>Regions that have oficially banned the binary gender classification

Post your countrie's one

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What does that even mean?

where can i find my country's fag map?


Jesus christ how is this possible?
Here in italy we've just made gay marriage legal

non-binary genders are recognized by those regions

>Andalucians colonizing Madrid and making it faggot friendly
REEEEEEEEEEEEEE.Castilians can't stand this faggotry.Andalusians get out

>Here in italy we've just made gay marriage legal

we did it like a generation ago lmao

There are more than two genders in addition to male and female.
Dragons, toilets, clouds etc are genders. New genders are realized every day.

Wasn't Spain the last fascist country in Europe not that long ago?

How the fuck did you get so degenerate?

If you declare that you're in the wrong gender (f.ex, you were born with a penis but you're a woman) social security will cover your biological transformation into your correct gender

Also some weird genderfluid/neutral recognition that I don't fully understand

we're very conseratives here, probably because of the vatican.
Kinda surprising the spaniards gave in that quickly to the millennial's degeneracy

kek here during the gay marriage debate everyone freaked out about "la théorie du gender" which says americans now choose their gender somehow (????????)

so all the politicians came out like "no gender theory doesn't exist at all ! that's a far right conspiracy theory"
which is hilarious
the whole strategy is to count on french people not speaking english and deny the whole thing even exist

this way anti-gay protest btw, i don't care about american propaganda we are actually much less gay than them



the gender shit is ridiculous, but people don't chose who to be turned on. it's a non-sense to be "anti-any sexual orientation"

Some of those regions are extremely conservative, this is quite surprising

That's really embarrassing

>Some of those regions are extremely conservative
Andalusians are flooding everywhere and they bring their degeneracy with them.FUCKING REEEEEEEEEEE

La única sorpresa es Murcia porque los sociatas no tocan poder, pero ha sido idea de Ciudadanos (del cual depende el gobierno)

>There are european countries RIGHT NOW that doesn't even recognize gay rights

>Spain is RIGHT NOW recognizing T+ rights

feels nice actually, when the world turns into a alt-right imperium all decent people might move to Spain and become kind of a liberty utopia

anti-gay marriage not anti-gay*

Y galicia?
Por mucho que me gustaría que Galiza fuese super nacionalista de izquierdas, casi siempre la ha gobernado el PP

El PP gallego es un catch-all (parecido al PP de Cifuentes), en las escuelas gallegas hay un sistema lingüístico parecido al catalán, en derechos sociales han dado hasta la delantera al PSOE, etc....

Sí, siempre me pareció raro que no tuviésemos un equivalente de CiU/PNV por aquí y seguramente sea porque el PPdGa es bastante como CiU pre-independentismo

>tuviésemos un equivalente de CiU/PNV
Porque el nacionalismo gallego está más muerto que Sancho II (que en paz descanse)

En autonomías con tendencia nacionalista cuya burguesía no se ha adscrito al nacionalismo, siempre hay un nacionalismo de izquierdas residual pero visible y bastante influente, y una derecha española que se ha regionalizado (Galicia, Valencia, Navarra)

Marea puede cambiar eso, espero.
Beiras best husbando

"gender theory"? our commieservatives call it "gender ideology".

>Marea puede cambiar eso
No.Un puñado de progres lo único que harán es matar el nacionalismo gallego para siempre.Si el nacionalismo no sale de la derecha está condenado a morir


el nacionalismo no deja de ser algo conservador por naturaleza, en españa ha ocurrido que una dictadura ha dejado jodida de la cabeza al espectro politizado y ahora pasan cosas raras, pero no lo suficiente como para que el pueblo llano las apoye

Gender rights?
Our Gays can't even marry.
Hope they can at some point, though I condemn importing sjw gender crap

/FrenteNacionalGalego/ when
Gotta keep those damn castillians off our lands

El nacionalismo Catalán si no cambian las cosas va a morir en 20 años.Un nacionalismo globalista y pro-moro es lo más estúpido que se les pudo ocurrir a las ratas esas
Soy castellano vaca burra gallega

They call it "la théorie du genre"
Here's a bit of what they say
>"What is gender theory ? An invention of those who don't like it."
>"What does exist is gender studies"
>"What does not exist is gender theory in an ideological sense"
>"Gender theory is a traditionalist catholic fantasy"
>"Gender theory is an ultra-catholic rumor"
etc etc
they tried it at first then completely backpedaled since they saw its not popular

if someone can call themselves nonbinary then i can say that im a trans children a rape children and not be punished for it

I wish I could kill all the jew rid the world of this degeneracy and kill all the brown and black vermin save the white race destroy all religions and make europe great again

Why would you kill yourself and your entire country

cuz im a white person trapped in the body of a black one i have a doctor appiointment to start my skin pigmentation replace threapy

kek has spoken

Vivo en Euskadi y me metí a hacer un grado de pedagogia y macho nos lavan el cerebro con mierdas de la izquierda de forma increible, antes leia /pol y pensaba que tenian razon y tal pero macho me meti ahí y he visto con mis propios ojos el cacao mental que tienen las feminazis y los lameculos de turno y voy a dejar la carrera porque vamos esto es insostenible.

Hacen tanto incapie en lavar el cerebro a los pedagogos porque son precisamente los que van a comer el cerebro al resto.

He abierto los ojos y voy a hacer una carrera de verdad rollo ingeniería y no el cúmulo de mierda que se han convertido estas carreras. Asqueado estoy.

Hay que joderse que en vez de comerme la cabeza me han hecho hacerme nazi.

How can I have my correct gender (Attack helicopter(genderfluid)) in my Passport guys?

Because the Spanish government was created by a dictator?


Isn't Spain one of the most "tolerant" countries in Europe? Maybe not by government policy, but judging by opinion polls about homosexuality, racism, etc.

But we are very racist, Pekka

Because the fascists are still high in power, and doing these things distract from it while being pointless for their bussiness.

>Everything that I don't like is fascist
Go back to your political science safe space you retard

Disfruta lo Bildunalizado y las a lianzas con el hombre del viento

Who has the money of spain, moron.

>Who has the money of spain
Spaniards.Calling every person that is richer than you fascist doesn't make that true guarro piojoso

WTF is wrong with you Spain...

Makes me sad... Italy was the only catholic stronghold in the West. I bet it was forced down your throats

Hombre pues disfrutamos de una economía y de un nivel de vida en general bastante mejor que el resto de España.

Eso sí, no gracias a Bildu.

Los de Bildu pues como siempre haciendo bobadas.


De todas formas el nacionalismo vasco bien llevado es tan legítimo como el nacionalismo español.
Te lo dice un vasco de primera generación que ama sus raíces españolas pero que aún así respeta el sentimiento de muchos vascos.

quien es el hombre del viento, zp?

Nothing really wrong with that.
We made civic unions between faggs legal, after redneck referendum passed to ban gay marriages.
Best way, faggs cant cry they are oppressed and rednecks cant cry that god only wanted marriage between man and woman

I think we need to Make Canarias and Andalusia Maghreb again and tech those fags

Progressives and their "busy hands" will never stop

the right wing has to do their job

>vasco de primera generación
LARPeando como el 80% de los vascos que son maketazos

Madridfag here, this is faggot central m8, we are hosting WorldPride this year and still hold the world record for the biggest Pride party. Madrid Pride 2017 is expected to break our own record. If anything we are the ones doing the colonisation.

BTW all of Sup Forums is invited

Muslims are the biggest degenerates ever. Fucking kids is not looked down in your countries and even Morocco has a huge faggot pedo market for frogs.

Spain is disgusting.

>this is faggot central
Due Andalusian degenerates

Not marriage, just gay union. And they can't even adopt

>Na Vara
>Pays Barbie
>Sienta en la Extrema Dura

> Na Vara


>more than two genders
Ready flametrower! Lills everyone!

One of our parties recently tried to introduce a third gender.
It was downvoted earlier today

hva faen

>the literally shakening

That and the fact that Spanish men wear tangas proves that Spain is truly different

>This is what libertdumbs actually believe


wtf I hate belgium now

>binary gender classification
What does that mean ?

I would unironically be a dragon if I could, desu.


I feel like I want to move to spain wtf

co nie, hah

You are male/female/other
I think

So gender is a liberal world for sex

The problem is we expelled the Jews but not their children: The sCATALANS.

>social security will cover your biological transformation into your correct gender

This is what makes it even harder for me to understand the rallying for non-binary gender classification.

Even transsexuals only yearn to be either a man or woman, with no 50-50 inbetween.

If anything, such practices turn the plight of trannies into a non-issue, as the implied nature of gender as a social construct means that trannydom isn't genetically hard-wired, either.

>Who has the money of spain, moron.

First of all, you people are lazy and there was massive housing bubble cuz spaintards cannot do anything right. Allso spain is corrupted shithole

Can confirm !

Video related is our Catalan PM saying that he is eternally linked to Israel cause he fuck a kike


Italy YES

How the hell do farmers become SJWs? I'm guessing it's the classic one or two Democratic leaning big cities overpowering the Republican leaning rural population when it comes to legislation?

There is only one gender: the human gender.

If by big city you mean bloody Santiago de Compostella then maybe yeah

Santiago is just 100k. Even Vigo and Coruña are tiny ass cities.

>How the hell do farmers become SJWs?

I think it is the city population of such agrarian region that clamors for such changes. I assume that your regular Galician farmer cares very little for what those town snots think or do.

Kind of like your universities try to outcuck each other in order to 'atone' for flyover states.

>I'm guessing it's the classic one or two Democratic leaning big cities overpowering the Republican leaning rural population when it comes to legislation?

The problem is that you don't have any idea about how politics work in Spain and even less in irrelevant parts like Galicia.

city galicians are massive liberals

Even if you have tiny ass cities I live in a state where our biggest city has a population of only 66 thousand people. It's way different compared to when I used to live in Boston but in way the extra space makes it comfier. What about Ourense? If I recall they have a population of around 100 thousand.
I actually do know how it works as I revealed due to there being a similar situation happening at home. I just said that to make sure all Burgers that were reading understood what I meant.
Damn shame.

>I think it is the city population of such agrarian region that clamors for such changes

No it isn't. Conservatives rule in Galicia and if they create any law about this regard I can assure no one in the countryside have heard about it nor they give a shit if they did. People here, albeit a bit homophobic don't go full retard like conservative americans because they tend to be more pragmatic and tolerant about what other people do despite the black legend memes.

Nope, PP got more votes in Coruña than PSOE and En Marea. BNG is irrelevant anyway and it will disappear.

This is just the first step.

No one. Spain is actually one of the most progressive shit-holes in the world. Worst than Sweden.

The world is turning out of the NWO madness when we try to be even more progressives.

We think this is something to be proud of, when the rest of the world is literally laughing because of our idiocity.

Spain going in his own way to madness as always.

>banned the binary gender classification
Is this real life?


More like we turning into a new Sodom mixed with venezuelan mixed shit society.

El PP, ese partido meme de derecha...

Son tan progres y socialdemócratas como el resto.

¿Han bajado los impuestos? ¿Han reducido el tamaño del Estado?¿Han favorecido la libertad individual?

¿Y su política migratoria y social? Mira el video de Rajao diciendo que no cree en las fronteras y la ley Cifientes. Ahí veras la verdad del PP.

A día de hoy no hay derecha en España, por eso digo aue somos mas progres que Suecia.

Y si sigues creyendo que el PP es de derechas, dime qué políticas actuales llevan a cabo que se puedan considerar como "derecha"

Y luego están los iluminados que se creen que son fascistas...

>Y si sigues creyendo que el PP es de derechas, dime qué políticas actuales llevan a cabo que se puedan considerar como "derecha"

Realmente la dicotomía derecha/izquierda en España a grandes rasgos no existe. Máxime cuando incluso el PSOE no hace nada para acabar con los privilegios de la Iglesia.

Normies overcompensating for 40 years of fascism. Be glad you didn't have a Mussolini for that long.

Lo peor de todo es que luego esos adoctrinados adoctrinarán a nuestros hijos desde las escuelas y los medios de comunicación y entretenimiento como llevan haciendo décadas.

Así hemos pasado de ser una de las sociedades mas conservadoras de Europa en los 60-70 a ser actualmente de los mas progres del planeta.

The Spanish goverment is formed by the people who betrayed Franco and helped the USA to destroy our country and make us a EU and OTAN colony.


>Fascist have strong powe

U retard? There is not fascism, not even right wing here actually, take a look into our political spectrum and comoare it to any other western country.

Perhaps with "fascist" you mean "progressive"