP.

You had the change of doing whatever you wanted and get money out of it, yet you decided to be some wageslave lowlifer.

I became a vet. I enjoy every day as I learn more and help them doggos and cats get better. I honestly can't imagine not doing this every day anymore, it's just such a great and good part of my life.

My girlfriend is a doctor. She loves to help people and she is always looking forward to her night shifts at the ER.

My brother became a musician and loves learning and playing.

You chose to be a faggot. Now you've wasted 26 years that you will never get back, and that will probably cost you happiness for the rest of your life too.

The 7 and 4 switched. I like this.

Don't know what to do with your life? Do this, just fast foward to 0:30 seconds.
Basically dedicate your entire life to stomping niggers


Well said

can someone sauce me?

Really, you have to be a huge faggot to like metillica if your over the age of 14

Gee, thanks for that uplifting rant asswipe. Op is 26. Oh, and "wasting 26 years"? wtf Yeah, I'm sure those childhood years were "wasted".
Why the bitterness? Something in life not so "happy" for ya?

Dunno - depends if you can suck my cock all the way down.

I feel horrid at 26 Op. All I know is I am going to end it so if you want to do the same, you should.

I work all year, have an awesome job and have a nice place to live and drive an okay car. I hate people, I hate the social dance (social and professional) and I find it stupid. Yet I find myself lonely but while in relationships I find myself bored or miserable. I have no idea what life is to me, yet alone to think what it would be like for you.

I once thought it was having a wife and kids or having kids in general. Still I would want a legacy of my name being carried down but to think about the effort and the chance he/she/it will disown me as a father annoys me and causes me to think "why?". Anyways OP I hope you figure it out. I plan on dying on my 27th birthday this next year and I suggest you figure out a purpose or you will end up in the same place.

Good parents educate and train their child since day one to make them have a good life tho.


OP Here.

I am a private pilot and am trying to get in with the FAA to become an air traffic controller. I consider myself a smart guy (at least I think I am). I have no problem paying my bills and have my own place. I just don't know if this is the career I want to do, just because I'm good at it. Sure, I enjoy it. But do I want to do this? I have no idea what I want to do.

As the other guy said... I think I'm just going through an existential crisis. But maybe you're right... Maybe I wasted my 26 years of life and that will cost me my happiness. I don't know.

I'm just trying to find the reason for my existence, that's all. And I'm sure many others have contemplated it too.

I was in the same boat op
so I quit my job and have been programming / modelling last couple of months, going to try for 'passive income' via global sales

find something you love doing and force your life to accept it
there will be sacrifice - I am running low on savings, but I would have never been able to get to the point I am now had I not quit

Not everyone gets good parents, some of us have to raise ourselves and that takes longer.

Word of advice for you and all like yourself. First, tho, yeah, got it. Understand completely. Just don't "have kids" with the expectation that they will provide, and are responsible for making you happy. That is putting a burden on them, and when they fail to please, "you" will take out your misery on them. Then all will suck to hell.



Life is a very complicated thing where we don't get many second chances.

Don't look for meaning, look for whatever makes you happy.

When I chose to be a vet I thought "What do I picture myself as in 10 years, and when I am old and about to retire". "What can I do every day that would make me happy and enjoy my routine and life."

It's important to make life choices not based on how you feel now, but how you want to feel about yourself in 10 years or more.

That's halfway to being happy. The other half is actually applying yourself and taking the effort to reach that.

I was like you OP, and I am always the same age as you.

>the idea of working everyday for the rest of my life in order to make money and live seems pointless

I felt the same way while I was a useless fucker playing vidya all the day. Last year I decided to do something with my life. From the money that I earned I bought fit accesories and started working out (I lost 23 kgs), started to learn russian, and travelled around the world for one month in summer.
It was so fucking awesome, I saw china, pandas, tibet, nepal, india.

I am a neet and I will be always a neet I hate working, but the fact that I am erning enough money to make my life better is giving me a reason to wake up every day. This august I am going to the rainforests in south america, can't wait.

>What is the purpose of life Sup Forumsros?

to suck a shemale dick

Pass your genes on, by having kids and a mate.
Support your family financially, so have a job.
Be happy.

the only way to figure out what you really want from life is to try out all kinds of different things. If you're not sure if being an air traffic controller will really make you happy long term then you really need to spend some time trying out other things first, otherwise you'll just end up in a job and life that you'll be unhappy with but will feel stuck, and have wasted even more years while still not knowing what you really want in life.

If you're a NEET, how the fuck are you earning money?

I'm hoping that Trump & pals initiates ww3. Then all of "life's priorities" will be reset. Happiness may just come from simply surviving another day. Not how much can I make and how much shit can I buy. Nice car, house, hot wife, kids, blah, blah, blah.

with neet I mean I hate my work or any work at all, and it makes me ill to spend 8 hours of my day as a slave. If I would have a chance by not working at all but still getting enough money to improve my life I would do it.

I'm 27, married with a beautiful girl, and have a wonderful daughter.
I work as a neurosurgeon, but I dislike calling it work, as I feel this is a part of my life. This occupation satisfies me in ways other people find hard to understand, but I also have interest in raising plants, studying nature, meditation. I had other jobs before: construction site worker, poker dealer, computer operator, investment broker. Except for the investment broker (which I consider a felony/crime against every moral, rational and legal norm because it requested taking advantage of people and lying and whatnot), I did everything else with pleasure. I really think that work is a golden bracelet. What went good for me is no matter what your job is, do it without taking it too seriously, but be responsible. Do your job good, you will be appreciated for it, but just don't let it consume you no matter how owful it may seem.
If you like what you do, you will never work a day in your life.
There must be something you like. Do that. Make m0ney out of it.
I was a poorfag, not that I have a fortune now, but I am getting pretty well.
Doctors aren't paid that much in our country. You could get more cash by working at a Mc.Donald's than by being a doctor, but this is one of the things that makes me.
Fuck, I wrote too much. Nobody is gonna fucking read this comment :)).

;tldr: Do what you like and you won't have to work a day in your life.


You may just as well move to a third world country without money or any other possessions. Enjoy the struggle for survival there, or are you waiting for someone to force you to do it?

Of course while poor folks generally tend to be happier than those in the first world there's probably plenty of folks who just give up since struggling to survive all your life probably can seem pretty pointless as well.

I want to see others forced to struggle as well. I get joy in that thought.

>purpose of life

None. Youre carbon gone crazy.

>shouldnt i get to do what i want.

Yes and no. The generations before you afforded you the luxury of not worrying about being mauled by wolves and bears and starving in the winter or dying from rubella.

Its still all random, its still bullshit at times, yes you should be able to be happy, but that involves a balance of dealing with some bullshit, working half your waking hours, and putting up with people.

Thats all there is to it. Stop whining or ill bring a cougar to your house and you can learn how awesome you had it.

Well, then do as I said. Go to some poor african country. You'll not only get to struggle to survive by not starving, etc. and get to watch others go through the same thing, you'll probably also have to make sure you won't get killed for a few measly bucks. Sounds like a lot of fun and you can have it at any time. And if that's still not enough there's plenty of ways to make it even harder like cutting of an arm or leg, whatever you can come up with.

Duty to those that came before, Responsibility to those that will come after.

>Individualism is spiritual death

You seem like a pretty chill person, OP dont worry about it

The purpose is to have kids and make the world a better place for them.

If you're not doing that, it really doesn't matter what you do.

Do you have something you like doing, that you may even have passion for?
Do the shit out of that. If you see work as a nuisance, like I do, see if you can cut hours.
This current societal pattern of living isn't really for everybody, and if you think too hard about it, I guess you get to the point, where you are right now.

So you're not a NEET then, you're just stuck in a shitty job you hate, with no easy way out

does any of you have self steem? how does that feel?

word. didnt think id read all of that but youre right. i agree

OP, you'll never know why you exist

> Good parents
Everything is institutionalised, children even learn going to the shitter in their Kindergärten.
But it's nice that you do what you love and have supportive parents.

>Everything is institutionalised,
Only if you let it. I am homeschooling my son.

I know why. Your parents fucked each other and they had you