Sister invited friends over again

Sister invited friends over again

Cum in their pumpkin spice lattes

Why is your sister friends with a pile of boots

piss in boots

Blow your load as many times as possible into a different boot everytime

Shit in the boots

Put dead animals inside. The Uggs are made of dead animals and they probably reek of it too (welcome foot fetish creeps) so that would make it a double deadanimalception

forgive me, I'm wasted

Cut all the size tags off and mix up the boots so they have to spend forever figuring out whose are whose

How do they smell

Are there any socks? Cum inside the socks

like girls and lotion and bacteria

i would need inspiration

Nice, lick em

>mix up the boots
Judging by
a) the picture alone in particular
b) that OP's sisters friends are likely girls in general
there is little to no use to try this. Entropy is already strong in there.

Is her name Shazza?


Here go nuts

Looks like in Skyrim, when you drop all the shit you accidentally looted from bandits.

you play too many video games


You say that like it was a bad thing.


what's it like to have a sister?


Not OP but horrible if she's disgusting

How about you barge in and make yourself look like the cool brother?

Like, ignore your sister, mess around with her friends, be casual and fucking cool

Pretty sure you can get them quite easily. If they wear Uggs, they are, in fact, easy

>why the fuck am I carrying these fur boots? They only have 2.5 gold to weight ratio

ok... like what do i do and say? should i offer them food or something?


No don't be a faggot. Just tease them. "Haha you look like the mom of the group"
"Why are you even friends with my sister she's so lame"
You should actually just roast your sister in a playful way and profit

>I'm not the only one autistically obsessing over gold per unit of weight and always making merchants spend all their gold on me


burn the boots in a safe place then go n tell your sister "There's a fire!" lead them to the boots n then say "THERE'S A FIRE IN MAH PAHNTS!" then pull down your pants n bang them all
if u dont get to bang them, atleast u have a nice fire

You dumb fucks, this isn't real, this was posted on reddit like 3 years ago with that title

found the reddit fag


No shit you dumb faggot

lol i was only trollin u

no... i was trollin U

This would only work if you live in a porn fantasy you retard.

Oh you surf reddit? Do you also wear Ugg boots on your dick?

Drop some pieces of sticker bushes in then down near the toes.