How smart is Sup Forums?

How smart is Sup Forums?

Hold on let me take out my statistics notes from Highschool.
Let's see, probability section, blah blah blah
screw it im bored already

Apparently you get One Nuevo Sol regardless which side the coin flips.

1/3 i guess



What joy do you get out of creating the same thread and getting the same replies each time?

Its 2:1 but why do you feel a need to keep posting this?

>given that at least one of them landed heads
>one of them landed heads
>[out of 2 coins] what is the probability that both landed heads
>one of them landed heads [already]

the probably that both are heads is thus merely dependent on the second coin that is flipped, which is 50%.



there are 3 cases:
heads + not heads
not heads + heads
heads + heads

So, it's 1/3. Fuck off.

how about we retire this shit

1/3. only 4 poss outcomes and one is tails tails. Since one coin must be on heads that is not an option.

Except case 1 and 2 in your description are just the same but the other way round, therefore it doesn't make a difference. Stfu with your psuedo-intellectual bullshit and slowly end yourself niggerfaggot

its fucking 50% dumbasses

>haha i'm gay xD

> therefore it doesn't make a difference
It does.
Okay, what if there were three coins? Then from your point of view the chance would be 1/3? And if there were 100 coins, then it would be 1/100?

Anyone who says anything besides 50% is retarded or trolling.

Don't respond to them, the two events are independent of eachother.

5 moneys

> two events are independent of eachother
Yes. And what?

It's 1/3, and it can be illustrated if we change the problem a bit.

Some assumptions, there are only two possible sexes (edgy amirite) and an equal chance of an individual child being born as male or female.

Two problems

1: Ed has two kids, one of them is a boy but he can't remember which. What is the chance they are both boys?

2: Ed has two kids, the older one is a boy. What is the chance they are both boys?

The answer to problem 1 is 1/3, problem 2 is 1/2.

In order to work it out simply you can construct possible answers. For both they are (in order of birth) BB BG GB GG. In the first question you ONLY eliminate GG, but in the second one you eliminate GB AND GG.

So the possible outcomes for 1 are BB BG GB, of which only one of three has another boy, and in 2 you have two results left, one of which has two boys.

It works a similar way to the coins. If the question said the FIRST coin is heads, then it would be 1/2, but because it doesn't specify which coin is heads, and you AREN'T OBSERVING THEM so you CAN'T distinguish, it's 1/3.

Flip coin #1, if it lands heads, you have a 50% chance coin #2 will be heads,
Flip coin#1, if it lands tails, you have a 100% chance coin #2 will be heads.

>Except case 1 and 2 in your description are just the same but the other way round

So they're not the same then.

Flip 2 coins, 4 possible outcomes:

Heads - Heads
Heads - Tails
Tails - Heads
Tails- Heads

At least 1 landed heads, so Tails - Tails is not an outcome, leaving 3.


Fucking freshmen.

The naive answer is 0.5

The better answer is 0.25

P(B|A) = P(A and B)/P(A)

A = at least one regular coin landed heads up
P(A) = 3/4 (HT, TH, HH)
B = both regular coins land heads up
P(A and B) = 1/4 (HH)

P(A and B)/P(A)
= 1/4 / 3/4
= 1/4 * 4/3
= 1/3

>Fucking freshmen.
>The naive answer is 0.5
>The better answer is 0.25

The answer is 1/3, you utter madman.

Not in the probability of two heads in a row they're not.

Wait how?

I also was thinking it was 0.25

Easy. 2/7.

Last case doesn't count since we're told that the first is heads.



Yeah, you might be right about that.


One landed on heads, so you can remove the both tails permutation. The answer is 1/3.

1/3, conditional probability. You all need to go back to highschool again.

It's 1/4 without any condition.

But there is a condition (at least 1 coin landed heads)

That excludes the TT option, leaving 3 equally probable outcomes.

Fuck me.

It's just like the goat.

This would be the classic ratio of 2:1. I now pose a new question. If you replied to this and your mother died, what's the probability that OP is a fucking tool?

it all depends if you know the order of the coins being flipped,
if you're told that the first coin flipped is heads the probability of the second being heads is 50%
but if you're told that at least one of the coins being flipped is heads, but not the order, the probability of them both being heads its 33%

it's not 2:1 since we're not told in what order one of them will be heads, could be T-H , H-T or H-H... 1/3

Goddamn it.

That means I was right the first time and it's nothing like the goat.

50% all other answers are wrong and bait

Order is irrelevant. One is heads. Period. It has no bearing on the other coin flip which is 50% chance of heads.

low quality b8

order is not irrelevant, there are three possible outcomes given the fact that at least one is heads

checking my own trips because no one else will.

Highschool didn't teach conditional probability.

0 because the jew have already picked them up

The state and position of coin 1 and coin 2 are both important.
Coin 1 being tails with coin 2 being heads is not the same as the reverse.

What fuckin high school did you go to? I learned this shit in 8th grade.

he's right though

Really? Maybe I'm just an old fuck, but I learned variants of conditional probability in jr and sr years.