Cringe Thread OC

Cringe Thread OC

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OP here tell me what you think

i don't get it, how is this cringe?

They just look like weeaboos

The Fox can't smell his own scent

Op didn't get the girl, clearly.

would 3some with/10



Double cringe I guess.


cringe used to mean something besides "people I don't like" and faggots like you fucked it all up

> Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)06:18:18 No.717302953▶
>File: cookiesandfaggot.jpg (206 KB, 1328x1008)


Nigga loves cookies and milk
What? You don't?


who the fuck actually likes cookies and milk besides niggers like yourself my lord



Everyone likes cookies and milk you stupid fucking faggot.

I'll eat a cookie with some milk.
Maybe you eat a dick?


Wow really nice artwork you have there friendo


>Love is cringe

Its not the picture that's cringe, it's OP.



if by everyone you mean you & your dirty ass fury fuck plushy you're right you fucking autist

This is Sup Forums. EVERY OP is cringe.

Wow... Not into traps, but fair play, that's chalk and cheese

Happy near year my friend, hopefully this is the year you lose your genitals in a terrible accident

Man, who jerked off into your milk and cookies? Everyone who isn't some uptight super faggot loves milk and cookies.

You summer fags need to fuck off.

not a ylyl thread but lost

Jesus fuck that's gross.

Hmm. Don't know anymore

Pretty sickening




wow, Chilled sure looks different since he let himself go.

let him be

>Being this upset of cookies and milk
Hey user, you know what they say, no reason to be upset over spilled milk, faggot

You're a retard

As an outsider you sound like a faggot so the other guy has one this argument boy. You boy.

Squishy cheek faced boy

What the fuck happened to her eyebrows

His intro looks like parkinson's on a merry go round

wow this is by far, the most fucked up thing ever.
I mean I'd kill every nigga on this heart by sodomy to avenge my lilttle girl...
Damn dude

From 0/10 to 9/10 jesus

>Pretending this hard
>has one this argument boy

We going into maximum faggot overdrive now!

I'm fucking speechless...

Wow gay af

Yeah that's not cringe material, that's rage material. Seriously, fuck her parents.


I want to plant my seed in her anus

I want to fucking stab this cunt with a rusty bread knife
>the hair ugh


>I leik Oreos and peanut butter dipped in ice cold milk

Not cringe just a man enjoying his hobbies




The mario costume and action figures are kinda gay, but dude looks chill. Not cringe.



maybe not cringe, but i hate it when perfectly normal, functional, boring people think that sticking your tongue in a generic picture constitutes "weirdness." pisses me off so much.

I would pee on her

Them fucking jowels though

If that's a dude then call me a queer

I can never tell if he just has a small body or a huge head. Look at those arms, they're like the arms of a 7 year old



check out the tats...

What are you, some kind of edgy dumbfuck? If you seriously don't like milk and cookies, I'm pretty sure you're just a genetic abomination that should be purged before you infect the rest of the genepool with your disgusting, malformed DNA.

someone actually took the time to shop their giant half-chewed tootsie roll onto this picture. what kind of fucking fetish is that?

this one is probably more ylyl but still


what the everloving fuck, internet?

when you get to know the faces of the men you are going to kill, when you free them from there cage so they can be your pray. you fool everyone playing the forgiving but they dont know the fires of rage that truly burn inside you.

Wow, according to her hand, she must be of grazile nature.


This, a thousand times this



not cringe

i believe in you op, this is in fact cringe. it's gets pretty lonely up here at the top, eh?

*sheathes my katana as your enemies plummet to the ground*

holy shit, that is so true, it's not even funny



Dude I'd gladly take his place, fucking smash 4 was amazing.

he likes im thicc. nothing wrong with that

Autobots, decepticons. Who cares man just grab a robot and let's party

Fake as shit. Russians don't beg.

m 19

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


hehehhehehhehehhehehhehhehheh omg rawr

65 non binary


JonTron stole ops girl


Perspective is a weird thing.


Dude definitly smokes/ plays videogames all day. Whats the cringe?

he will first respond with the katana and then with the keyboard ? It makes no sense

yeah he definitely likes his vidya