Happy New Year Sup Forums!

Happy New Year Sup Forums!
What are your New Years resolutions? (If you did fall for the meme)
I'll start: Get /fit/, redpill more people on the situation in Europe and join Nordfront.
Lemmino yours

I'm gonna learn to drive. I'm 25

I'm going to get more involved in Chris Pratt movies

Resolution, stop being a pussy

cool, I wanna join nordfornt too, lets remove kebab

I'm just going to continue bee-ing myself.

but you suck, dubs-kun

who else drunk? I wanna chat. All my friends left me

You alone at home or in a bar user?

at hope but drinking, how about you, sugar tits?


I'm drunk and had some mdma. wyd fam

nah, I´m going to be drunk soon and both of us can´t ´´consent´´.

What is this consent anyway? I never heard of it before the americans made it up, I thought if you are on that level in a relationship that both of you want it that you will know and just do it. I think this is a result of social autism and hook-up culture.

I had to google mdma lol. So you are on some sort of colorful pills, I just looked at the pics and some faggots made a video about your brain on mdma. They are faggots so I don´t trust them. Everyone knows that faggots cheat on eachother, so wwhy would they be trustworthy in other stuff? You a ho in a relationship you a ho in life!

I drink and love life. What about you?


A liberal college in the US would have you sitting in jail come sunrise

Well actually mine is a powder form but yeah it's good. makes music more interesting but I'm kinda restless cos it's just me.

you staying in for the night?

nope, learn when the inaugaration is you cuck. or should i say you will when its added to yr elementary school curriculum in yr nothing country.

no they wouldn´t, those libshits belive in the patriarchy theory, right? So why aren´t they ´´bowing´´ to that? Because they never seen it.

Now let´s go the the people who belive it: feminists. Who do feminsits date? Most people would say cucks but that is not true. They think that cuck, betas, fedora good-guys are the bigest myshogy-kneests of them all. So the only people who are left to date are kinda abusive. ALpha males but with mental problems. Tall, big, daddy like guys who put them in their place. Those guys these chick think they are true to their male nature, and it turns them on so much. Those guys who they spread they ass for are the Patriarchy, and they bow down to that.

I don´t know if that would work in the court tho, but god damn there is some jist in my assertion

powder? dude are you making your own stuff? What s that actually??

post some music then. I always ask my drug (means comrade in my country lol) usink friends why they do it and they say to me: TO OPEN MY MIND MAAN. and then I say to them, or I ask them why they aren´t watching some academics talk on youtube, listening to an audiobook or some other stuff that can widen your perspectives, instead of doing drugs, and they have no answer for me, because they are dumb.

But I am dumb too because I drink.

it´s almost 3am here so I´m done for today, my party danys are ower.


I went from 200 to 175 back in 2011 when I stopped drinking sugary bullshit all the time and just drank water for 18 months. So I'm going to do that again.
I'm going to try to be nicer to my girlfriend. After 4 miscarriages, she's falling apart.
And the hardest one of all, I'm going to start actually putting in effort at work again, since I got promoted. Even though I fucking hate that place.


cool, you didn´t change your eating habits at all?

4 miscarriages? wtf, do you have a big staircase in your house or is she just a bad keeper?

work hard, man.

ill let more niggers tongue my anus



Haha you can buy it in different forms. Guy who I got from only had powder so that's what I got.
I don't take it to open my mind or anything. It just makes me feel euphoric and full of energy. The downside is it's really hard to concentrate on anything.

It's about 2am for me so I'll be going for a while yet. Shit stops you sleeping.

so what do you do with all that energy? what super powers do you get? would you recoment this for someone who actuallt works out?

so you from iceland, huh? it´s cool, I ain´t tellin´. I had an ex once who was obsesed with going to iceland. Bitch was a low life, no ambitions bitch so no way shes moving her ass away from her moms house. She is also never going to lear icelandic, because it´s a hard language. Iceland is faggy tho, seperation of church and state kind of faggy, they have all of those people dressing up as druide getting married in the forest, how much more gay can you get?


I'm in Scotland man, how'd you get Iceland? Where you at anyway?

Cant do anything with all this energy cos I'm also dizzy so I'm just rolling about the floor and shitposting with music on. sweating like fuck too haha.

no dubs, kek does not approve, maybe cuz banana was never funny

scotish ay? can you say something scotish for me on voacroo? I´m in EU, lol, you soon wont be, Brexit baby, do you like it?

you fat bro? this sounds fun, I wish I was a baby again sometimes, but then again I like when I talk to smart people and when people think I am smart.

jews are evil



No they aren't
T. Bonnier Family

but they invented communism

>t. Bonnier family
They are a Jewish family that runs the media in Sweden if not entire Scandinavia.

You missed the joke

nah, I know it, I live in Sweden for now, swedes are cucks since they hatched tho, I will never get why Hitler liked them

Basically 80years of socialism and everyone is raised to be a cuck that is why we are all cucks in this country.
Hitler only likes us because we didn't oppose him and we are Aryan, Germanic Übermench

80???? wtf, how???